Ch 53 Eh? Are those Seagulls? Part 2

"Ah! When the hell is he goin' to come..." Captain Jack sighed listlessly. He was once again on a deserted coast, lying on a hammock in the shade of some trees to hide from the sun, doing nothing but... waiting.

All around him, pirates were scattered here and there doing something to pass the time, some were in groups while others sat alone, some were drinking and laughing at crude jokes, while others were letting off some heat with barehanded wrestling.

They had already been here for more than a week now, and Jack felt his patience running thin with each passing day, if that Advisor didn't arrive soon enough, he would have to start killing something to stave off his boredom.

"Ah! I should have just ignored that Advisor and just bought along a few slave girls to screw around," the Captain morosely said to himself, "Hmm... perhaps there's a village nearby that I could raid..." he was desperate enough that he wouldn't even mind plain and ugly village girls at that moment, and maybe their screams and squeals would make it a bit interesting for him.

Just when the pirate captain was entertaining some dangerous thoughts, one of the lookouts abruptly stood up and pointed towards the sea while screaming at the top of his lungs, "A-A Ship! I see a SHIP!!"

The Captain almost fell down in his haste to get up from the hammock, thankfully no one was paying him any attention as they were all gawking excitedly towards the approaching familiar ship with anticipation.

"Are they finally here?"

"I was so bored waiting for them, now we can finally kill people and loot some gold."

"Fuck! I hope they have some girls onboard, Hehe,"

The pirates were leisurely talking with each other when the Captain abruptly came from behind and harshly slapped the nearest one, "What the fuck are you looking at?! Go get the ships ready, you Fuckers! If I find even one ship not ready to sail by the time that ship gets here, I'll roast all of you alive," he barked angrily, lighting a fire on every pirate's ass as they began running towards the ship to get them ready.

Thanks to Jack the scared pirates were very efficient and the five pirate ships simultaneously set off a few minutes later, with Jack joining the Advisor on the lead ship.

The advisor was standing on the deck with an hourglass in his hand. He was commanding the first mate and was controlling the speed and direction of their ships so that they stay on course towards the Northern fleet when the Captain came up to him with a giddy look on his face.

"Tell me, Did it work just like you thought?" Jack asked him excitedly, "Did they really fall for it?"

"Like a fish to a hook," The advisor replied smugly while turning around, "Sadly, though Frank and his nephew didn't survive the night..."

"Yes! Yes! It is very unfortunate," Jack said with a smirk, "But I am sure they would have been very happy that their sacrifice was useful, Haha," he burst out laughing at his own joke before taking a look at the open ocean with a gleam of excitement in his eyes, "Argh! I can't wait to get my hands on those bastards... I had to wait for so many days because of them, I won't feel alive unless I torture a few of them to death."

The Advisor skilfully ignored the perverted smile on Jack's smile while commanding the first mate to pick up some speed.

About half an hour later they were finally able to catch a glimpse of ships on the horizon but the condition in which they found the ships was completely different from what they had accepted and it left all of the pirates onboard stunned.

"W-What the fuck is going on out there?" Jack swore with a bewildered look on his face. He was on the deck looking through his far-eye towards the distance. His ships, which were just supposed to keep a lookout for the trade fleet, were surrounded by the longships of the Northern fleet and were fighting a fierce battle.

No, it shouldn't even be called a fight but a massacre, the four longships had surrounded the two pirates in their middle and then using their height advantage the archers on the Northern Fleet were just leisurely shooting arrows at the helpless pirates who had nowhere to hide. What was even more confusing was that the pirates didn't even seem to be trying to get away as if all of them had forgotten that they were on ships and that they could easily sail away from just two ships.

"Why the fuck are they not running away?!" Jack growled in a frustrated voice while looking at the fight that was almost entering its last leg and soon enough there wouldn't be any survivors left on the ships.

"Let me take a look," The Advisor said with a frown while unceremoniously snatching the Far-eye from Jack. He looked through it towards the ships, that were still about an hour away from them. It only took him a few seconds to get a complete grasp of the situation and when he found out the reason behind their ships becoming sitting ducks it even made him gasp.

