Chapter 20

Citizen Hill

Citizen pushed herself up to a sitting position, then onto her knees. Crouched, she leaned against a piece of concrete. Her vision wavered, giving way to darkness, and then cleared.

Once the assassin left her for dead, she managed to relay the door code Sunflower had given her to Bless.

Sunflower, whoever he or she was, had tracked every move she and the group made, and had known what they needed each step of the way.

My eyes in the sky.Glancing up, she wondered if Sunflower could see her now.

She pulled the knife out, but one of her internal power dampers had sustained damaged.

"Power diagnosis," she said.

Text displayed across her GUI vision: Primary power sources inadequate.

Well, that's great. Just what I need right now.She simulated a heavy sigh of frustration.

"Locate power inefficiencies," she said.

Power damper 4: 63%popped up in orange letters.