A Good Workout

The next day Sam arose and in an instant the memories of the previous night flooded his brain. He smiled brightly at the thought of what had happened. He got up and got dressed for school in his usual 'TGIF' cheerful spirit. He walked out of his room and down the stairs hoping to find his goddess waiting to make him clean her shoes or lick her pussy before he goes to school. All sorts of exciting things went through his mind until he reached the foot of the stairs and found his dad in his usual couch potato position.

"Where's mom?" He asked hurriedly.

"Well good morning to you too" His father answered sarcastically. Sam got irritated and asked again. In that instant he then realized why his mother was always agitated when she spoke to her husband. He loved his dad but he hated how he was becoming a sit at home loser.

"She's still in bed. She said she wasn't feeling well so she called in sick." His father replied, scratching the 3-day stubble on his chin. Sam was about to go and see if she was ok when he looked through the window and noticed the school bus had just arrived. He knew he had to go as he would never hear the end of it for skipping school. He spent the entire day replying last night's events in his head and analyzing each detail, trying to figure what he had done wrong to make his mother avoid him.

The day felt like it dragged on and took forever to end. When the final bell rang he didn't speak to anyone, instead he headed straight home. He came through the front door trying to act casual but in reality he was frantically looking for his mother. He checked in the kitchen, then the bathrooms and bedrooms but couldn't find her anywhere. The last place he rushed to was the basement where he found her on a yoga mat doing some stretches.

"Mom! I've been so worried about you!" He said as he sat down on the staircase as if he had just ran a marathon. His mother face was expressionless as she continued her stretches.

"What was worrying you so much about me?" She said as she did the upward facing dog.

"Have you been avoiding me? Did I do something wrong?" He asked. She could hear the urgency and sorrow in his voice which stung her to the core but she didn't show an emotion.

"What WE did last night was wrong on so many levels and should never have happened. We were both vulnerable and took advantage of each other." She said in a cold voice as she finished her exercise and stood up straight. Sam's eyes travelled over every inch of her body, she wore an orange sports vest and black yoga pants which clung to her body like a second skin. She had become accustom to dressing like this in an attempt to get attention from her husband but eventually it became a habit as it made her feel feminine. Sam's eyes were now fixed on her ass which seemed to protrude from her wide hips and had a very full look to them.

"What if I wanted to be taken advantage of?" He asked her.

"Sam you are seventeen, you don't know what you want. And as your mother I shouldn't be doing anything sexual with you, let alone bribing you with favors of a..." She trailed off, the guilt of the situation eating her alive.

'It's all my fault, I should never have started this whole thing. But it's HIS fault for being so damn talented with is tongue.' She thought to herself.

"I know I want you! I want to—"

"No! I can't allow this to happen. I'm your mother not some cougar who is after a toy boy." She responded. She seemed to be mostly trying to convince herself and not her son as everything he was saying was pulling on her pussy strings.

"I don't care. I want you. Please mom?" He begged as if he were a five year old and begging for candy. Jennifer thought for a moment. She knew she should say no and end it right there and then. She had geared up to say that but what came out of her mouth was completely different.

"What if someone finds out, I could get arrested you know." She said to him but seemingly she was having the argument with herself which didn't seem to be going in her favor because half of her knew she should say no and the other half was attentively listening to this hunk of a young man talk about how much he wanted her.

"I would never betray you like that. I would keep my mouth shut because it's my choice as well you know." Sam said as he stood up and walked toward her. The sweat beads dripping down her neck and onto her large breasts looked enticing and made her look all the more enchanting. He swallowed as he continued speaking, circling her like a predator.

"I would be a very good boy I promise. It would be our little secret and you could boss me around and make me do all sorts of things for you." He spoke like a salesman trying to sweeten the deal. His tone of voice had changed from a pleading boy to a charming devil trying to get someone to forfeit their soul.

"Oh, I don't know Sam. What if I lose control like I did last night? That's classified as rape you know." She said as she watched him circle her. He finally stopped and stood behind her on her yoga mat and got down on his knees right behind her.

