Sinatra Nights (Part Two)

Claire's hands groped at his body, feeling the tension of his muscles and her other preferred areas. Doug was in good shape, fit and lean. She let her fingers dig into his arse, squeezing it in her hands before scratching her way up his back and his shoulders. She wished, desperately, for his skin beneath her nails. She settled, instead, for entwining her fingers in his short dark hair, pulling him into their kiss.

Doug, for his part, had similar ideas. His hands started at Claire's shoulders, rolling down her arms and gripping her tightly. He kissed her deeper as she pulled on his hair and he let his hands roam across Claire's body. His palms found her heaving breasts, groping and mauling them in his large hands as his wife slithered and squirmed beneath his touch. Claire whimpered as the kiss broke between them, a plea in her eyes.

Doug popped open the top buttons of his wife's blouse, exposing her capacious cleavage. The valley of her breasts was deep and inviting. He kissed down her chest and nuzzled his face between Claire's breasts, kissing all he could reach. His teeth caught into the skin of Claire's chest and he sucked it into his mouth, setting his wife bucking and yelling out in pained pleasure. Her grip re-doubled on his hair, holding him tight as he licked his way up her cleavage and her throat. Their eyes met for a brief second, a flash caught between them, before Doug's lips desperately sought Claire's again.

His hands were roaming again, stroking their way around Claire's body. His groping hands found the generous and palpable flesh of her arse. He squeezed it roughly with his whole hand, as if testing her ripeness. Claire's hips rose up in appreciation and they both murmured – a small release of their bubbling tension.

Their lips peeled apart, leaving the couple staring into each other's eyes with a burning, desperate passion. He began to pull back, but Claire's firm grip held him in place. Their eyes remained locked, but a sternness came to Doug's to match the voice that spoke so assuredly.

"Let go."

Almost a hint of disobedience appeared in Claire's stare before she backed down. She released her grip and Doug immediately pushed her back, onto her elbows. As soon as she landed, her hips were seized and Doug pulled her closer, leaving her arse hanging off the edge of the table. He slid down her body, a wicked grin on his face, as his fingers trailed behind.

He pulled up a chair, sitting down at Claire's feet. He looked up, admiring the puzzled look of his wife as realisation dawned on her face. Her eyes widened before almost closing; she bit her lip. Her skirt was pulled up to just below her hips. Doug had a perfect view of her ample crotch, her white panties, stained and wet. He cooed quietly, winking up to her.

His hands teased along Claire's legs, stroking down to her knees and back up the insides of her thighs, brushing agonisingly close to his wife's searing core, along the crease in her leg and back again. His fingers drummed across her legs and over the skin of her stomach. The vibrations, so close to Claire's sex, caused her insides to quiver.

Claire squirmed and moaned on the table, already frustrated and aroused. She glared at the straight, smirking face of her husband. The bastard, she thought.

"Please, babe…" she said, quietly.

Doug looked up, as if puzzled, although the smirk gave him away.

"What's that, my sweet?" he enquired levelly.

Doug's fingers brushed the edge of Claire's knickers as he spoke and caused her to jump from the faint contact.

"Please… Please touch – Oh fuck!" Claire yelled out as Doug snapped the elastic of her knickers, only inches from her throbbing sex.

"Please touch what?" he asked

"Please touch my pussy! Please, babe! I need it! I fucking need you to touch me!" Claire's tone took on a profane desperation that Doug recognised well and which never failed to set his cock raging.

"Good girl."

Doug hitched up Claire's skirt a little more and ran a single finger between the obvious outline of her wet, swollen lips. She squirmed over the table and moaned desperately.

"Yess… Please!" she cheered him on.

He seized her underwear unceremoniously and yanked it from her, down to her knees. Claire gasped and jumped as she felt herself exposed at last. She lifted her legs, allowing Doug to remove them completely. She watched as he admired her underwear, sniffing at the damp patch that habitually covered her sex, and winked to her. He stood up, taking her by surprise, and stood over Claire's prone body. Doug's weight leaned forward and she felt the unmistakable bulge of his cock press against her slit, sending her nerve endings haywire.

"Open wide," he told her, holding her underwear between his finger and thumb.

Claire's pussy throbbed the instant she realised his intention.

She whimpered quietly and her legs closed as another flood of her juices soaked her already sodden sex. She submissively opened her mouth as Doug dropped her knickers in, closing her jaw with his finger. He placed it over her lips and made a small shushing noise.

Claire couldn't help it; she immediately sucked on her panties. The flavours of her juices filled her mouth and she moaned vociferously, through sealed lips. Doug's eyes bored into hers with his hallmark predatory stare. He smiled, victorious, and sat back down at Claire's feet.

Claire looked down, quickly, as she felt Doug's hands push apart her thighs. His tight grip on her legs set another pulse through her body. She wasn't sure how much more she could take when she felt Doug's fingers on the edge of her lips. She tensed up, excitedly, as she felt herself spread wide open for him. She waited, desperate and hopeful, but he let go again with a small chortle. Claire's body was on fire, tingling and quivering. She moaned a plea through her gag, impatient and needy.