
Chapter 42: The Yielding

As my cells reformed in my bedroom, I suddenly didn’t care if I reproduced before the coven was complete. Did I want an Oedipus situation, as Wulf put it? No. What I wanted was the pain to end. I’d play whatever cards I was dealt.

Memphis placed me on the bed and turned toward the door. As soon as his body heat faded, biology sucker-punched me in the gut, and I cried out as my organs revolted. I wouldn’t lie still. My thighs smashed together, knees flexed and bent, hips swirled in both directions; no matter how I moved, nothing eased the pain.

He returned seconds later, his body covering mine like a shield. A pair of firm hands clamped on my thighs and forced them apart so he could fit himself between them. Like a heat-seeking missile, his manhood found my center and he sheathed himself with a groan.