
Chapter 7


Well, well, well. Tommy could blush. It made him appear almost boyish and light-hearted. Not the drill sergeant barking orders that she had grown up with.

When she found out Tommy was only five years older than her and Crystal, she thought George was joking with her. Tommy never seemed young. He was too serious, too dangerous. The solemn knowledge in his eyes added a hint of sadness that aged him. The only time he smiled was when he won at anything: board games, trivia, or whipping their asses during training.

"So you didn't like the new Bond movie?"

"No, just would have done the fight scenes differently."

She climbed in the car and clicked on the seatbelt. Best weapons to have with Tommy driving were an airbag and a tight seatbelt. He weaved in and out of traffic faster than a racecar driver and a breath away from a collision. When the car turned a sharp corner, her body tensed and she gripped the door handle tighter. Yes, she liked to drive fast, but not like him. Too many unpredictable other drivers out there. Give her a stretch of empty road and a convertible and she'd be in heaven driving ninety.

It would be good to get away. Enjoy a time away for once since she hadn't had time to herself since before her mother died and her father was thrown in jail. Yeah. A vacation would be perfect. For a little while, she could leave behind everything that reminded her of Paul. Avoid Crystal and Kade with their longing looks, holding hands, and kissing, reminding her of what she lost....no, what was faked. And she wouldn't have Tommy breathing down her neck. Just time alone with old friends, drinks, and gambling. Besides, having Tommy too close would make a rebound with him too tempting.

"How about I take a trip?"

He glanced over at her and zipped behind a van. "Now?"

"Well, tomorrow after the window is fixed and your silly alarm gets installed." Even though he was right about her having an alarm, she couldn't let on that she agreed. He'd get too cocky and he already had confidence in spades.

He dodged a motorcyclist and sped to race alongside the guy. Ruby gripped the passenger door and prayed no one would get splattered on the freeway. When he weaved around a semi-truck, she cried out "Geez, maybe Westridge can pay you for killing me in a car accident."

He chuckled. But he allowed the motorcycle to zoom pass them.

"So what have you been doing now that Westridge has been arrested?" Before, she spent every other day with the Uncles and / or Tommy. Now, she hadn't seen any of them in four months.

"Not much." He changed lanes.

"Come on. It's been what, over six months? Before you were doing all those warehouse setups for me and Crystal after snooping out one of the Westridge board of director homes."

"Took a vacation."

"You've done nothing?"

A muscle in his jaw twitched.

"Not even chaperone an old lady to the grocery store or provided security to a rich business man?"

"I had some personal matters to attend to, and no, I won't tell you what they were." He softened his voice, "and I did buy out an entire school's bake sale when I drove by five minutes before they closed and saw their sad faces. Happy?"

"You bought everything?" Never pictured Tommy as the sentimental type. Had she misjudged him all these years? "So how much baked goods we talking?"

"Over two hundred dollars' worth."

She let out a whistle. "Didn't think you liked sweets. Never could get you to try mine or Crystal's."

"No, I hate sweets."

Here was the old gruff Tommy. Dragging information out of him was harder than teaching a parrot to talk. "So, what did you do with all those desserts?"

"It's not important."

She crossed her arms. "Tell me you didn't throw them away. Or worse, just leave them."

"No." He shot her a glance. "I donated half to a local orphanage and the other half to the food bank. Satisfied?"

Tommy had a heart? For years, she'd only seen his no-nonsense training and serious side. Had he hidden his softer side from her? Maybe he had deeper layers that she never paid attention to because she was too busy learning how to fight and how not to get bruises on top of bruises during his training sessions. Teasing him took her mind off her troubles -

Without looking, he shifted lanes again, barely missing a semi.

He winked at her. "You're all tense."

Not that he wondered why. Between his driving and someone shooting at her, who wouldn't be stressed?

"I know what will help me relax." Besides making it alive out of this truck. "A trip to New Orleans." Where the bars open before the churches. "I haven't seen Emmy or Carol in years." After their foster parents died, the uncles took her and Crystal to Louisiana until they became adults. There, they learned to cook. Catering in New York allowed them to rub elbows with Westridge, but more importantly they had gained access into his and the other board members' homes to find and steal information to prove their father's innocence. With Tommy, she could be herself. He knew her past and everything about her. It was calming not to have to pretend or make excuses for anything.

"And the killer after you?" He raised an eyebrow.

"It's more dangerous for me to remain here. Please Tommy?" She crossed her arms. "I can relax while you and the Uncles speak with Westridge and fix everything." Part of her wanted to do it herself, but a bigger part wanted to just climb into a vat of chocolate.

