Special Treatment (Finale)

"Yes," Kate said, still feeling that the whole thing was so absurd it was entirely possible she was having a very peculiar dream. Her ordinary self really shouldn't, but she'd feel foolish saying she'd changed her mind. At least that's what she told herself.

Audrey knocked on the screen. And almost immediately a second erect penis emerged through the hole, this one a little longer and meatier than the previous. Latex fingers closed on it, but this time Audrey's hand didn't move. Instead, she said, "Are you certain you wouldn't like to extract the nutrients yourself? Perhaps have a little taste?"

Kate wouldn't. Or rather, shouldn't. She'd never been close to cheating on Francis, and she didn't want to start now. On the other hand, would it really be cheating? It was just a body part, after all – she'd never even know to whom it belonged. Nevertheless, it seemed unfaithful. Her husband's gift to her had been a spa weekend, not the taste of another man's hard cock. And yet she had to admit that the sight of that large bulb was awfully tempting. What was it people said about Vegas? And as if she could read her mind, Audrey said, "We take confidentiality very seriously indeed."

Kate's tongue was out, and before she had thought things through it was touching the swollen head. "That's right," said Audrey. "Just you enjoy yourself!"

There was a little too much relish in the woman's voice, Kate thought. But somehow she couldn't tear her tongue away from where it was teasing the meatus.

Audrey spoke again. "I hate to rush you, but you have to do more than just tease. My next client is due in about twenty minutes." She removed her hand, and Kate found her lips instinctually sliding down the thick shaft. "Mmmmm!" Audrey exclaimed loudly. "The sight of your big young cock inside this MILF's hot mouth is such a turn on!"

The grunt from the other side of the screen told its own story. Kate moved her lips and wiggled her tongue, feeling exquisitely naughty, and guilty with it. The spa's advertising material spoke of a highly enjoyable sensuous experience, but this seemed to take the literality of advertising one-liners to extremes.

She would have shrieked with surprise had she been able to when Audrey with one deft movement wrapped Kate's hair round the latex hand and drove her head forwards. Then she felt relieved, realizing that Audrey leaving her no choice in the matter absolved her of guilt. "Don't be shy, Kate!" Audrey said brightly. "Think what all those good nutrients will be doing to your skin!"

That was the last thing on Kate's mind as Audrey made her head bob on the meaty organ. There was renewed grunting from the other side of the screen. "Oh wow!" Audrey exclaimed. "If we didn't need your spunk for homeopathic reasons, I'm sure this horny MILF would love to have you fuck her doggy style!"

As embarrassing as it was, Kate felt that it was also true. She was always happy to fellate her husband, but always as an hors d'oeuvre, in anticipation of the main course. Here there would be no main course, but that didn't stop an incoming tide between her thighs that she imagined wasn't going to go away.

"Oooooh!" the stud groaned, as Audrey continued working Kate's head on the stiff cock.

"Are we getting close?" Audrey called, in that bright, cheerful voice that might as well have been asking if a patient's nasal complaint had reacted positively to prescription spray.

"Half a minute, maybe," the stud grunted.


Kate could stand it no longer. In next to an instant she had her dress up and a hand inside her knickers.

"Ooooh!" Audrey exclaimed. "This horny MILF must really love your cock! She's taken to rubbing herself!"

"Oh, fuck, yeah!" the male voice said.

Kate thrummed her fingers against her clit, suddenly gripped by a pleasure that was altogether immoral and indisputably right. Audrey was pulling her off the cock, saying, "Close your eyes, dear! And keep your head absolutely still!"

She heard knocking and felt the stud's huge bulb against her forehead. There was the sound of slippery rubber, the cock being tugged, then sperm was billowing out. "Excellent!" Audrey said. "Just feel that vitalising cream trickle down your face, dear! It will provide such lustre!"

