Claire Ewing (Part Three)

She reached up toward me with both arms, her eyes fixed on the rigid cock that jutted out at a right angle to my body. "Come give me that big thing. I've wanted that fucker inside me ever since June first described it to me."

I wish I could say that this mention of my wife's name made me flinch with guilt, or pause or hesitate or falter in what I was about to do, but it didn't. I felt like my mind had been reduced to the instinct-driven compulsions of lower animals. I couldn't think of anything except my body and Claire's body, and the screaming, overwhelming need to close the distance between the two.

I dropped to my knees, then lowered myself onto my chest, shifting backward so that my face was at Claire's pussy. Immediately I put my mouth against her, pushing my lips into her curly hair, writhing my tongue along and between her lips and up into her sex. She was luxuriously wet; her juices warm and musky and full of the taste of a woman. I lapped at her, flicking my tongue up to stroke her clit and draw her wetness into my mouth. But as lovely as the taste of Claire's pussy was, it made me think of that other taste I could get from her body: the sweeter, milder, more abundant taste of her milk. I reached a hand up her body until her right breast was under my palm. I closed my fingers, trying to squeeze down on that area behind the nipple that I'd seen Claire use last night when she milked herself. Soon I felt warm liquid on my fingers; her milk spilling out over her tit and making it slippery under my hand.

A moment later I felt Claire's hands on my shoulders, tugging at me. "Come up here," she said. "I want your cock. I want your cock inside me."

Obediently I lifted my head, wiped my face with my hand and started crawling up the length of her body. The head of my cock came up between her thighs, and after a few probing nudges it started to slide into her without either of us touching it.

"Oh fuck," she gasped as I slowly pushed deeper. "Oh fuck that's good." She put her arms around me at the waist and pulled at me, trying to hurry me inside. "C'mon, give it to me. Give it all to me. Fill me up with your cock." And as I pushed the last few inches into her she tilted her head back, making a gasping and breathless laugh. "Oh fuck yes. It's been so FUCKING long!"

She was hot and wet and tight around my cock, and I rocked slowly in and out of her, savoring the sensation. But inevitably my eyes were drawn to her tits, delicate in their shape and size, adorable with their cherry-blossom-pink nipples. Just as my cock was the pinnacle of my lust to fuck this woman, my mouth lusted after her breasts, her nipples, and the milk that I knew was waiting to be sucked out of her.

Claire saw where my eyes were fixed. "Yes," she purred, putting her hand under one breast and lifting it, offering it to me. "Take it. Suck my milk and fuck me while you're at it."

So I hunched my back and took the offered breast into my mouth, closing my lips on it and sucking, and once again I felt and tasted the sweet warm milk in my mouth. The combination of sensations was overwhelming, engulfing. I groaned loudly through my nose and drove my pelvis upward, pushing my cock into her deep and hard. I sucked repeatedly, filling my mouth with milk and not swallowing. Then I released her nipple and brought my face up to hers, putting my lips against her lips. I let the milk flow from my mouth and into hers, a little at first and then more and finally all of it. She opened her mouth wide to take it, then closed her lips to swallow and opened them again to laugh, stray drops of white trickling from the crooks of her mouth and glistening on her chin.

I made some longer, deep thrusts, and the expression on Claire's face went from laughing to serious; her eyes focusing somewhere far away as she concentrated on the wave of pleasure that was bubbling up inside her. I began slapping my belly down hard on hers, pushing up deep into her. Braced above her on straight arms, I watched her gorgeous tits jiggling violently with each thrust, milk trickling from the one I'd been sucking on, the droplets appearing on the gyrating nipple and then disappearing as they trickled down one side or another of the quaking breast.

"Y-- ye-- yes," Claire stammered, the word squeezed out of her in the fast rhythm of my thrusts. "F-- fuck me, L-- L-- Jack... Fuck m-- me." The hands that had been at my waist released me and now drifted aimlessly, her fingers opening and closing on air. Then she shut her eyes tight and turned her head to the side. "Gonna..." The words pinched off, and for a long moment she made no sound, not even breathing, her hands in tight fists and her body rigid as I continued to thrust into her. And for a long, frozen moment, as the rest of her body was stiff and unmoving; milk began to spray upward from both her nipples. The fine little jets spurted out, some of them shooting up and wetting my chest and others squirting out in long arcs that went in all directions. Then with an explosive burst Claire's voice was released again, and she shouted "AHHHH!" in a bellowing grunt as her body writhed and shuddered underneath me, milk still jetting out of her nipples.

I felt my own orgasm coming, and with my last voluntary act before that explosion, I cupped a hand loosely over her tit so I could feel the warm spray against my palm. Then it was my turn to let out a bellowing grunt, as the cum spewed out of me and my body went into wrenching convulsions that drove my cock to its furthest limit up into Claire's vagina.

I collapsed onto Claire's body, dropping my weight on her as I gasped raggedly for breath. I could feel the wetness of her milk between our bodies, echoing the wetness of my cum and her juices that surrounded my wilting cock and trickled out of her.