
Chapter 7

At the Fifty-Nine Diner, Kade teased Paul. "Come on. Live a little. I've heard this place is famous for their triple-spicy burgers. If anything you guys eat here can be considered spicy." How would Paul react if he ever bit into a habanero pepper? Once, Kade took a bet with the guys and took a bite out of a raw one growing in a Marijuana field they had seized.

They laughed so hard while he was screaming with tears, snot, and salvia dripping down his face; they could barely drive to the nearest gas station to get Kade a box of plain Triscuits and a gallon of milk to wash away the burning. He wouldn't be as cruel; he'd have the gallon of milk on hand. Thanks to his then-girlfriend, he found Triscuits worked really well. They absorbed the pepper oil and soothed the burning. She shoved them into his hands when the milk in his fridge had expired.

Dream Lover played on the jukebox while waitresses in pink poodle skirts and ponytails twirled around tables holding trays of drinks or food.

Paul ordered a chicken salad. The server chuckled and took their menus.

"So how'd your interrogation go?" Ruby rubbed her fingers across Paul's hand.

"You know I can't say. Not until this is done and wrapped."

Crystal sat across the table from Kade, averting her gaze.

Kade knew they couldn't discuss the case with anyone. Besides, the fewer people who knew he wasn't a salesman, the better.

The server returned with their drinks and their appetizer of chili, cheese, and onion fries.

While they ate, Kade traded glances with Crystal.

Paul chewed his salad. Guys like Paul had never been on the inside of a gang and rarely were picked for undercover work - too easy to spot. From what he now knew about Paul, he wondered what had happened to make him late on their first meeting. Tackett said he hadn't told his new partner anything except to bring the Westridge file and a copy. So why was he late? Did he somehow learn that Kade was going to be his partner?

No straight-laced cop like Paul would want to work with him if he saw his record. To some, a criminal was a criminal no matter what they did. Nevertheless, the judge had ordered his files sealed. Only the FBI or CIA had access.

When their burgers came Paul asked, "Don't you wish you had a salad? The thing looks like a whole cow died on the plate."

Half an hour later Kade had finished his burger, while Crystal only put a dent in hers.

Would she think I'm weird if I ask if I can have hers too?

"Don't you like it?" Ruby, already finished with her club sandwich, asked.

"Not that hungry."

"Bet you get tired of eating food that you could cook better." Kade nodded at her barely touched plate.

"Sometimes. Earlier, I had a wedding cake tasting for a client who insisted on bringing me along because her husband had 'no taste buds.'" Her frown made him wonder if she even enjoyed her job. "And with the Owens party coming up, I think we'll have to hire outside help.

It's too much for just me and Ruby."

He'd been looking for a legitimate way into that party so he didn't jeopardize his cover with Westridge. Only executives and managers were invited, yet he still needed to get inside to help catch a thief. "When is it? Maybe I can help... if you don't mind my inexperience. And I make a spicy pasta that'll have your guests coming back for more. I'll even wear a tux."

She glanced at Ruby who shrugged. "Sure. We'll try you out for this party." Her lack of enthusiasm again made him wonder if she liked cooking.

"Are you getting burned out? Maybe you could do something else?" He gestured to her burger. "I'll eat the rest of that if you're done."

She cut off the half she had bitten and gave him the remaining piece. "We've always done cooking. Not sure I would know what to try." But her eyes glinted as if she did have an inkling.

Why wouldn't she tell him? Did she think he'd laugh? Interesting.

"What would you do if you weren't in sales?" she asked.

Almost choking, he finished the food in his mouth, coughed, then took a gulp of water.

"That's easy. If I wasn't doing that, I'd somehow find a gig playing video games." "You're serious?" Ruby asked.

"It's been a life-long dream of mine since I was a young kid and played my first game at a cousin's house."

"You didn't have your own system?" Crystal leaned forward, her smile radiant.

Games, was it? He chuckled. "No. Family had other uses for their money." He didn't want to get into how they drank and gambled it away. "You play?"

"Absolutely. I love them all, especially first-person shooters." She tucked a piece of blonde hair behind her ear.

"What's your gamer tag?"

"Strykergirl, but the e's a three."

Fascinating, so she wanted everyone to know she was a female. "Mine's ManuelRIP."

"What was the first game you played?"

"Hal - "

Paul's cell phone vibrated.

"You promised. No work tonight." Ruby leaned back against the booth.

He checked the number. "It's my boss." He clicked the accept button.

Ruby huffed, and then sipped her iced tea.

"Yes sir." He waited.

Tackett yelled, "What did you do to Hacken?"

Paul held the phone away from his ear as the sergeant bellowed. Even the couple in the next booth heard him. All at their table certainly did.

"Do? I didn't do - "

Crystal glanced from Paul to Kade. Did she know something? Surely Paul never deviated from the police handbook or orders. In fact, he never seemed to break the rules. Except that once when he first met him and he was twenty minutes late.

Paul hung up and tucked his phone away with a frown capturing his brow. He glanced over to Kade. "I gotta go, want a ride?" "Again?" Ruby asked.

"Yeah. Hacken wants to sue us - the precinct."

"Mind dropping me off at your apartment on your way?" Kade had to keep up his

charade. "I have a golf outing tomorrow with a client."

Without a word, Paul rose and drew on his sport coat when his phone vibrated again.

Kade shuffled closer to Crystal. He'd rather have the night off alone with her and get to know her more. Now they had to go see Tackett.

Paul kissed Ruby on the cheek. "Sorry my love, I'll make it up to you later." "You owe me a lot of makeups."


When Kade and Paul were alone outside, he asked Paul what Tackett had said on the phone.

"He wants to meet us at the bookstore." He shrugged.

At the bookstore, Paul and Kade faced Tackett's ruby cheeks in the DIY section. Kade knew his threat about the lawsuit was just a cover to get him and Paul out of dinner and to the bookstore for this meeting asap.

"We believe Hacken may have an accomplice. A woman keeps calling the station about him, but hangs up before we can trace the number."

Kade frowned. What now? Hacken was guilty. Had to be with his darting eyes and sweaty skin.

"Do what you can to stall his lawyer," he said pointing to both of them. "I want to set a trap with Westridge to catch anyone else who may be involved." "Done."