Sunbathing And More

It was another assignment, another trip which normally included a certain degree of usual travel bedlam. Flights, bookings, transfers to negotiate. At least on this occasion, all seemed to go fairly smoothly. Rather than my secretary book my hotel I decided I fancied something less corporate. I preferred to be far less surrounded by the suited society that seemed to fill the rooms of most hotels I frequented.

My trip allowed for a few down days, a little bonus I thought, so I opted to arrange my own accommodation in the form of a small, boutique style hotel just out of town bordering the countryside. Something simple, rustic, more to the point the sort of place I certainly wouldn't be bumping into anyone in dressed in a suit. The type of joint I could relax in and while away a few easy slow hours to myself and forget the world of tedious margins in the world of corporate insurance.

The place I chose had only a cluster of rooms, so few I couldn't help but notice the personalized key rings that hung at the back of the wooden reception, always a quick indicator I thought. I could see they even had the room names carefully etched.

Opening the door to my room I was pleased to see it adequately but modestly furnished, though far from the sort to which I normally accustomed. It featured the necessary pieces, simple wooden bed with white linen all set within whitewashed walls, rather reminiscent of Greek styling plus a delightful and charming balcony overlooking the aqua-toned pool below. It was all I needed before flying back to the city. It offered a perfect few days to escape my normal bustle.

Feeling far more relaxed I ventured to the bar and the small restaurant that extended around one side of the pool. Taking a seat I ordered a beer and took a moment to sit and watch the movements around me. It appeared to be a classically family run place with the addition of a few extra helpers, mostly young people in their early 20's, the extra casual staff brought in for the busier periods.

A few beers later and I was certainly getting the feel of the place. Sitting alone you couldn't help but watch the life moving around you, though I felt there were very few residents, most patrons were there to just enjoy the delights of local cuisine.

What I did notice after my third beer was a new girl had joined the shift, perhaps for the busier afternoon and evening trade. My eyes kept catching her as she moved backwards and forwards between the bar and restaurant, taking the growing number of orders that were increasing as the day was softening.

I was conscious of trying not to stare at her, I certainly didn't want to appear the single man just eyeing up the girls, but I was more than intrigued by her presence. She was different in a way I was trying to judge and stood out from the rest of the staff.

Not a true beauty in the perfect sense of the word but she had a beautiful raw energy about her I kept being drawn to.

"Can I get you anything else with your beer?" She said with a delightful smile while lowering her chest even closer to my eye line.

"Oh thank you no; this is just great thank you."

"Well just let me know if I can interest you in anything else from the bar or restaurant," and with that comment, she moved away leaving me questioning what else she could interest me in.

I whiled away another hour of consuming a few more beers and a light bite of chicken paprika served on a bed of mixed rice with a form of token side salad. Simple and like the rooms I found perfectly adequate. As the evening wore on I enjoyed the chilled vibes and calm ambience and of course, catching the odd stray look from my playful distraction, her dancing eyes and revealing blouse as she passed my table.

Then evening came to an end and with it, her shift finished and I soon found the restaurant clearing of patrons and staff.

As I sauntered to my room, a little sad to be drawn away from my evening's distraction I realised there didn't appear to be many rooms occupied. As far as I could tell I seemed to be in the only occupied room overlooking the central pool. Long and rectangular, it was set within warm pale terracotta tiles highlighting the pale aqua colour of the water in the sunshine. I thought the next day I would venture in for a swim.

Breakfast came and went without much interest. I ensured I sat at a table that would allow me the best viewing opportunity to maybe engage a little more with my sexual distraction. That moment though never materialised which rather deflated my interest in remaining too long in the hotel restaurant.

Back in my room, I parted the simple blinds fully so I could step out onto the small confined balcony to enjoy a rather rare smoke. I granted myself the occasional indulgence. I couldn't help but think after years of smoking the odd one now and again surely wouldn't harm so long as I could keep it all in moderation. Stepping out I saw her. She was alone.

Positioned just below my balcony on the edge of the water leaning against a wooden post while one leg languished in the water. I nearly stepped back out of her vision but stopped myself when she glanced up and caught my look and then smiled at me from under the brim of a wide straw hat.

That glance she gave me I took as an acceptance for my being there, an agreed moment we were to share now we were alone. So I remained still just watching her from the balcony. I could now see the full extent of her body as she sat untroubled in nothing more than a lightweight sarong tied casually around her waist revealing the smooth shape of her olive toned body. At that moment I become aware of a twinge deep in my groin. My cock suddenly responding to the vision of her perfect naked, bronzed body, her breasts finally there for me to indulge in were just as I imagined, youthful and pert and now free from the confines of her work blouse.

