Chapter 2

Octavian Karr

Commander Octavian Karr walked into the control room. Four different handlers sat at an equal number of station ports, each containing control panels. Their eyes remained diligently glued to their screens. Commander Karr brushed his black mustache and made sure his Federation uniform was straight.

His pants, ironed to crisp perfection, were tucked neatly into his tall black leather boots, which he polished to a glossy shine - one he could see his reflection in. He glanced at the other handlers. The wrinkled uniforms, worn belts, and scuffed leather made his skin crawl.

If everyone in the Federation took their jobs as seriously as I do, he thought to himself,Elysium would die out.

For this mission with the Syth-L, handler Nev Meechum was assigned. He didn't recognize the name. He hadn't worked with her before, but anyone was better than the do-gooder, Andy Reynolds.

Andy, or codename Steel, had become a liability the last thirty days - one Karr had personally seen to.

When one wants something done right, ya do it yourself.A slight grin crossed his lips. And where Steel was, well, he wouldn't be an issue any longer.

"Handler Meechum," he spoke in an authoritative tone that told his subordinates they were pawns - his, to be exact.

A young woman across the room shot to attention. "Yes, Sir. Handler Meechum, here, Sir."

The other three handlers remained focused on their screens as if not wanting to call attention to themselves.

Karr crossed the floor, closing the gap. "I'm Commander Karr." His boots made loud thuds on the metal floor. "I'm directly in charge of Operation 219. I understand you are now the lead and only handler on this mission."

"That's correct, Sir." Handler Meechum had her blonde hair pulled into a ponytail. It met regulation. To his surprise, her uniform was spotless. The federation member was disciplined and no rookie, but she seemed a bit too eager for his liking. She was no seasoned veteran either. He would have to keep an eye on her.

"How many solo missions have you successfully completed?" He glanced at the control panel.

"I'm 17 and 0 on solo missions, Sir, and 28 and 11 with team ops."

"And your solo missions, they were all with Syth-Ls, is that correct?"

"That's right, Sir," replied Handler Meechum. "I've been in the handler unit for almost a year now."

"And you've read the file?"

"Yes, Sir. As instructed."

"So, you are aware of the importance of this mission and the level of op sec that's required?"

"Yes, Sir. I've done six Tier One missions before, so I'm familiar with the protocol."

"Have a seat." Karr motioned to the high back stool at her station. "Pull up the operative's chart."

She tapped the flat screen to life, and her hands slid over the surface so fast, Karr couldn't tell exactly how she was pulling up the intel. He didn't know how these young recruits were so intuitively good with the touch screens.

A headshot of CH012SYTH-L came up. She had chin-length, dark-red hair, and golden eyes in a thin face - a list of stats displayed on the right.

"Have you worked with her before?" He stood behind her, looking over her shoulder.

"No, I have not. Let's see. C.H.0.1.2. Codename, Ghost. Assembled out of the old Citizen Hill facility. She has been active for four years and two months. Her human age is nineteen years. She comprises of fifty-two percent human organs, making her ideal for infiltration. She has a processing speed of 4096 G. Her combat programs scored well above the hundredth percent, and she has completed all Tier-One Training."

"When did she complete ASP?" Karr leaned in, studying the screen.

"She completed the Assessment and Selection Program last December. Her most recent upgrade was in May, so she's operating on the 5.2.6 version, which is good."

"Mission metrics?"

"She has a hundred-and-thirty-nine successful missions, zero protocol breeches, and two minor disciplinary actions. It looks like . . ." Handler Meechum squinted at the screen, "they were both administrative in nature."

Commander Karr shook his head. "And where is she now?"

Handler Meecham's fingers flew over the screen again. "She first reported in thirteen minutes ago from Sector 71. Her current position is right, uhm . . . here."

She tapped the screen a final time, and the satellite view zoomed in to show an overhead view of a run-down city street. It wasn't a real-time image, though.

"The operative has already infiltrated. We secured a sixty-eight percent facial recognition match for the target, but we lost contact before we could lock in the intel drop."

"So, she completed milestone one already," said Karr. "She works fast."

"I am due to call her if she doesn't report in the next fifty-six minutes."

"Splendid." Karr paused a moment. "Call me immediately when she checks in." He turned, then walked away.

"Yes, Sir."