"Where you go, I go."

She hadn't wanted a tagalong.

"I haven't had good crawfish etouffee or boudin in forever." A hint of his old Cajun accent trickled in his words.

"Hey." She crossed her arms. "Crystal and I made a mean gumbo for Clive's party."

"I didn't say you didn't. But there's something about being in Louisiana and watching the Mardi Gras parade while eating a po-boy. It just tastes better there than anywhere else."

Just thinking about the delicious sweet corn cakes served with red beans and rice made her hungry. She flipped the vent open letting the air conditioning cool her.

"Too bad we missed Mardi Gras. That would've been fun." She still had her beads from the last party she attended in New Orleans hanging in her closet. Somewhere.

New Orleans was home to her. She and Crystal lived there over a decade. Other parts of Louisiana she considered country and swimming with the gators. Her city was bright, festive, and full of people who loved a good tale and a spicy meal.

"We'll schedule a trip for next year. Get there the day before and stay a couple of days after."

If anyone had told her a month ago she'd be excited about a trip with Tommy, she'd have punched them. Now, not only was she looking forward to going to New Orleans, but next year as well.

She gazed at his profile. Stubble dotted his square chin. Even though he was slim, his muscles were compact and defined. Both hands on the wheel, his t-shirt revealed his biceps and she jerked her stare to his brown hair that needed a haircut badly. It kept sweeping across his forehead, and she resisted the urge to brush it out of his way.

Tommy shifted the gear to fourth and placed his hand on the seat between them. An innocent gesture that he must not be aware of, but Ruby swallowed. Paul and she would hold hands whenever he drove. Would Tommy want to do the same? If she casually asked to see his college graduation ring, would he hold her hand after she examined it? Or would he just pull off the ring and hand it to her.

Ruby had always had a boyfriend. And she'd prided herself on being able to read people, but Paul had slipped under her radar. She even knew when a guy was losing interest in her and would breakup with him before he could tell her. Not Paul. She'd believed in him and their love until he pointed his gun at her.

Stop thinking about that jerk. "Thank you for the movie. It was a nice distraction."

"Glad I could help. I usually catch movies online." He shifted in his seat and sped past a station wagon crammed with kids and clothes. "But I've got surround sound and a mini-theater at home."

"In your condo? How'd you manage that?" She faced him and adjusted her seatbelt.

"I converted the spare bedroom." He grinned over at her. "Even soundproofed it. None of my neighbors have any idea."

Tommy liked his privacy. Something she admired since she never seemed to have it until recently when Crystal moved in with Kade. Having a twin, even a fraternal one, meant never being alone. Even when she was a teen it was Tommy, Gustin, or George who chaperoned her even to her high school prom.

"If I don't burn the popcorn, maybe I can watch a movie with you in your decked out theatre." Heat crept up her neck. Tommy was her friend... almost like a big brother. Did he have theater seating that reclined or maybe a nice big leather couch?

The car lurched hard as he shifted down again. He glared at the road and stomped on the petal, but they weren't slowing down.

"What's going on?"

"Give me a minute." His knuckles turned white on the steering wheel.

A few miles ahead, traffic was stopped. Why wasn't he using his brakes? Oh, he'd no doubt tell her some nonsense guy excuse that it's better not to slam on the brakes at the last minute. But he didn't have to run up on people either.

If he wanted to drive to New Orleans, she'd tell him no. Fly or nothing. No way would she ride with him for days straight. She'd die of a heart attack before they made it half-way.

Traffic ahead hadn't moved, and despite Tommy downshifting, he hadn't slowed their speed much. Was he trying to scare her? When they were younger he played pranks, but screeching to a stop within a hair from smashing into someone wasn't funny.

"You gonna brake anytime soon?" Her foot automatically reached for the invisible pedal on her side of the truck.

He downshifted again, and she gritted her teeth as the car wobbled. Instead of slowing, he swerved to the shoulder and whizzed by all the stopped cars.

"What the hell?" She smacked her hand on the seat between them. "Enough race car driver. There are cops back there, and they will haul you off to jail for reckless driving."

"I thought I could get the car to slow down without worrying you. The brakes are out!"

"What - " Her heart climbed into her throat.

"Hang on. This is going to get ugly."

Behind them a siren blasted. Great, now the cops were coming. "What are we gonna do?"

"Can't get the car to slow down. Only solution now is to throw the emergency brake. Get ready for a spin."