Ch 29 The Flower Knight Part 2

The very next day, Jon and Dacey found themselves seated opposite each other in a luxurious carriage provided by the Tyrells. Jon sported a black leather jacket and pants, paired with a vibrant red silk shirt that peeked out from underneath, red being his favourite colour and black was a nod to the other Jon.

Dacey, on the other hand, wore a simple blue gown adorned with delicate white flowers. It was a dress Jon had hastily procured from a nearby market the previous day after getting the invitation since he knew that she didn't believe in always keeping a set of proper clothes at hand, unlike him.

"Do we really have to go through with this?" Dacey sighed, her face reflecting frustration as she fiddled with the collar of her gown, it seems that the close-neck gown wasn't agreeing with her, "Can't we just skip it?"

"Well," Jon began with a nonchalant shrug, his gaze fixed on the passing farmlands outside the window, "if this were our final trip to the Reach, never to return again, then perhaps we could entertain the idea of skipping it. But considering our future plans and the need for regular visits, we'll have to endure it."

"Ugh... I can already imagine all the fake smiles and unnecessary courtesies of these Southerners, not to mention..." Jon just listened to her with a smile on his face as she ranted about things that she'd probably never experienced herself in her whole life, but since it had been fed to her from childhood, she can't really be blamed for being prejudiced.

The North was prejudiced that all the Southerners were simpering fools while the South thought that all the Northerners were rude barbarians with huge beards, always drinking ale and laughing loudly. In an era before the invention of Newspapers prejudice was really just another form of information passed on from the previous generation.

The carriage came to a stop about half an hour later and when they stepped outside, it was to find themselves standing in the shade of the massive infamous maze of High Garden. Highgarden was located on a broad verdant hill overlooking the river Mander. The castle was surrounded by three rings of white stone whose walls increase in height as you went inside, the labyrinth they were standing outside was located between the Outer and Middle walls.

Jon's attention was drawn to their welcoming party gathered near the entrance. Margery Tyrell, radiantly dressed, watched with exasperation as her brother, Loras, engaged in a heated argument with young Alla.

Jon nudged Dacey, signalling for them to approach the group. It didn't take long for Margery to spot them, and she eagerly exclaimed, "Jon! Dacey!" However, someone was even quicker to react.

"Jon! You came!" Little Alla's delighted exclamation filled the air as she rushed towards him, throwing herself into his arms.

"Whoa there!" Jon chuckled playfully, pretending to struggle under her weight. "You've grown quite heavy, Alla. Looks like they're overfeeding you here."

"No, they're not!" Alla protested with a mischievous grin.

"Jon, it's lovely to see you again," Margery greeted them cheerfully. Her gaze then shifted to Dacey. "And Dacey, that dress suits you beautifully." Dacey was someone who was as comfortable in her leathers as she was elegant in her gown so that wasn't an empty compliment.

"I love your dress as well, Margery," Dacey replied somewhat awkwardly, not entirely accustomed to such effusive enthusiasm.

Meanwhile, Loras had approached the group. While not yet the handsome man he would become, his curly brown hair and expressive eyes bestowed upon him a certain charm. However, his face remained stiff, as if he was suffering from constipation and he would rather be anywhere else but here.

"Jon, Dacey," Margery gestured toward Loras, who stood beside them. "Allow me to introduce my brother, Loras. Loras, this is Jon, and this is Dacey Mormont, the ones we've been hearing so much about."

"Lady Mormont, Jon Snow," Loras nodded politely to each of them before turning to Margery. "We should be on our way. We don't want to keep Grandmother waiting." Without waiting for a response, he swiftly turned and began walking toward the maze entrance.

Margery wore an apologetic expression as she addressed Jon and Dacey. "I apologize for my brother's behaviour. He's usually not this rude, but..."

Jon interrupted her, flashing an unaffected smile and nudging Dacey in her side when she opened her mouth, probably to say something not very nice about Loras.

"No it's not fine," Margery insisted, leading them through the maze, "But you can blame his competitiveness as well as Alla for this," she playfully glared at little Alla accusingly who grinned cheekily.

"I don't understand," Jon admitted, looking around at the breathtaking garden they were passing through. The air was filled with intoxicating scents, and the vibrant array of flowers he observed surpassed anything he had ever seen before.