Kate moaned softly at the back of her throat. What she was feeling was increasing arousal as she continued to play with her clit, even giving it a little pinch when Audrey started massaging the thick, fresh emission into her skin. "That's right, dear!" Audrey cooed. "You enjoy yourself! It's what you're here for!"

The rubber hands moved across her skin, making sure to distribute the cleansing ointment evenly. Kate felt Audrey's hands on her cheeks, giving a last little rub before guiding her head. Her lips came up against a new rigid cock and parted willingly, but she kept her eyes closed, hearing Audrey say, "This MILF's really eager! So eager for your healthy young spunk!"

"I've got plenty to give!" a young voice said. Kate's head began to swim as it was once again driven back and forth on a thick, meaty shaft. She applied more pressure to her swollen clit, rubbing hard as she indulged in the fantasy that she had no choice. Just as she loved it when Francis pinned her down on the bed at home, or held her hands behind her back while he took her hard from behind, she now allowed herself to be a passive recipient of youthful steel.

Back and forth, Audrey moved her head forcefully. Saliva churned as Kate's breathless moans seemed to spur Audrey on to more verbal depravity. "The client is one super-hot, horny MILF!" she exclaimed. "Your cock looks so good in her mouth, and she's loving it! I just know she can't wait to feel your bucket load all over her ecstatic face!"

Continuing to move Kate's head on the erection at speed, Audrey breathed, "I love my job!" Of that there could be no doubt, Kate decided. Efficiency seemed to have given way to other feelings entirely. But then she was loving it too. She rubbed frantically at her clit, lost to her own arousal. She heard Audrey's voice again. "She's being such a good slut! Cum for her! Shoot your load all over her face!" Kate couldn't tell if she was burning with arousal or embarrassment, especially when Audrey added, "She's such a cumslut!"

"Yes!" It was a strangled cry, and whether it tipped her over the edge or whether she was already there, Kate would never know. All she knew was that she was exploding, crying out. There was the sound of slippery rubber and male grunts echoing in her ears as she contracted violently, huge jets of semen plastering her face.

In a daze she felt Audrey's fingers grow gentle, massaging the copious emission into her skin before saying, "There! I think we're all done!" Gingerly she opened her eyes to find the woman smiling at her the way a nurse smiles at a patient after a routine examination. "I hope you feel suitably revitalised!"

Kate's legs felt weak, but she couldn't just sit there. She followed Audrey back round the screen, searching for the right words. "It was most invigorating," she said at length.

"Well, that's what we're here for," Audrey smiled. "This may have been your first time, but I hope it wasn't your last."

"So do I," Kate said.

As she left the room, she saw a figure heading her way. At first, all she saw was a mass of shocking pink, shortly discovering that it was some kind of sportswear covering a large blonde woman she'd conversed with over yesterday's dinner, and who now winked at her as she came closer and said, "What did you have? The triple?"

The pair of them stopped. "Yes," Kate said. There seemed no harm in admitting it since the blonde was obviously aware of the nature of the treatment. But it was still unnerving that the woman had guessed correctly "How did you know?"

"You've got a stain on your top," the blonde said, patting herself. "That usually only happens on the third dose, when Audrey's got herself worked up and gets careless."

"I see," Kate said.

The blonde was eyeing her curiously. "First time?" she suggested.

"Yes," Kate replied, wondering if psychic powers were also on offer at the spa.

The woman leaned forward and lowered her voice in a conspiratorial fashion. "Make sure you come back for repeat visits," she said. "They won't tell you this now, but after your third time, they offer you the full bodywork." She winked and was gone before Kate could react.

She felt herself tremble slightly. The full bodywork; after what she'd just experienced sounded both alarming and tremendously tempting. Not least because as unsure as she'd been about Audrey's claims for the cleansing properties of semen, it appeared she'd been right.

At least that was what Kate took from her husband's assertion on her return home that she hadn't looked so radiant since their wedding day. "If that's what the place does for you," he said, "it might be worth making it a regular treat."

"I'd like that very much, dear," said Kate, just about managing to keep a straight face.