"Hey, get up!"
Someone was shaking Durri's shoulder.
He blinked awake. Smoke and light swam before his eyes. "Ech?"
Shudon stood over him, looking relieved. "Mother Bear and Father Weasel! I thought you were dead."
Durri got up and brushed himself off. His clothes were singed, but he felt no pain. "Goodness," he said. "That was something."
A substance crumbled from Durri's cheek to the ground, and Shudon put a hand over her mouth. "Durri! Your face!"
He frowned. "What happened?"
"It's all gray and cracked, like a lizard man!"
Durri winced. "Oh. Yes, I'm sure that's the illusion magic. That blast was awfully hot. It must've baked my skin. And now that I'm moving around..." He rubbed at his face vigorously, feeling clay flake off in hard-baked pieces. Though he couldn't see his own head, he imagined the potion had failed in places where the skin peeled off.