Daddy Dearest Part One

On Friday evenings once he got back from his weekly sales trips, Paul and Rose Dabney often went to bed early and celebrated his return. If she wasn't careful, Brianna Dabney would overhear her parents' nocturnal activities. When she was little, the sound of her parents being affectionate provided a powerful sense of security to the curious child. 'Mom and dad love each other, and all is well.' When she became a surly, angsty teenager, any fondness shown by them was cringeworthy at best and EEEWWW! at worst. But in the past year or so, for some reason, Brianna hadn't liked seeing her mom get any affection from her dad… And as time went on, she increasingly found that she wanted it all for herself.

And now that she and her father had declared their love for each other, and that love had been fully consummated several times, she categorically didn't want to hear any Friday-night celebrations. To that end, earlier today, while staying in that beautiful hotel with that wonderfully firm mattress, they'd opted for a late check-out and stayed there until 4:00 in the afternoon. During that time, Brianna tried her actual best to fuck her father literally to death. If he'd actually gone into an orgasm-induced cardiac arrest, dying with a hard cock and a goofy grin, she would have considered it a job well done. She didn't want to leave anything in his tank nor the reserve for her mom later. Brianna knew it was selfish of her, and she wasn't proud of it.

Still, she knew that that was just for today. Sooner or later, he'd have to service his wife. 'Honey, I'm leaving you for our daughter' probably wouldn't go down so well. So tonight she listened. Their home had two floors and a basement, and all the bedrooms were on the second floor. She'd just gotten off the phone with her fellow daddy-fucker, Brooke Atkinson. It was getting late. Ordinarily, they'd be in their room by now. She listened but heard nothing. She came out of her room to get a drink and heard them in the kitchen. They were still up!

"I don't understand. It's been a week!" Rose was saying. "I've been waiting for you, and you don't even want to go to bed with me?! What, are you getting it somewhere else?"

She couldn't hear her dad… he was speaking quietly. Apparently, Brianna's plan to wear him out had worked. She didn't want to be seen eavesdropping, so she stayed upstairs near her door, just in case they headed up. Sneaky, but she couldn't hear most of it.

"… let go?! Your whole team? But that wasn't your fault!" said Rose loudly. More murmuring. Then, after a few minutes, Brianna heard her mother nearby, "… don't stay up too late. I'll cheer you up tomorrow!"

Brianna slipped back into her room, closing the door silently. She laid on the bed and let her thoughts drift. She felt awful deceiving her mom, but for some reason, when it came to her dad, she was utterly powerless to resist him. Paul hadn't made the first move; Brianna did. And she knew beyond a doubt that if he'd turned her down, she would have kept pursuing him until she got him. She felt that their getting together, even their falling in love, was inevitable. What was wrong with her? Even right now, all she wanted was Paul to hold her in his arms. Just thinking it made her wet.

Brianna slept fitfully and woke up late, feeling wearier than when she went to bed. Her dreams had been a repeating loop of nightmares, starring her mother catching them together. She kept waking up, almost in a panic. If she'd been younger, she would have run to her parents' bed for comfort. But big girls, particularly incestuous, duplicitous big girls, slept alone. She stayed in bed for another hour, finally getting some rest. It was Saturday, and she'd normally hang out with Brooke, but she was seeing her uncle and cousin for lunch today. Finally, at almost noon, she dragged herself down to the kitchen to get some coffee and perhaps a danish. Her parents were there when she walked in.

"… I should be back by six at the latest. You sure you don't mind?" Rose was saying.

"No, Honey, go play golf with your friends. It's alright," said Paul. "Plus, now I have a lot more free time," he added with a shrug. "We can hang out more during the week." He saw Brianna come in. "Hey, lazybones," he greeted her. "Why are you so tired?" he asked, glancing at her meaningfully.

"Morning, Brianna." To her husband, "So you won't be lonely?" Rose asked.

"Nah. Maybe our daughter'll hang out with me."

Rose pursed her lips unpleasantly and commented, "Hmm. I'm sure she will."

Through a superhuman effort, Brianna managed to hide the delight she felt – it sounded like she was going to get to spend THE ENTIRE SATURDAY alone with daddy! – and instead kept her face impassive as she muttered in her best teenager tone, "Hmpf. Whatevs." Paul looked unfazed as well. However, in the two seconds it took Rose to reach into the refrigerator for her water bottle, Paul and Brianna glanced at each other and saw the same elation in each other's faces. They both sipped their coffees and nibbled their danish and tried their best not to appear that they were eagerly waiting for Rose to leave. And BOY, was she taking her time!

Finally, Brianna pushed her coffee away and said, "I'm going to take a shower, see you tonight, mom." She headed upstairs.

Paul kissed Rose goodbye and told her, "Well, I'm unemployed. I'm going back to bed and I'm not feeling guilty about it!" As he walked to his bedroom, he passed by Brianna's room. Her door was open, and she was in the room, looking for him. He looked her in the eyes and subtly shook his head as he passed.

"Bye! See you!" shouted Rose as she left. They heard the garage door open. Brianna ran to Paul in the master bedroom.

"Get out of here!" he whispered urgently, gesturing her to the door.

"Why?" whispered Brianna.

"She'll come back," he responded.

"How do you know?" she insisted, still whispering.

"I don't know… I just do. Just act normal. Go take your shower. God, you're horny!" he chuckled, still in a whisper.

"Fine!" she whispered back.

She went into the bathroom, brushed her teeth, and turned on the water to let it get hot. Then she went to her room and picked out some clothes and underwear, laid them out on the bed like she always did, and headed to her bathroom. As she stepped into the shower, she saw her mom heading to the master bedroom. Luckily Rose didn't notice the bathroom door was open a little. Instead, she simply went into the bedroom to retrieve the wallet she'd left, and saw Paul in bed, already back asleep. He woke up when he heard her, and asked, "Back already?"

"No, I just left my wallet." She came over and kissed him again and then she left. For real this time.

After a very quick shower, Brianna ran and looked out the window, just in time to see her mother's car turn the corner and was gone. She even waited a few minutes to make sure she didn't double back again. Finally, when she was convinced they were safe for the moment, she went to her father's bedroom, dropped her towel, and joined him in the bed, laying on top of him, damp and naked.