"What if I told you I liked it? If I didn't would I be here right now? Mom you look tired, why don't you have a seat." He said convincingly as he leaned forward, held her hips and gently pulled her back, causing her to sit on his face as if he were a barstool. He moved closer to the point where he was practically underneath her.

"Sam stop, we shouldn't be doing this." 'This is so wrong. My own son is literally breathing in my sweaty vagina' She thought to herself as she felt him inhale sharply and then slowly let out warm breath.

The smell of her sweat covered crotch was intoxicating him in ways he had never felt before. The feel of her soft skin through her tight yoga pants felt wonderful in a way his mind had only now managed to comprehend. He was hooked!

Jennifer felt her inhibitions fade away as she began to very slowly and gently rock her hips back and forth. She did this with caution as she realized his head and hands under her thighs were the only things supporting her. She concentrated as she felt her clit grind against his chin every time she moved. She moaned ever so softly as she focused her movements, making them shorts bursts in an attempt to keep her clit on his chin. Her movements caused her ass cheeks to spread a little and as a result Sam's nose was pressed firmly against her asshole, so close that the only thing separating them was the material of her yoga pants. Sam inhaled deeply and the scent of her sweat covered asshole nearly made his brain explode. He tried his best not to throw her on the floor, tear her pants open and lick the colour off her naked asshole. Just the thought of it made more blood rush through his cock and as it got harder he felt it painfully strain against his pants.

"Hey, when is dinner going to be ready?" They heard Chris shout from upstairs. Jennifer felt infuriated and frustrated as she was now extremely aroused and was once again being interrupted from her pleasure in the same manner he always did when she tried to masturbate. She reached out and grabbed Sam's shoulders on either side of her hips and began making very short thrusts forcing her clit on his chin. Sam's struggled to adjust to her sudden movements and as a result his breathing increased rapidly as he used great amounts of strength to keep her steady. His heavy breathing made Jennifer feel like her crotch was in a sex sauna as he was breathing directly her pussy and ass. This coupled with her grinding her clit on his chin was too much for her to handle.

"I'm coming dammit!" She shouted out. Her husband thought it a simple agitated response but in reality, she was once again bathing their son's face in her motherly orgasmic fluids. She squealed and held her breath in an attempt to not make any noise as her body tensed up from her violent orgasm. Sam felt her pussy convulse on his mouth and felt her asshole pucker and release several times on his nose as if she were giving him loads of sweet little motherly kisses on his nose, except these kisses with were being administered by her asshole. He loved the thought of it. After she managed to gain control of her lungs and other bodily functions she struggled and finally managed to get on her feet.

"That's the second time I've come on your face. I must be the worst mother in all of history." She said as she hurriedly gathered her towel and water bottle.

"You must think I'm such a whore." She said, talking to him but mostly scolding herself.

"I think you are a goddess who needs to have her urges taken care of whenever she wants." Sam said as he once again licked her cum off his lips and from around his mouth.

"My gosh you taste good!" He added as he savored the taste of her cum mixed with sweat.

"Why are you doing this?" She asked. She had stopped all motion and was staring at the floor. She was waiting for him to drop the axe and fill her in on the vindictive scheme he had cooked up to black mail her into getting money and all sorts of other things.

"It's quite simple really. You are my mother and despite your bitchy attitude these past couple of years, I still have deep affection for you. But to add to that, you are a very attractive woman who has needs that are not being met and I am more than willing to meet them. I don't see how either of us loses." He said calmly, methodically stating his case as if he had thought this through very thoroughly. Jennifer didn't say a word. She just looked at him and with a loving smile, turned to walk up the stairs.

Sam got up off his knees and straightened himself out.

"I have to slide my tongue into her naked pussy so I can get a real taste." He said to himself, stiffening his resolve to tongue-fuck his mother into another orgasm.

Jennifer walked through the living room and into the kitchen when she heard her husband make a comment.

"What? Did you piss on yourself? What's with the wet patch on your crotch?" He asked senselessly.

"It was a good work out," she said while she continued to walk into the kitchen. For some reason she smiled at her play on words. She felt guilt over using her son's face as a 'workout' bench but it paled in comparison to the warm glow she was feeling from a squirting orgasm.