Golden Needle

"You are the family of the patient?"

"Yes, I am his friend." Lin Hai replied quickly.

"Many blood vessels in his skull have ruptured and he has been unable to return to heaven."

"What!" Lin Hai was blind.

"Sorry." Dean Du shook his head and stepped away.

"Mad, no, I want to save the bald head."

Lin Hai took out his mobile phone and opened the Tianting trading group.

Little confused immortal: Whoever has a mortal who can eat the remedy that can be brought back to life, urgent use! ! !

For a long time, no one answered.


I usually chat and **** one by one, but I can't see it when I have one thing.

Little confused fairy: @太上老君, there is no, 100,000 urgent!

I can only find this old boy.

Taishang Laojun: 100,000 merits!

Your sister! Zhangkou is 100,000, where is Laozi going to steal it.

Little confused fairy: Can you owe it first, and promise you back.

After waiting for ten minutes, I won't go back directly to Laojun.

Mom forced, Lin Hai was anxious.

After thinking about it, I sent a message directly to my group of gods and friends.

"Which Taoist help, help me to make a remedy that will allow mortals to come back to life, there must be a thank you!"


Sun Wukong: Everyone used, stealing no place to steal.

Yutu: No, no.

Magic ceremony: in the robbery… (automatic reply)

Jinhua Boy: It takes ten days, but the material is very expensive, and the success rate is very low, need it?

Tie Li Li: The golden needles of the soul can make the dead people come back to life, but the cost is greater.

I rely on it, it really has a reliable, I forgot the iron turn Li is the drug king.

Lin Hai rushed to talk privately.

Little confused fairy: Can you talk about it specifically?

Tie Li Li: Yes, specifically, it is…

Lin Hai was depressed after listening to two sentences.

Nima, I don't understand.

Little confused fairy: I don't understand, what should I do?

Tie Li Li: Why don't I sell my medical skills to you?

Little confused fairy: Ok!

Lin Hai came to the spirit when he heard it.

Tie Li Li: 200,000 merit points.

Lin Hai almost fell down.

Mad, how can one dare to be more than one?

Without waiting for Lin Hai to speak, the information of Tie Li Li was sent again.

Tie Li Li: But Shang Xian is helping me find the whereabouts of my wife and children, I can give you a 20% discount.

20% off? I can't afford to take a break.

He is a hundred talents, and he is poor.

After thinking about it, Lin Hai's eyes lit up.

"Can I pay in installments?"

Tie Li Li: What do you mean?

Little confused fairy: Give you a hundred merit points every month, a 20% discount is 160,000, divided into 1,600 months, that is, more than one hundred and thirty years to pay off, how?

Tie Li Li: Shang Xian said with a smile, one month is still about 10,000, and I can consider it in the case of Shang Xian helping me find my wife and children.

Ten thousand? Where did Madder get it?

It seems that it is clear that the forest is relatively poor, and the iron to help Lin Hai think of a way.

Tie Li Li: If you don't have enough points, you can replace them with things.

Replace with things? Mad, can you replace yourself?

Meditating for a long time, Lin Hai's brain flashed.

Suddenly remembered to give carrots to the jade rabbit.

Perhaps the mortal things are very common, and it is a rarity to come to heaven.

No matter what, try it.

Lin Hai returned to the car and took a Chinese cigarette from the trunk and swept it directly.

You sent a Chinese cigarette to Tie Li.

Tie Li Li: Shang Xian, what is this?

Little confused fairy: This is called a cigarette, have you heard a sentence? A cigarette after the meal, the game is alive!

Tie Li Li: Oh? how to use?

Lin Hai saw a play, and quickly rushed to tell him about it, and then sent him a lighter.

After a while.

Tie Li Li: Shang Xian, where are you from such treasures? (There is a row of amazing expressions behind)

Small confused fairy: from a secret place.

When I saw that the iron was called a treasure, Lin Hai knew that it was almost finished.

Flickering, the more mysterious, the better the price.

Little confused fairy: How do you see how many merits can you reach?

Tie Li Li: Although the treasure is good, it is a consumable item after all, and at most one is 5,000.

