Fantasy (Finale)

…it was to my childhood to when my two older brothers use to chase me in the woods. I would try and hide, teasing them and acting sexy to get them to chase me. They always caught me and started tickling me. Soon the chases got into feeling me up. I loved it and giggled and squirmed. They both started slipping their hands in my dress and feeling my bare tits. Next was their hands in my panties and I felt their fingers around and in my pussy. I was so excited, but teased and said I 'might' tell on them. They said they would say they caught me fooling with the Thompson boy in the woods and I would get in trouble. We had a standoff in fun. They had a hiding place they built in the woods, and took me there. Now we really got to playing. The last time we did I jacked one of them off and sucked the other one's dick, as they licked my pussy. We never had real sex, but I loved them getting me so hot and fingering me to orgasm….

… I was headed upstairs to my own bedroom for some real full sex…

…..Casey whispered quietly in my ear as he carried up: "Arleen, I think you the hottest, most beautiful woman I've ever seen. Sorry if that startles you but…"

….I started kissing him. I'd waited long enough. We slowly settled on my bed, and the very hot kissing began. He lay on top of me and I felt that hidden boner push against my mound. We helped each other off with our clothes. We breathlessly said how our windows made us so hot, day after day. The talking stopped as we gasped our breathing and back to kissing us all over began. Finally I was getting what I wanted. He took his time feeling, kissing and massaging me. I was squirming as I began to get noisy. I had always been a moaner and loud. Out it came as his hands felt my tits and rubbed my waiting sex. He dived for my bush like a released anxious animal. Oh my god, he knew just where to lick. And I let him do it, but just waited to turn and get that big boner of his in between my lips.

Casey's thoughts…..

….I had seen this bright red bush through my window, and now I was tasting it… I couldn't get enough of her and that smooth snow white skin. …..She made me feel aggressive and I ate her pussy as if my life depended on it. I held her legs and hips tight. Her hands were feeling my balls and my body as she got my boner so wet and slick. I could feel my balls churning getting ready to inject her sweet mouth with a big load. I zeroed in on her bright pink clit and attacked it with my lips and tongue. She was a moaner and let me know what turned her on. I was doing my own moaning as her tongue teased the head of my full, rock hard more dreaming about eating her red haired pussy…I was doing it! She moved her pussy and hips so hot with every lick of her clit. Lick, jump and moan I did to her, over and over and now faster. She pushed her pussy hard into my tongue and held it…..trembled real hard….and yelled a moan that gave me a ultimate high…my cum raced out of my shaft and shot in her waiting mouth….she never stopped moaning now. Shot after shot of cum filler her mouth. She was shocked and couldn't swallow it fast enough. It seemed like it lasted forever for a while as my body twitched with hers. Our breathing was like that of a drowning person….gasp after gasp as our sexual high jolted us like an electric shock.

….We neither one expected this and just quietly moaned until sleep took us away…..


….I slowly opened my eyes, feeling so content and mellow. Casey was gone. I was covered up with a sheet. I snuggled up to relive my little dream that came true again and again. I wanted a lot more of this and soon, plans raced through my mind to get what I wanted. He said his parents were gone for the weekend…..I had an urge to tie him to my bed for the time left.

….. My thoughts started expanding beyond my old limits as I started thinking about…..I shuddered with a hot flash…..

….Where were these thoughts coming from? I dared to think about….Oh damn… I can't even take the new urges I was getting…I actually wanted….…. to have Casey and another teen friend, both fucking me….that thought sent like a electric shock to my pussy.

….I thought….the thought will pass, it's just to crazy.

It didn't pass, but only got more intense.

….. I thought more….slowly the deep suppressed thoughts came to me….now I get it….oh god yes, that's it!

...Just like my two brothers both feeling me when I was young, I wanted that again and more. I never had full sex with my brothers, but now I saw the good possibility of getting that double fuck I had always wanted…. but kept suppressed. My heart was racing and new good feelings came to my now wet pussy. I lay there with a new excitement giving me hot flashes.

