
Chapter 3

At dinner, Crystal was quiet. She only answered Kade's questions, but didn't go out of her way to speak to him. He couldn't blame her. He probably came across as a lunatic waving a gun, earlier.

Paul and Ruby shared dessert, but Crystal passed when he offered. Then out of the corner of his eye, Ruby nodded to Crystal who then shrugged.

"Kade," Crystal toyed with a silver necklace she wore that looked like an elaborate braided pattern with a solid backing, "the three of us were going to play miniature golf Saturday, if you'd like to join us?"

Instead of answering her, he glanced at Paul. Despite the sergeant's orders, he didn't want to hamper their plans.

"That way it can be even, the girls against the guys," Ruby added giving Paul's arm a squeeze.

"Sounds good to me," Paul said. "You up for it?"

"Sure." I can redeem myself a bit, at least, to Crystal. Golf and basketball challenged him. Both had a smaller goal, harder to reach, unlike throwing at a fellow football player. He'd played football in college as a running back, but he lost his excitement when it became too easy.

New things with some mystery were something he craved. That's what, besides Sid's death knocking the wind out of his life in Texas, led him here. When his Captain told him the news of Westridge and opening at the NYPD, Kade leapt at the chance and even sold his house to another police officer to come to New York.

It was easy for Kade to cut ties. At least in part. Sid's death affected him as much as Manuel's had in the gang shootout. Maybe more. It opened up those old wounds of helplessness.


After two full days and late nights of work, mini-golf sounded better than more research.

He wanted this time off as much for himself as for Paul.

His new partner put in as many hours as he did, and never complained. Last night, they had worked eighteen hours staking out Westridge CEO's home while the couple skied in Switzerland.

The CEO didn't even give him the decency of a key so they could crash at their house while they were gone. A '79 Cougar was not a comfortable bed.

Their sergeant gave them the weekend off from guarding the CEO's house and put other officers on the rotation. Kade finished the online job application with Westridge including his fake résumé, and expected a call back any day now.

Kade downed his fifth cup of coffee as they drove to the golf range. He felt Crystal staring at the back of his head, but continued making small talk with everyone as if he didn't notice.

Lights blinked on the miniature golf course sign, Golf Mania. They parked, paid for the tickets, and picked up clubs and balls.

Paul waited on the wire bench for Ruby, a jumbo bucket of golf balls rested at his feet. Why did they need so many? Usually it was one ball per person. Did this place have a range where serious players practiced their swings?

"I haven't played in years. I should partner with you," Kade whispered to Crystal.

"How do you know I'm any good?" Her blonde hair poked out from underneath a baseball cap. Was she playing with him?

"I can tell. You hold the club like you were born with it." Kade smiled. Her hands were beautiful; slender, elegant and he pictured them wrapped around him.

Rather than blush or flirt, Crystal frowned and stomped off to the first hole. She wiped her hand down her denim shorts then lined up her ball. She swung, and the ball rolled a foot from the hole.

Not many women resisted his charm or looks. That is, until they found out he was a police detective. Too many women believed it was the same thing as a cop, or so he'd been told. And they didn't like the late hours or the worry about if he would come home or not. He was glad to be undercover and not obliged to tell anyone, yet. Maybe for once, he'd meet a woman who didn't care what his profession was, but rather who was attracted to him for who he was.

Regardless of who signed his paycheck.

Crystal focused on the ball. What thoughts did she keep locked behind her cobalt eyes?

She acted timid, but he caught glimpses of fire beneath the surface.

Kade tore his gaze from Crystal. "What's with the all the extra balls?" "You'll see." Paul winked.

Ruby lined her golf club next to the ball.

She squared her shoulders, her eye on the ball. Then she whacked the club sending the golf ball flying.

Kade flinched.

"Never take your eyes off the ball when it's Ruby's shot. The first time I brought her here, one of her balls gave me a black eye."

Zigzagging through the air, the ball smacked to a light pole, then ricocheted across the wire fence into a grassy ditch.

"I'm getting worse." Ruby pouted.

"No." Paul met her part way and kissed her cheek. "Months ago, you would've hit Kade."

She laughed and then snatched another ball from the bucket.

Weary, Kade pivoted on the bench. Yes, Ruby demanded attention when she played golf. At the next hole, Crystal leaned over to line up her shot. When her cleavage peeked out from her shirt as she bent over, he couldn't help staring until she glanced up, then he cleared his throat and looked away.

Once, he caught her gawking at his ass and laughed. She blushed pink and dropped her club as she twisted around the other way.

At the eighteenth hole, they were tied. Kade didn't care who won at this point. He wanted to sleep. When Crystal stepped around him to check the angle of her shot, he reached out to steady her, placing his hands on her hips, and tingles spread up his arms.

"Thanks." Her breath and a hint of peppermint flickered over him.

"Would you like to go out with me sometime?" Kade asked, surprising himself. He hadn't planned on dating anyone until his position here was fixed. Why start a romance only to be shipped back to Texas if he didn't join the precinct?

She licked her lips. "Sure. What do you have in mind?"

"Oh, I'll think of something. And it won't involve dodging your sister's wild swings."