
Chapter 17

Kade turned on the water for the shower as he mulled over the Westridge case. Despite several trips to accounting, he still had yet to find the Sutaban code meanings. Jerry, ever since the spider incident in his office, watched him constantly. He only managed to sneak away when the guy was out with a vendor or in a meeting. Things weren't adding up with Westridge, but he had yet to find anything concrete.

His mind wandered to Crystal as it did more and more frequently.

He remembered shat her lips tasted like. Warm silk or honeyed rose petals. Hell, he wanted to know how all of her tasted.

Back home he'd dated a lot. No woman held his interest for long. His detective skills made their shallow life too boring for his taste. Most were too concerned with their appearance and shopping. None had the intelligence behind their stares that she did. And she was damn hard to beat at their online gaming.