Following up from them I noticed for the first time a tattoo sitting just below her shoulder. Naughty girl I thought, another little indication of her wild spirit that I was growing to enjoy. She wasn't one to conform to respectability but I felt a girl who would chase her desire, and in that thought, my cock hardened. For a brief moment, I started to feel my glances to her were too strong but I was rigid to the spot incapable of moving. Each time I felt the need to look away she drew me back with a flirting look that hit deep within me.

Seeing me with my cigarette in hand she smiled again almost in a form of appreciation and proceeded to light one herself. Her moves I noted were incredibly sensual, even in the act of smoking. Closing her eyes she drew on her smoke, letting the wafts swirl and circulate in her mouth, savouring the pleasure of such a taboo act. Even in her nakedness I became ever more drawn to her mouth and the skilled manipulation in controlling the wayward smoke. As she exhaled her lips looked to swell and pucker appealing to my growing desire to reach down and kiss them. From out of nowhere I wanted to own that mouth and feel those lips that she parted to exhale the smoke. Lucky smoke, I thought, being in her soft wet mouth. Could I possess it? Could I take ownership for just a little while and feel what it is like to enjoy her beautiful soft mouth?

She looked again straight at me, boring deep into my tunnel vision. In that moment we connected she parted her legs, letting her sarong give way and her hand trail down to touch beneath. My eyes didn't let up from seeing her sweet personal treasure between her thighs as her fingers began to dance on her pussy lips. Circulating the delicate folds that hung like a rare tropical flower. Had I thought of her pussy I couldn't have been more accurate in what I saw. Her body a free-spirited angel her pussy designed perfectly for stimulation.

Her fingers began to go soak up her juices as she masturbated in a way I had not seen a girl do before. Massaging her folds with a few fingers before plunging them deep into her cunt sitting back to allow them deeper access. She was not delicate or prissy in a feminine manner but giving of her need and seemingly so in tune with her body. To me, she had what I had always dreamt a beautiful cunt would look like. Pleasure driven and a little wild but insatiable for filling.

My cock throbbed as my eyes hot wired the vision to my brain. It wouldn't be possible for her to easily see my hand moving into my trousers as it found my way around my hard shaft. It didn't often respond so quickly but there was no controlling this moment. I had to stroke and glide my foreskin down my cock and gather some pace, I desperately wanted to feel in tune with the movement of her fingers as she too was building a rhythm to her strokes. I watched intently as she handled her pussy, opening it wide in such an erotic manner my cock could not contain some drips of pre-cum escaping. No, I didn't want to cum, not yet, not before my perfect pussy wanted to cum. I wanted the moment to be one we both shared in this random connection.

I had to withdraw my hand for a moment to try to stop my cock exploding there and then. Fuck I thought, not now, not yet. Please let this moment last a little longer. I had to control the sensation building inside me.

I looked back to my perfect vision as her head was held back against the post, her fingers fucking her pussy harder than before. Yes, she was locked in her world of pleasure as I could see she was close to orgasm. Yes, cum with me I thought as I let my hand find its way back to my rock hard cock and rub the slippery drops of pre-cum over the end of its helmet. Somehow this was even sexier than fucking. We were strangers who had barely spoken yet we were in a moment of pure ecstasy together each taking our bodies to a place of ultimate release. I could just hear her breathing even heavier as her eyes closed she fucked herself to a place I was going to simultaneously, my cock pulsing between my palm as I uncontrollably spurted my white cum over my fingers onto the balcony floor below. Whether she heard my moans of relief I don't know but watching her she removed her soaked fingers and tenderly brought to her mouth to allow her lips to taste the sweetness of her actions. Ah if that wasn't enough before that moment, I so wanted to taste her in my mouth now, as she did so I endured the last shudder of my erection.

There she was my vision of now perfect beauty. Looking at me she let her sarong fall away as she stood up and slipped her body into the cooling pool turning her back finally to me. I felt this was time to step back off the balcony. Certainly, I needed to clean up my mess and balance my thoughts in a cold shower before heading out of my room. Maybe I might see her later, that I didn't know, not that anything would be said. No. What we shared was something that didn't need spoiling with words. It was perfect just as it was.