First Meeting(1)

Reading Yuna's message, Dylan messaged her back to have a good rest and goodnight.

Sending the message he went outside his room to ask something from his cousin Jay, luckily for Dylan that Jay stayed for the night and was gonna sleep on the couch since his room is occupied by Dylan.

Seeing Jay lying on the couch, Dylan went to him and asked."Older brother Jay, can you bring me with you to Seoul tomorrow?"

Hearing a question from Dylan, Jay slowly opened his eyes."Sure why though?" Jay asked out of curiosity.

Not expecting a question from Jay, Dylan was silent and thought of a good reason why would he go to Seoul without him telling him that he has someone to meet.

After a minute of thinking about a reason, he just said that he has someone to meet as honesty is the best policy, and maybe Jay will give him a tip or two.

"To be honest, I am meeting a girl in Seoul, and I was hoping for you to give me a ride in Seoul," Dylan gives his reason for going to Seoul.

Stating his reason, Jay was surprised and thought that his younger cousin was a chad for having a meetup after not staying long enough in Korea.

"Oh, you're meeting a girl already, say how long are you communicating with her?" Jay asked.

"Not for long about a 2weeks or so and I'm not sure if she's a girl, I only saw a few pictures of her in the app were using, So can you help me older brother Jay?" Dylan answered.

"Yeah, I will help you just be sure to stay safe."

Hearing this Dylan thanked Jay before going to his room, Jay gives Dylan 100 dollars, at first he declines it but Jay was persistently leaving Dylan with no choice but to take it.

Inside Dylan's room.

Dylan was excited that he has received help from his cousin who give him money for his meetup with Yuna.

Thinking about it maybe he can treat Yuna to something delicious with this money.

While thinking about it, he went to open his luggage and pick the best outfit he have to wear for tomorrow.

Finish preparing his outfit, he lay flat on his bed, he was so excited that he can't feel sleepy yet but he force himself to sleep so he has a healthy look for his meeting with Yuna.

After 30 minutes of closing his eyes and finding a comfy position, he fell asleep and was dreaming about how their first meeting happened.


Dylan woke up quite early at 9 am he had 3 hours of free time since they plan to meet up around lunchtime.

After finishing his morning routine, he went to message Yuna.

"Hey good morning, I'm so excited for today to see you there."



Yesterday night Yuna sleep early and she woke up early as well.

She was pretty energetic when she was walking outside her room. When the maids saw this they were mumbling to each other.

When she was about to enter the dining table her phone vibrate, she was about to open it when Yuna heard his father behind the door.

"Yuna come, fast darling, I have something to tell you."

Without hesitation, she opened the door and saw his father sitting and eating.

"What is it, father?" Yuna asked.

"You remember the Chinese partner I told you about?" said his father.

"Yes, I do why?" Yuna asked she doesn't have a good feeling about this.

"Well, my business partner in China, told me that his son visited Korea and wants to have dinner with you tonight," her old man said without batting an eye.

Hearing this she was furious and yelled."No not today, I won't meet that guy." yelling this she runs on to the door to open it and slammed it very hard.

Leaving that room, she opened her phone and saw a message from Dylan, and quickly calm herself before responding to it.

"Yes, I am sure I will meet you today, I'll see you later."