Dirty Little Secrets

I lay on my back, naked, staring up at the plump mound of the woman squatting over me, another woman helping her masturbate. Strictly instructed not to touch, I wait submissively as the rubbing on her clit becomes more and more furious. The sound of kissing, licking, and moans surround me. My belly tightens, adrenaline rushes through my body, giddy anticipation. Without warning, her lips bulge, as if her sex is trying to turn itself inside out, and I brace for the flood that I know is coming. A cry erupts and warm fluid showers down on my face and chest. My mouth opens to receive the nectar of her orgasm. Her partner slaps her mound for good measure and rubs her cum into my face. I take her fingers into my mouth, desirous of every drop. A light slap on my cheek and they are gone.

Another woman approaches…

"Close your eyes," she whispers in my ear. I feel a blindfold being applied, and a sharp voice which I recognize as that of the hostess commands me to stand. Suddenly hands are upon me, undressing me until I am fully exposed. Then I am led to one of the mattresses and told to lie down.

Full of anticipation, but lacking any sensory stimulus, I am only partially erect. More hands, perhaps two pairs, lightly travel the length of my body. Sounds emerge around me as the other guests begin to engage with one another. Soft moans, building in intensity. An erotic charge in the air. I stiffen, fully aroused and engorged now. Something tickling my chest – perhaps a soft nest of pubic hair. I am aware of movement above me and then hear the familiar sound of fingers penetrating a sopping wet pussy. It doesn't take long for the first spurt of fluid to hit me, the woman's breathing heavy. Soon another, and another. My face, chest and stomach now drenched. The smell of sex everywhere.

It's not fair – let him see, a voice says, and my blindfold is removed. I steal a glance around, for the first time taking a good look at the women in the space. All shapes and sizes, but all pleasing to the eye in their engagement with one another and the pure wanton lust on their faces. All are wearing masks. Another takes her place above me. Her bush is full and her orgasm is powerful as she empties herself on me. I am lost in a sexual haze now. A beautiful set of lips with a landing strip above. A wedding ring on her finger. It is mid-day, her husband no doubt at work and her children in school. She is screaming filth as she presses her vibrator to her clit and nearly collapses on me as she rains down on me, her legs shaking. Two of her companions help her steady herself as she makes way for another. This one is pleasantly plump, younger than the rest, with an incredibly innocent face from what I can discern. It takes her longer to reach orgasm. Perhaps she is shy. But when it comes it hits like a volcano. I am drowning in juices. My cock is ready to burst. I am delirious, losing track of who has and hasn't had her way with me. No doubt many have come back for a second time. Screams of orgasm erupt from the mattresses around me. I am consumed by a need to cum.

A long pair of slender legs straddles me. The pussy is perfectly manicured, a triangle of trimmed hair, smooth only around the lips. Slowly she lowers herself toward my face, but instead of stopping, she continues downward until she is grinding into me. I risk sticking my tongue out and licking up and down her slit, and she repositions herself, hovering just above me and out of reach. A tease and denial ritual begins. I am treated to only the briefest of tastes before she withdraws to a safe distance just inches above me. Finally she lowers down and lingers, commanding me to make her cum. I flick my tongue gently across her engorged clit and she screams at me to suck. I respond like a starving man. Her taste is driving me over the edge. I think I might cum without being touched. Her moans intensify until a guttural scream emits from her as her nectar washes down over me. She semi-collapses on my chest until the shaking moderates and her breathing begins to return to normal.

I am desperate for a woman's touch on my cock, my body crying for release, when she moves down and straddles my mid-section. Her lips, still engorged and glistening, begin to slide up and down the underside of my shaft. The sensation is too much, I am leaking, the wave about to break. Not yet, she whispers. She removes her mask and I recognize her as our hostess. Her hands press down on my chest. Her wedding ring, not visible when we met for coffee, proudly adorns her finger. Slowly she reaches down and positions my now slick cock at her opening. I am tormented by her teasing. She playfully places just the head inside her lips. My head is spinning. She looks directly into my eyes with pure desire and lowers herself all the way onto me until I am deep inside her. Her warmth and wetness envelopes me and I fight to keep from erupting. She begins to fuck me, slowly at first but then more intensely. I am hers completely, her toy, her plaything. She is in complete control. And yet not. Her eyes roll back in her head as she cries and pushes me out, flooding me yet again. She slams back down on me, her eyes penetrating me as she screams for me to give it to her, and at that I empty myself into her, spasm after spasm, vision blurred, my full-throated screams echoing off the warehouse walls.

She stays on me, our fluids leaking out and coating my balls. I wasn't expecting that, I say. Neither was I, she replies. She leans down and kisses me tenderly, then passionately, her tongue probing my mouth. She leans further down and whispers softly in my ear.

Thank you. Let this be our dirty little secret, okay? You don't tell her and I won't tell him. Don't wash me off until she is about to come home.

I dress, walk back to my well-hidden car, and drive slowly through the industrial park. My mind replays the events of the past few hours. I am complete.

The next morning, a text arrives. I want to see you again. Alone this time.