New Beginnings

"It's now or never" she sighed as she zipped up her case and headed to the foyer to organize transport to 'The Ritz'. She liked the sound of staying at the Ritz and smiled to herself about her hotel room 'horny tendencies'.

In true Bali fashion, after a puzzling exchange with the concierge, she hoped that she had ordered a taxi and not accidentally bought one!

She waited for only a minute before a taxi pulled up and her name was called. 'Nailed it' she thought!

The taxi driver obviously wanted to practice his broken English with her, so the journey went fast with a series of yes answers to unknown questions.

As the taxi pulled into the Ritz, Eden sat and soaked in its magnificence. Ornate opulence oozed from everywhere she looked, from the gold trim on the handrails to the striking fish in the entrance pond. The white marble that covered the floor of the entire large reception area looked like it must have been polished at least ten times a day. As she was a few hours early, she checked with the reception desk and they suggested that she head to the beach bistro for a late lunch and to take in the view of the Indian Ocean. She followed the signposted path to the beach and soon found a daybed in the corner so she could eat, drink, and layback to daydream. She had kept her bathers in her carry bag so used the change room to slip into her favorite white bathers and covered up the rounder bits with a 'confidence-building' white chiffon beach dress.

Its relaxed fit allowed her to lay back on the pillows with her arm leaning up and back behind her without fretting about the wobbly bits.

With a full tummy and such a relaxed position, it wasn't long before she drifted into a semi-siesta state.

She found herself on the balcony of a room, the soft breeze flapping the white fabric of her dress, revealing a sexy glimpse of her leg. As in many daydreams, sometimes strange side thoughts pop in and she smiled as she allowed herself to think how sexy her leg was. She was interrupted by a voice that made her turn, and the fuzzy outline of a man stepped through the open sliding doors and onto the balcony.

"Mmmm … I like skin" he said "… and yours is showing just enough" as he stroked her leg, drawing all Eden's focus as his fingers danced towards her upper thigh.

Eden's breathing became rapid as his fingers reached her pantie line and slipped in from the side to tease her.

As Eden's vision cleared, she strained to figure out who this daydream man was.

Her question was answered by a deep voice …

"Eden … hey beautiful, it's me … Jamie" the mystery daydream man said.

Eden came to with a start and jumped. That was twice she had fantasized about Jamie. "What is happening," she said to herself!

"What do you mean what is happening?" she heard someone repeat what she had just thought.

As her focus cleared, she saw Jamie standing in front of her.

Eden felt like she'd been busted … which she was … and was momentarily stunned.

"My flight got in early and I thought you might hang out here." Jamie said as he leaned forward to kiss her on the lips.

"Jamie!" Eden exclaimed a little taken aback but delighted at the same time. "I must have drifted off," she said as she tried not to give away her dirty little daydream secret.

"It's so great to see you, would you like to join me on this comfy day bed?" Eden said pulling herself together.

"Sure do," Jamie said as he wriggled his way into a comfortable spot, notably to Eden, with his arm and leg just brushing hers.

As their skin touched, Eden felt electricity shoot through her body causing her nipples to harden with an unplanned flutter in her bathers.

As she lay frozen pondering whether Jamie had felt the same reaction, her answer came when Jamie shared "I don't know about you Eden but when our legs touched I'm a little embarrassed to say but I think I almost climaxed in my pants!"

"I think we need a drink!" Jamie giggled as he ordered 2 Mojitos and some satays.

"I'm not sure what's happening here Eden, but I've never felt like this before, even when I met my ex-wife" Jamie reflected.

"I know, to be honest, I was daydreaming about you just now. You were stepping out onto a balcony and admiring and stroking my leg. You were just about to get to massage my sweet spot when you called my name. It was weird … and a little hot" Eden shared boldly yet playfully.

Jamie responded only by running his fingers up her leg looking around to check the coast was clear before sneaking his fingers under her white dress just along her bather line.

Eden's breathing intensified as she allowed his touch which was an uncanny replay of her recent daydream, unable to put up any objection.

"Right, well I think if we keep this up then we might just forget where we are!" Jamie said struggling to maintain his composure. Do you want to get out of here and continue this 'conversation' in the room?" Jamie said in an inviting tone.

Without words, Eden's eyes filled with desire answered him as they quickly finished their Mojitos and satays and headed for the room, Jamie's spare hand searching out for Eden's. As Eden felt the brush of Jamie's skin against hers, she opened her hand and invited him in as they walked silently hand in hand towards the excitement of a new beginning.