Commander Karr
His commlink squawked. "Commander Karr." Meechum's voice competed with the static on the line.
"Karr here, what is it?" He spoke into the microphone
"Dome breach, Sir. Sector 8."
"Did you say dome breach?"
"Yes, Sir."
"Impossible. It must be an error or a stress test."
"A section is retracting, Sir. I'm tracing the order. It appears the network was hacked."
"Son-of-a . . ." Karr felt his face turn red. "Bless."
That thorn in his side.Not again. He took off and was next to Handler Meechum in no time.
"Let me see." Meechum leaned aside, and Karr took off his hat. Sure enough, there it was. "Bring up the cameras."
Meechum hit a button, and four camera views of the street showed the massive dura-glass wall retracting into its subterranean hold. "Damn it."
"Troops from Sector 8 are moving there now," said Meechum. "Back up of two more squads are on their way. Drones are in the area."
"And you've confirmed it was hacked."