Chapter 43: Up In Flames

Condra Tae put a strong arm behind Vesta’s back and helped her sit up. Ducla looked at the human with disappointment in his eyes.

“She lied to me,” he said.

His brother shook his head and looked deep into Vesta’s eyes.

“Why?” Rycer asked softly. “Why did you do it?”

Vesta began to cry.

“You gave up so much for me. You were brave enough to disobey orders that would have left me and others

to die. You lost most of your crew, a ship, friends, even respect. It was so unfair to you.”

Vest swallowed and caught her breath, “Then, to find out I am the only chance for a cure? Do you know the pressure that comes with that knowledge? What choice did I have? The second they found out my blood was important, they forgot I was a living being, and you know what? I would have helped them anyway.”

“They knew very little of the human body. The doctors on Sael would have killed you,” Ducla Tae’s tone had become much more understanding. “I thought you were betraying my brother. I am sorry.”