Rolet opened his eyes and said, “Let’s talk outside.”
They moved to a comfortable bench in the airy garden just outside the medical building. Tama and Brille came out and joined them, bringing sweet, bread-like cookies out to share.
“Gritcha is almost ready to join us again. Ducla Tae is an amazing healer,” she said as she sat down.
Vesta innocently asked, “Were any of you part of an exodus?”
Rolet grimaced slightly, “Vesta had asked me about the commander…”
“Oh,” Tama nodded. “You finally told her why he lost his rank? Don’t blame her.”
Vesta looked from Tama’s surprised face, to Brille’s awkward grimace and Rolet’s look of dread.
“What does she mean?” Vesta asked calmly.
“Well, let’s start at the beginning. It will make it easier to understand, I think,” Rolet leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees. Looking at Vesta he continued.