Encountered a nemesis

Lin Hai put the building of Ji Dan into the mouth without hesitation.

The entrance of the medicinal herbs is instant, and a warm current instantly travels through the limbs of Linhai, and it is uncomfortable to say.

At the same time, a huge force, crazy growth in the body of Lin Hai.

In just a few seconds, Lin Hai has undergone amazing changes.

At the moment, Lin Hai, the senses become extremely sensitive, and any wind and grass around them seem to be in their own control. Even the air seems to have become incomparable, as if they have life, surrounded by the forest, cheerful. Beating.

The changes in the body are more obvious. Lin Hai feels that he is now strong like a calf, and he has the power to make ends. He is even convinced that he can easily break through a wall with a punch.

I rely on, seconds become superman!

Lin Hai's heart was surprisingly unusual.

"What about him, kill me!" The bald head came to Lin Hai and waved.

"Wait a minute!" A man came out from behind the gangster.

"Zhao Lei?" Lin Hai eyes a glimpse, Zhao Lei's side, is a sneer Wang Ting.

"Strong brother, there are too many people here…" Zhao Lei glanced at the busy traders around him.

"Ah, that is, Mad didn't pay attention." The bald head touched his head and "take him away."

In downtown, the bald head is not too arrogant.

"Where are you going to take me?" Lin Hai deliberately pretended to be afraid.

"You will know when you arrive, go!" The two dogs stepped forward and pushed Lin Hai.

Ten minutes later, Lin Hai was taken to a secluded place by the bald head and others.

"Mad, I was almost cheated by you. Fortunately, Zhao Gongzi's girlfriend showed me your photo!" When he arrived at the place, the bald head pointed to Lin Hai and said fiercely.

Lin Hai's heart is cold, is it Wang Ting?

At this time, Zhao Lei screamed and screamed, and walked to Lin Hai in one step and three shakes.

Wang Ting glared at Zhao Lei's arm and was proud of it.

"Call~" Zhao Lei opened his mouth and blew a smog in the face of Lin Hai.

"Boy, you are very arrogant, dare him to let Laozi learn to bark." Said, Zhao Lei raised his hand and took the face of Lin Hai.

"Hey!" Lin Hai directly grabbed Zhao Lei's wrist and twisted it.

"Ah, my grass, pain, pain, hurt me." Zhao Lei suddenly bent down and mourned.

Wang Ting changed his face and shouted: "Lin Hai, let go of Lei!"

Lin Hai glanced at Wang Ting, his eyes were all indifferent.

"What about him, let go of Zhao Gongzi." The bald head was also anxious, but Zhao Lei was in the hands of Lin Hai. He did not dare to rush up.

Lin Haiyi grinned. "If you still want this hand, give your brother three more dogs to listen to."

"Lin Hai, what about you…"

"Well?" Lin Hai's hand suddenly tried to "learn to learn?"

"Hey~" Zhao Lei was terrible. "Learning, can't I learn?"

"Wang Wang Wang!"

"I rubbed, I learned quite like it. I really have the potential to be a dog." Lin Hai sarcastically said.

"She, she also has to learn." Lin Hai turned his attention to Wang Ting's body.

This woman, not only does not have a old feeling, but also can't go anywhere with her.

Lin Hai does not want to let her go!

"Lin Hai, you are sick, you!" Wang Ting screamed wildly.

"Don't learn? Good." Lin Hai nodded and tried to force again.

"Hey, I am muddy horse, you stink" "biaozi", hurry up to learn!" Zhao Lei's pain is spreading quickly.

"Wang Wang Wang!"

Zhao Lei's words, Wang Ting did not dare not listen, and stunned Lin Hai's eyes, and he was so angry that he learned three barking dogs reluctantly.

"Very good." Lin Hai reached out and photographed Zhao Lei's face that was distorted by pain.

"Remember, no strength, don't force it in the future!" After that, he pushed Zhao Lei to the ground.

"Grass mud horse, kill him!" Zhao Lei climbed up from the ground, and quickly hid behind the bald head.

A yellow hair is eager to perform, rushing up, according to the Linhai face is a punch, and anxious and fast, apparently a veteran of the fight.

