Sending a shield to the door

Lin Hai has been in a state of procrastination.

A joke, Liu Xinyue actually took it.

Of course, making a fake come true, for Lin Hai, I am too happy to have it.

Boyfriend who is a school flower, it is estimated that no male student is unwilling.

The key is that Liu Xinyue is crying, there must be problems here.

Mad, he is not a dangerous man, a hypocrite who is difficult for a strong man.

Lin Hai is not good at it.


Someone added their own friends.

Click on the address book to see, I rely on, Sun Wukong!

Lin Hai almost jumped up excitedly, but he grew up watching the Journey to the West, and he liked Sun Wukong.

by! Nothing to say.

"You just grabbed the shape of Dan? Is it better to sell it to the old grandson?" Just passed, the information of Sun Wukong was sent.

"Haha, just a remedy, how to give it to the Grand St.." Lin Hai directly sent the scorpion to the Monkey King.

Anyway, I can't use it anymore. It's better to give it to Sun Wukong.

"Ah, thank you, thank you!" Sun Wukong sent a string of clenched expressions.

"You are very appetizing for the old grandson, and the old grandson will have a return in the future."

The music department practiced the sound room.

Zhao Lei nodded and stood in front of a young man.

"Hu Ge, this is my girlfriend, Wang Ting, Tingting, hurry to call Hu Ge."

"Hu Ge is good."

Hu Wei cocked his legs and took a look at Wang Ting.

"I said Zhao Lei, your girlfriend is more diligent than me, but the quality is far worse."

Wang Ting's face is red.

Zhao Lei's smile.

"Hu Ge, you have a good relationship with Ye Shao, see if you can talk to Ye Shao, next month's city youth singer contest, Tingting also wants to…"

"Xinyue!" Still not finished, Hu Weimeng stood up and walked toward the door.

Zhao Lei groaned for a while, and then he swallowed it.

"Xinyue, you are here."

Liu Xinyue frowned.

"How many times have you told me that I am not so familiar with you, don't call it so close."

"Xinyue, I told Ye Shao, as long as you promised to be my girlfriend, the champion of the city youth singer contest next month is yours." Hu Wei did not mind Liu Xinyue's attitude, laughing Said.

"Thank you, no, I already have a boyfriend, and I will rely on my own strength to win the championship."

"Is there a boyfriend?" Hu Wei's face, the brush sank.

"Impossible, you tell me who it is?"

"Xinyue." Coincidentally, Lin Hairu arrived.

"Who is he?" Hu Wei looked at Lin Hai, his eyes full of hostility.

"I didn't tell you, I have a boyfriend, it is him." Liu Xinyue went to Linhai and said.

"I rely!" Seeing this scene, Lin Hai immediately understood.

Mard, it's hard to say if the boyfriend is not right, but the shield that was sent to the door was first.

"Hello, I am Xinyue's boyfriend." Lin Hai reached out and took Liu Xinyue's soft and slender waist.

Since the shield is set, first return the interest and say.

Feeling the temperature from the waist, Liu Xinyue's body was stiff and turned to look at Lin Hai.

"My boyfriend, Lin Hai."

Hu Wei's face is gloomy and terrible.

"Xinyue, don't just find a cat and a dog to perfuse me, the champion of the city youth competition, you don't want it?"

Liu Xinyue's body is obviously trembled and seems to be very concerned about this champion.

"I will fight for the championship, and my boyfriend will coach me. I have confidence in the championship."

"Haha, he coaches you? It's a joke." At this time, Wang Ting and Zhao Lei also came over.

"Hu Ge, that Lin Hai is a poor boy from the country, singing five sounds are not complete, but also want to coach others."

Wang Ting is eager to perform in front of Hu Wei, let's shake the old bottom of Lin Hai.

Lin Haiyi frowned, this woman, has been living together for a year, why bother to fight against herself.

"Xinyue, do you still say that you are perfunctory?" Hu Wei listened, and sneered, and confirmed that Lin Hai was a fake goods that Liu Xinyue temporarily found.

Lin Hai and Liu Xinyue ignorantly disregarded Hu Wei and began to discuss the techniques of vocalization.

"Yes, keep the gas between the third and fourth ribs and pronounce it with two ribs."

"Haha, laugh at me." Wang Ting laughed exaggeratedly.

"Although I am not specializing in singing, I also know that it is necessary to keep Dantian and pronounce it in the abdominal cavity. I have never heard of using two ribs."

"That is, there will be gas between the ribs, it is not directly suffocating." Zhao Lei also followed.

"Well, Xinyue, don't make trouble." Hu frowned and shouted.

"Is that the case? Ah~ Yeah~" Liu Xinyue directly took Hu as the air and practiced the sound according to the method of Lin Hai.

"Yes, that's it." I have to say that Liu Xinyue is very talented in singing. After a while, I will find the right position.

"Liu Xinyue, Hu Shao is really sincere to you, you should be honored to be right, why are you looking for such a garbage, shameful eyes?"

Suddenly, a handsome boy came over.

"Liu Jun, my business does not need you to control." This boy, called Liu Jun, is also a music department, handsome, singing.

People in the music department think that he and Liu Xinyue are born together. Liu Jun also pursued Liu Xinyue for a long time.

However, Liu Xinyue has been very cold to him, especially after Hu Wei began to pursue Liu Xinyue, he had to give up.

Liu Jun was originally hooking up with a school girl. Seeing Liu Xinyue's look, Lin Hailai, who was a layman, was disgusting and immediately stood up and helped Hu.

He also wants to participate in the city's youth song competition, taking Hu Wei's flattering, and relying on the relationship between Hu Wei and Ye Shao, dare not say the first and second, a good ranking can never run.

"Liu Xinyue, listen to my sentence, don't get angry with Hu Shao, let this garbage go."

Lin Hai is not happy.

"Who is going to get out of the trash?"

"Garbage makes you go!"


"So old stalks, you can still be fooled, IQ is really worrying." Lin Hai stunned and shook his head.

"You…" Liu Jun's face rose red, Mad, and careless.

"Kid, don't talk about the energy. Since you said that you also understand music, I dare not compare it with me. Let me see if you have any skills to coach Liu Xinyue."

"Okay." Lin Hai sneered, Mad, isn't it that I put my face over to find it?

Liu Jun's disdainful smile, I dare to promise, and I will have a good look.

"Everyone!" Liu Jun turned back and shouted at the students who practiced the sound room.

"This guy who doesn't know where to come out, don't know where the courage is, compare it with me here, I am Liu Jun, I want to ask everyone to help be a referee."

"Good, Liu Jun, I love you, I support you!"

"Jun brother, I am your fan, come on, kill him!"

A few flower idiots screamed and screamed wildly.

Liu Jun proudly looked up and looked back toward Lin Hai, and the smile suddenly solidified.

I saw Lin Hai and Liu Xinyue, who was bowing and laughing, and did not pay any attention to him.

"Hey, kid, can you dare to compare?" Liu Jun looked down on his face.

"Oh, you sing first, you sing first." Lin Hai waved his hand indiscriminately, continued to linger with Liu Xinyue, and burst into laughter from time to time.

Liu Jun's face is dark.

This is the disregard of the red fruit.

Wait a minute, have you look good!

"Okay, then I will sing first. When I finish singing, you estimate that there is no courage to stand up."

"Wait a minute!" Hu Wei suddenly stood up.

"What is the meaning of light than singing? How come you have to make a bet."

Hu Wei's voice just fell, Lin Hai, who was still laughing and laughing, jerked his head up and looked at Hu Wei, his eyes staring straight.

"I wipe, loved ones!"