"What? What did you see?" Jack asked urgently, "Why are they staying in one place to get massacred like that?"

"T-Their sails!" The advisor said with a flustered tone, "There are about a dozen holes in the sails on both ships...but..." he was confused and disoriented, and was completely out of his depth here and his mind was unable to come up with a way to make sense of this unfathomable scene in front of him.

"What? Are you fucking kidding me? How the fuck did they get holes in their—" The Captain's furious rant was abruptly cut short by a loud and piercing screech from above them. Every single pirate on board suddenly looked up to find a massive flock of seagulls flying towards their ships in a bizarre formation.

And then suddenly out of nowhere every single one of those birds dived straight down making every one of them duck but none of them were hurt as the target of the birds wasn't the humans but the sails of the ships. Those Seagulls ran through the cloth with their sharp pointed beaks and easily managed to tear through them as if they were made of paper.

"I-I think I know what happened to those ships now," The advisor suddenly spoke in a stunned voice, as their ships were left completely useless in the middle of the ocean.

"Hah...Huu..." Jack started breathing deeply as he slowly got out of the stupor he had been after seeing what just happened. His face became ever so red as anger overcame his speechlessness and he suddenly started screaming, "Argh! What the fuck are you standing around for?!! Kill those FUCKING BIRDS!!"


"Shoot those Birds!!"

"Grab the bows,"

"Ah! Sorry, I forgot to bring arrows,"

The pirates scrambled to follow their captain's order but it was all futile as birds were done with their job and were already flying away out of the range of the archers, leaving behind nothing but torn sails and their poop.

The Captain could do nothing but stare at them impotently as they flew away unharmed.

"Looks like they are finished..." The Advisor suddenly said faintly, and Jack turned around to look at what he was talking about. The Northern longships were slowly moving away from the pirate ships, which seemed to be completely devoid of life, towards the distant trade fleets.

"Bring out the Oars!! We can still catch them," Jack shouted, desperately hanging on to straws. But the advisor knew that they were beaten, the wind was fast and in the ship's favour so they couldn't catch up to them even if their ships were lighter. But he didn't interrupt and let the Captain try anyway, knowing that it would help him calm down.

The Advisor shook his head and once again picked up the Far-eye, to look at the longships moving away. He slowly looked at every individual sailor onboard the Northern longships and before long he found his target.

It was a charismatic young man with an intricate longbow on his back, he was standing with a straight back giving orders to a somewhat fat older man nearby.

'The Seagulls couldn't have been just a coincidence,' he thought while observing the young man, 'There must have been some kind of a trick involved in—Argh" the Advisor suddenly stumbled backwards as if stung while taking the Far-eye off his face. He started breathing heavily and had a stunned look on his face as if he had seen a ghost.

"What's wrong with you?" Jack asked with a peculiar look on his face as he looked at the usually unflustered man looking so shaken.

"N-Nothing!" The advisor replied while shaking his head, 'He couldn't have seen me... it's impossible. It must have been a trick of the eye,' he thought while involuntarily gulping. He could still vividly remember how that man had abruptly turned his head to look straight towards him as if he could... see him, all the way from his ship, as if he knew that he was being watched...which was impossible.

"Shit!! They are getting away!!" The Captain groaned as the fleets easily shook them off and disappeared on the horizon, "Argh! Fuck!" he cursed as kicked a nearby bucket in frustration, at once again letting them slip from his fingers.

"Captain, I think it's time for us to bring your father in..." The advisor said while gently putting his hand on Jack's shoulder but the man just angrily shook it off and left with an ugly sneer on his face.

The advisor didn't mind the rudeness as he knew that it would only take torturing some girls for the Captain's mood to improve. Instead, he stared into the distance where the ships had disappeared, "You managed to get away this time, but let's see if you're quite as lucky the next time..."

But what the man didn't know was that his flustered expressions and his monologue had all been heard by a sneaky little colourful silently flying just above his head.