"You see, Alla has been singing your praises to anyone who would listen since she arrived. When she declared that you were the best fighter she had ever seen, it triggered my stubborn brother, who firmly believes he's the finest fighter of his age," Margery explained in a hushed tone, ensuring Loras, who walked a short distance ahead, couldn't overhear, "so then they started bickering about who'd win in a fight,"

"Humph! Back in the North, I never saw Jon lose in the training yard, not to anyone," Little Alla confidently declared. "But Loras constantly loses to big brother Garlan, the Master-at-Arms, and others." She said the last part louder, causing Loras to stiffen and increase his pace.

"Little lady, are you revealing all my secrets?" Jon playfully teased, tousling her hair with a warm smile.


They continued through the beautiful surroundings of Highgarden, passing the castle sept adorned with rows of stunning stained-glass windows depicting Garth Greenhand and the Seven. Even Jon, who wasn't a fan of the Andal faith, could admit that it was beautiful. A few minutes later they arrived at their destination which was actually a small training ground with all the usual things like dueling rings, practice swords, protection and such.

Adjacent to the training area was a small building, featuring a viewing area on the second floor with ample seating. From there, Jon could spot Olenna Tyrell seated with Willas, as well as a plump, middle-aged man indulging in pastries, who was probably Lord Mace, who he didn't during his previous visit with Frost.

Margery prepared to lead them toward the stairs when Loras abruptly stepped in front of Jon, placing his hands on his hips. "Jon Snow, I challenge you to a duel."

Jon and Dacey exchanged amused glances, while Margery swiftly scolded her brother. "Loras! How can you be so rude to our guests?"

"What's the harm? If he's as skilled as they say, he won't be afraid of a little challenge," Loras retorted, attempting to provoke Jon with what he assumed was a smug smile.

"I don't think I'm quite dressed for a duel at the moment, so perhaps we—" Jon began, intending to politely decline. However, he was abruptly interrupted by Dacey's eager voice. "I'll do it!" she exclaimed, her face lighting up with excitement.

"What?" Loras and Margery simultaneously voiced their confusion, while Jon turned to Dacey with a raised eyebrow.

Dacey leaned in close to Jon, whispering mischievously in his ear. "Let me play with the pretty boy, please. You know I'll be bored if I accompany you. You can handle the Tyrells while I take the flower down a peg or two."

"And how exactly do you plan to fight in a gown—" Jon paused mid-sentence, his voice filled with resignation, as Dacey's mischievous smile confirmed his suspicion. "Don't tell me you're wearing your leathers underneath that."

"What do you think?" Dacey shrugged playfully, maintaining her impish expression. Jon shook his head, finally relenting with an exasperated sigh. "Fine... But don't get carried away."

"I'll do my best," she replied, her eyes glinting with mischief.

Loras grew increasingly impatient as they whispered back and forth. Finally, unable to contain himself any longer, he questioned fiercely, "So, are you going to fight or are you going to run away like a coward?"

"Loras!" Margery scolded him, then turned to Jon, her tone pleading. "You don't have to—"

"Let's go, pretty boy. I'll be the one fighting you," Dacey declared, a predatory smile spreading across her face.

"What? Why?" Loras asked, his confusion evident.

"Umm... Ah! That's right!", Dacey exclaimed with a sudden realization. "It's proper etiquette since Jon is our captain. You have to defeat me, the Vice Captain, first before challenging him. Didn't you know? It's common knowledge," she claimed, maintaining a poker face as she spouted pure nonsense.

"But... you're a girl," Loras protested, turning to Jon with a fierce expression. "Are you trying to humiliate me?"

"No need to worry," Dacey assured him soothingly. "I'm just the appetizer. You can defeat me quickly as a formality, and then Jon will be all yours. Let's go!" Without waiting for his response, she strode purposefully toward the training field.

Loras glanced back and forth between Dacey and Jon a few times, then reluctantly followed her, shouting over his shoulder at Jon, "Don't you dare go anywhere—I'll be back for you soon!"

Margery wore an anxious expression as she turned to Jon. "Is she going to be alright? Perhaps I should inform Grandmother, and she can intervene."

"Don't worry about her," Jon reassured Margery, a hint of amusement in his eyes as he watched Loras's retreating back before he started towards the stairs, "Let's go then,"

"But shouldn't we wait for her..."

"Oh! No need to do that," Jon said with an amused expression, "It might take a while. I suspect she won't let him leave until she's had her fill of fun."