…. I got up and headed for the shower. I had to masturbate.

…..It was the best fingering climax I'd ever had so far as I fantasized about four hands feeling me and two cocks shooting cum. I weakly got out of the shower…..

….Four PM, and Casey is back knocking on my door again. I looked for any neighbors looking as I let him in…all clear. Like two magnets we were kissing and feeling us all over. I had just gotten out of the shower and had on my white robe with a big white towel on my head for my wet hair. He was shaking he wanted me so bad. Now was the time to arrange for my double fuck.

….This was no easy task. I wanted him too, but I had to start the action for our threesome. I walked him over to the couch. By now he had one hand in my panties, and one under my bra. I loved it, and tried to keep my head on my goal. I got hot and weak as he knew just how to make me so hot.

…I slowly pulled his hands out and held them. I slid my lips off his and whispered in his ear, breathlessly….("…we have to talk, Casey")

Casey's thoughts at the time….

….Oh shit, here it comes. '…we can't do this anymore'…'it's just wrong'…'can't we just be friends?'…kind of talk. Oh…It was not like that at all. Instead I got hotter as she told me her desires….


…I ask Casey who his BFF was.(best friend forever). He immediately said: "CJ", his best buddy. In fact, CJ was coming over later to watch some porn with Casey. Casey needed to call him to cancel, if my evening was clear to be with him.

… I grabbed the opportunity….

I began telling Casey my desire to be with two guys and why….he just interrupted me and said: "It's a done deal. CJ will go for it tonight if you want. I know CJ, and believe me, he'll be real glad to 'help out'." I smiled big and attacked him on the couch. We stopped short from fucking so I could get them both tonight…damn, this was making me wet!

…I led him to the door as we both panted and kissed, looking forward to tonight. Tonight at 9pm, they would quietly come over….

….I had to sit down and take a breath…I was giddy with excitement.

….By 9 I had the house darkened as I waited for them. I had on a sheer turquoise full length night gown on; a bright orange bra and matching panties. I waited….finally I heard the front door slowly open, and then close. I jumped out from the hallway and said: "If you guys want me, you'll have to catch me", and took off upstairs. I wanted them to chase me just like my brothers use to.

.....I ran around giggling and finally let them catch me. I tittered and pushed their hands away as they both were feeling me up. CJ was a good looking kid, with wide eyes at what was happening. They both had big hardons in their jeans. I was in heaven. I could hardly catch my breath as Casey, and then CJ started kissing me all over. I said: " You guys better leave me alone, or just 'maybe' …I'll tell your parents." They smiled and said they would say I 'raped' them and then both snickered. I undressed them as they undressed me. I laid on my bed and let them play with my body. I had tingles like never before. Two guys licking my pussy and feeling my tits…it was…..awesome! I wanted Casey to fuck me, while I sucked on CJ. I moved them just to where I wanted. It was like having two little love slaves, pleasing a queen. I let the make me hotter and hotter.

..... I knew they would cum quick at this point. I moved CJ's cock in my mouth as I felt Casey's dick slide in my pussy. I sucked on CJ and could tell he was about to cum. I stopped. I had them switch. I sucked on Casey as CJ went crazy fucking my pussy. There was no stopping now as I was building up a big climax myself. I worked CJ's hips fast in me and moaned out loud, my pleasure feelings. ….Timing was everything. When I knew I was peeking I squeezed my pussy around CJ's cock, and jacked Casey as fast as I could. I had no choice but to yell loud my euphoria as I felt CJ's hot cum shooting and flooding my pussy. Casey bucked like a horse as he shot a huge load in the back of my throat. The room began to spin for me….I lost it ….. I had never had two guys at once. I had never had that much cum filling my mouth and pussy….I savored it as they both just kept pumping all their cum in me….I darn nearly passed out in pleasure….