His Young Lover

Julian sat in the den catching up on the latest sports news, but he couldn't get his mind off of Briana. It was torturous knowing she was mere feet away in his son's bedroom. They were supposed to be studying, but from the giggling he heard over the loud music, he suspected more was going on. He approached the door and knocked loudly before slowly proceeding to open it. TJ and Briana were sprawled out across the carpeted floor with their textbooks and notebooks out in front of them. Both were laughing uncontrollably at some joke.

"Ahem!" Julian cleared his throat loudly to get their attention. "It's after ten o'clock; the music needs to be quieter. Also, it's a school night. You know the rule about company after ten," Julian said to his son.

"Sorry, Dad, I guess we lost track of time," TJ apologized as he turned down the volume on his iPod system.

"It's okay. Just make sure Briana can make it home okay at this time of night," Julian reminded them.

"Um, I took the bus over. It'll probably take a while before the next one," Briana said, grabbing her books and shoving them into her backpack.

"I was heading out to run some errands, why don't I drop you off?" Julian offered with ulterior motives.

"Are you sure, Mr Spencer?" she said with a slight smile. "I can probably just call my mom to come pick me up."

"That might take a while. Honestly, it's not a problem," Julian insisted.

"Yeah Bri, let my dad take you home. It'll be quicker than taking the bus or waiting for your mom," TJ chimed in.

"Okay, sure," Briana hoped that her smile wasn't too obvious as she placed a kiss on TJ's cheek. "I'll see you in class tomorrow."

"Yeah, sure. Get home safe," TJ said, before sitting back on his bed and putting his headphones on.

Briana left the room with Julian. Before heading down the stairs, she couldn't resist pulling Julian to her, to steal a kiss.

Julian gently pushed her away. "Not here. Maggie's downstairs and awake."

Briana pouted as they descended the staircase and walked past the living room where Maggie was cozy on the couch, watching the nightly news.

"Finally heading home, Briana?" Maggie asked.

"Yes, Mrs. Spencer," Briana said politely.

"I'm going to give her a ride. I mean...since I'm heading out anyway. I'll make sure she gets home safe," Julian explained as he picked up his car keys.

"Sure. Don't forget to pick up some milk on your way back," Maggie reminded him.

In the garage, as Julian opened the car door for Briana, he asked curious, "So, you guys were just studying up there, right?"

"Yeah, we have a big test coming up," she said as she slid into the passenger's seat. When Julian got behind the wheel, she added with a smile, "What else did you think we were doing?"

Julian shrugged, "I don't know. You want me to answer that?"

Briana laughed. "Are you jealous?"

"No," Julian lied as the garage door went up and he pulled out of the driveway.

"Maybe I gave him a little head. Or I let him finger my wet pussy," Briana teased.

Julian sighed. He could tell that Briana was in a playful mood.

Her mischievous laugh filled the car. "Haha, don't worry, I'm just kidding. We didn't do anything, just studied," Briana admitted with a smile. "Besides, I'm saving it for you." She lifted the hem of her skirt, parting her thighs to show off her purple cotton panties which were darkened by a damp spot.

Julian smiled at her, trying his best to keep his eyes on the road. "You're horny, huh?"

"Always for you, Mr. Spencer," Briana grinned.

Julian kept his left hand on the steering wheel, as he moved his right hand to Briana's knee. Briana guided his hand up her thigh and inside her panties.

"Mmm, yeah, you're wet, alright," he said as he slid his fingers across her slit before slipping one inside her slick pink center.

"Mmm, yes. Just like that." moaned Briana, grinding her pussy against his hand.

When he stopped at a red light, Julian took the opportunity to look at his handiwork. Briana sat with her legs held wide.

One boldly propped against the dashboard, the other laying in the seat. Her panties, dampened by her dew, bulged where his hand invaded them.

"I'm glad I don't drive a stick shift," Julian quipped.

"Mmm, But I know a stick I would love to ride."

Julian's erection strained against his jeans and he wanted nothing more than for Briana to do just that. After a few left, then right turns, he finally turned down a dark alley between two old buildings. He killed the headlights and turned to Briana, "Come here."

"Mmm, okay," she peeled her soaked underwear off, then leaned over him to unzip his fly. His cock sprung forth from his boxers, proud and ready. Briana took him into her small hands, rubbed his pink swollen head, before straddling his lap. She fumbled a bit to get him at her entrance. But when she did, she moaned loudly.

"Ah, fuck yes!" Immediately, she apologized for her language. Julian often scolded her for being vulgar. "Sorry, but your dick always feels so fucking big and so good," she said, slowly sliding up and down on him.

Julian smiled, leaning forward to kiss her lips. "That mouth always gets you into trouble." He spanked her ass as he pushed up, deeper

"Ah, yes. Fuck me, please," Briana moaned to her lover.

Julian complied, thrusting harder. He loved the soft, whimpering moans she made every time he filled her. "Ah Briana, baby."

"You want to come, huh?" she said against his lips.

"Yes, baby, make me come," he whispered back.

Briana leant back, braced her hands against the steering wheel and began bouncing up and down on his cock. She loved being on top, controlling how deep and hard he entered her tight pussy.

"Ah yes baby, don't stop," Julian moaned, digging his fingers into the flesh of her plush brown ass. He watched her hard nipples bounce inside of her top, before lowering his mouth to them and biting down.

"Mmm, Julian," Briana moaned. The pleasure he was creating coursed through her good and thoroughly.

When Julian came in a violent eruption, he dropped back against the seat. Briana smiled, swirling her hips while still on his cock. His cream oozed out between them.

"Ah man. I haven't had sex in my car since I was a teenager," he said, rubbing his hands up and down Briana's back.

Briana laughed, "It's a shame, your wife doesn't know what she's missing."

At the mention of Maggie, Julian peeled Briana away from him and sat her back in the passenger seat. "I should probably get you home. Your mom will be worried."

The short drive to Briana's was mostly silently. Julian could not help but feel torn and guilty about this affair with his son's girlfriend. He rarely thought about Maggie's feelings. Most likely, it was his son who would feel the most betrayed. Still, when he pulled up to Briana's house, he couldn't resist stealing a kiss from his young lover.

"My mom will see us," Briana cautioned, pulling away.

"So, she'll think I'm TJ," Julian said, as his son often drove his car.

Briana grinned as she placed her hand on his crotch and gave him a playful squeeze. "You're definitely not TJ!"

Julian smiled back, "Keep doing that and we might have to go around the block again."

A light on the front porch came on, followed by a silhouette in the window.

"You should go," Julian said reluctantly.

"Okay, good night, lover," Briana said as she stuffed her panties into her backpack. Then, she playfully added before stepping out of the car, "Don't forget the milk."

Julian sat there, watching Briana walk up to her door and smiling broadly to himself. Since school started back up, Briana continued to rely on her friends as an alibi when she arranged their hook-ups after school. Julian loved being with Briana, he felt ten to fifteen years younger. He often wondered what would happen if he left Maggie and ran off with his young lover. Of course, it would be after she finished school. He fantasized about waking up next to her sexy, chocolate body every day and making love to her--her body so soft and yielding, showing her new plateaus of pleasure. She, no doubt, would give him endless pleasures, too.

His phone buzzed interrupting this fantasy. He checked his phone to see a text from Maggie. Don't forget the milk. Immediately, he replied. I won't, on my way back now. He drove to the grocery store, and back to reality.