If ordinary people, they will definitely be put down by this fist. Unfortunately, in Lin Hai's eyes, the movement of Huang Mao is no different from the slow motion of putting movies.

Lin Haizui's mouth, not hiding or flashing, is also a punch in the yellow hair.

"Hey!" The sound of broken bones came, and the body of Huang Mao flew directly three meters away and fell to the ground, unconscious.

"I rub, the strength is not mastered, I am sorry." Lin Hai sighed with apologetic gesture.


Everyone was shocked by this scene.

"Grass, together!" The gangsters who reacted came together.

The screams of one after another, endless, no less than a minute, all the gangsters fell to the ground, a 42-foot footprint on each chest, painful "shenyin".


Looking at the punks who fell to the ground, Lin Hai felt very comfortable at this time!

A fierce look up, Lin Hai's cold eyes, fell on the bald head.

"My grass, Foshan has no shadow!" The bald head is not afraid of it, but the eyes of the two eyes are excited.

"No shadow, your sister, no shadow!" Lin Hai turned a blind eye, he was just a quick move.

"Hai Ge, please accept me as a disciple." The bald head suddenly took two steps and smashed.

"Nani?" Lin Haizui Zhang Boda, "I grass, this bald strong Nima does not take the usual path!"

"Hai Ge, I have been a martial artist since I was a child, or a fan of Huang Feihong. I beg you, I must accept it." The bald head looked forward to it.

"Your business, I will say it later!" Too sudden, Lin Hai was a bit aggressive.

Looking up, Lin Hai put his gaze on Zhao Lei who just escaped from the "claw".

Zhao Lei has already been scared by the scene in front of him. Seeing Lin Hai looking at him, he was scared to see.

"Lin Hai, don't, don't hit me, I'm wrong."

Lin Hai did not say a word and walked straight toward Zhao Lei.

Zhao Lei panicked, turned his head and just saw Wang Ting, who was equally scared.

As if catching a life-saving straw, Zhao Lei pulled Wang Ting over and pushed it toward Lin Hai.

"Hai Ge, both of them are Wang Ting's arrogant goods. You look for her, don't look for me, I will return it to you."

Lin Hai reached out and put Wang Ting on the side, striding forward, and reaching out, Zhao Lei picked up.

"Hai Ge, I am wrong, spare me." Zhao Lei's feet are off the ground, his face is red, and he is constantly struggling.

"Rain you?" Lin Hai smiled.

"I just spared you, but if you get up, let these people kill me."

Looking at the harmless smile of the livestock on the face of Lin Hai, Zhao Lei felt terrible than the devil.

"Hai Ge, I really know that it is wrong. This is what Hu Shao told."

"Hu Wei?" Lin Hai sneered. "Go back and give him a sentence. Don't always think about playing yin, not like a man."

"Yes, yes, yes, I will bring you the words of Hai Ge." Zhao Lei was so fast that he could not get out of breath.

"Go it." Throwing Zhao Lei on the ground, Lin Hai waved his hand toward Zhao Lei like a fly.

"Thank you Haige, thank you Haige." Zhao Lei nodded his head and ran away with Wang Ting's fart.

"Master!" The bald head shouted from behind.

"Don't call Master first." Lin Hai looked back and looked at her eyes.

"Yes, Master." The bald head replied with respect.

"Scratch, say no." Lin Hai went to give a slap on the big bald.

"Made, can't accept?" Lin Hai a contradiction.

In the end, it is a young man, and Lin Hai is also very vanity.

"But this guy's IQ is worrying, and I have been fooled twice."

"I can't accept the arrears of IQ, there will be insults."

"Yes, I can't accept it!"

Lin Hai made up his mind.

"You and I have no apprenticeship, go down the mountain." Lin Hai learned how to be a tall man on TV.

"Going down the mountain? Master, isn't you on the mountain?" The bald head was strong and forced.

"Your sister, just let you go!" Lin Hai's nose is discouraged.

"Oh, Master, are we sects and screaming down the mountain?"

"Made, just don't want to accept you!"

"Oh, I know, Master."

"Don't call me Master."

"Okay, Master."

"Made, say no!"

"I don't call, Master."


Lin Hai felt that he had met the nemesis.