Vinniki was an odd youth. He skipped lightly along the path up the mountain on legs that Durri kept expecting would snap under his unevenly balanced upper body, but this never happened.
"I can't believe I'm going on a real, actual adventure!" he chortled in his strangely deep voice. "Please, though, may I hold the legendary dragon-slaying weapon again, Mr. Durri?"
"No," he said firmly. "You nearly fired it off the side of the mountain last time."
"Just the bow," Vinniki wheedled. "I won't even touch the arrow!"
"I said no. You can have it when we get closer. I'm worried that if we leave the weapon in the open, Maladia will see it from wherever she's hiding and come up with some way to snatch it away from you."
"Oh yeah," said Vinniki. "The witch lady. She offered to sell me some magic beans. They sounded lovely. I really wish I had some money so I could've bought them and become immortal."
Shudon frowned. "I'm pretty sure she was lying, Vinniki."