Small confused fairy: Daoyou, these treasures, rare in the world, the last time Jade Emperor 8000 bought me, I have not sold.

Tie Li Li: Shang Xian and Jade Emperor still have exchanges? (There is another row of shocks behind)

Lin Hai secretly snickered, this iron turn Li has been chatting with himself since he was shocked.

Little confused fairy: occasionally sitting together.

Boasting, anyway, Lin Hai estimates that such a fairy, such as Tie Li, is not qualified to meet with the Jade Emperor, and is not afraid of the stuffing.

Tie Li Li: Since even the Jade Emperor prefers this treasure, it will be 10,000.


Lin Hai was happy with a fist.

Little confused fairy: In this case, then the fairy will send you one month, to pay the monthly installment.


Tie Li Li sent you a drug king heritage.

Tie Li has sent you a set of gold needles.

Tie Li Li: Seeing the immortal is eager to save people, this set of gold needles is sent to you.

"Thank you!" Lin Haidao thanked, and quickly opened the Qiankun bag.



You have learned the king of medicine to pass on the mortal.

The drug king passed down the immortal article and failed to learn.

Yao Wang passed on the ghosts and failed to learn.

Ok? Also divided into mortal, immortals and ghosts?

What is the situation of learning failure?

Forget it, you can't manage that much, and the bald head is still waiting for help.

Hurry up and go upstairs, see the medical staff ready to push the bald head into the operating room.

Although the bald head has not yet died, the words of Dean Du have already sentenced him to death, and it is meaningless to do any treatment.

The only thing that can be done is to wait for death.

"Wait a minute!" Lin Hai stopped the medical staff.

"He still has a save."

The medical staff turned a blind eye. "We understand the mood of your patient's family, but President Du has just said that he can't save it."

"If he can't save, it doesn't mean that I can't save, you can go out first."

"Hey, what's going on with you, the operating room is heavy, and no one can enter."

Lin Hai was anxious to save people, so he took care of them, then they pushed them out and slammed the door.

"Because your little child is a big life!" Lin Hai gave the bald head a strong pulse, and he couldn't help but breathe a sigh. If he was late, even if he learned the golden needle, it would not help.


"Open the door, open the door quickly!"

Outside the medical staff, while squatting at the door of the operating room, arranged for people to run to find security guards.

At the time of the operation, the most should not bother.

After learning the inheritance of the drug king of the iron-turning Li, Lin Hai knew all the acupuncture points in the whole body.

Along the head of a hidden acupuncture point, Lin Hai directly closed his own hearing.

"Time is tight, let's get started." Lin Hai took a deep breath, took out the gold needle, shot like electricity, and tied it down.


At the moment when the golden needle entered the bald head, Lin Hai only felt a pain in his mind.

In the meantime, my own soul seems to be coming out of the body.

The golden needle in the hand, actually trembled uncontrollably, as if there was a force, and the gold needle was organized to continue to enter.

"Mad, let Laozi go in!" Lin Hai bite his teeth, the innate instinct in the body, along the veins on his arms, quickly swam, poured into the golden needle.

It seems that it has to be higher and lower than Lin Hai. The power of the block has suddenly increased. The gold needle is like a magnet with the same magnetic properties. Every time it is inward, it will consume a lot of infuriating forest.

I don't know how long it took, when Lin Hai's consciousness was blurred, the golden needle was all plunged, and the resistance of the resistance suddenly disappeared.

Lin Haitong sat on the ground and gasped.

"Mad, finally succeeded, no wonder the iron turn Li said that the cost is greater, which is bigger, almost let him put the little life into it."

Reaching out to unlock his own hearing, after all, like a blind man, is really uncomfortable.


Just after the hearing was unsealed, the operating room door was knocked open, and several security guards rushed in, behind the neurological staff.

"I said what happened to you, this is a problem…"

A doctor rushed over to Lin Hai's meal, but the words had not been finished, and he was pushed away by himself.

Dean Du took two steps and stared at the bald head. The acupuncture point where the golden needle was located was shocking and unbelievable.

"Golden Needle!"

Du Yuan suddenly turned his head and looked at Lin Hai, his face was full of stunned!