The Accident...

"LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, PARENTS OF ALL CONTESTANTS, WE HAVE COME TO THE FINALS OF TODAY'S TOURNAMENT!" The announcer, trying to rile up the crowd to make some noise for the finalists, announced.

"WILL THE FINALIST MAKE THEIR WAY TO THE ARENA!" After the contestants were called to the arena, 2 boys walked up the stairs at opposing ends of the stage. "COMING IN ON THE LEFT HAND SIDE WE HAVE MARK SPAIN!"

Mark turned to face the crowd cheering for him, pulled out his sword and held it high in the air. The crowd went wild, chanting his name and causing the walls of the building to shake.


Opposite of Mark stood a boy in red clothing, with red hair and eyes, with a spear in hand. He turned to face the crowd cheering for him, and received near identical cheers from his fans. Twirling his spear in his hand, he pointed the blade toward Mark.

"It's been a while Mark. You better not have gotten worse since the last time we fought." Riley spoke with confidence in his voice, showing no signs of fear when facing the undefeated champion of this arena.

"Oh please, you couldn't put a scratch on me last time we fought, you better have gotten better." Mark retorted with a smile on his face.

They both looked like they were about to have the best time of their lives. Taking their stances, the referee stood in the center of the arena, ready to begin the match.

With a blow of a whistle the match had begun.

The crowd roared with excitement, the contestants were charging at each other and striking with all the strength that they had.

With a vertical slash, Mark aimed to finish the fight and maintain the title of 'Undefeated Champion', however Riley blocked the blade with the hilt of his spear. The sword dug into the wood causing a large gash to appear.

"You aren't going to get rid of me that easily!" Riley announced, still holding the spear above his head.

"Looks like you have gotten better." Mark replied with a smirk. "But you still haven't been able to put a scratch on me." With a confident voice, he explained to Riley.

"And you have only put 1 on my spear. Looks like you have gotten rusty." Riley teased.

"Maybe I should fight you seri-"

Before Mark could finish his sentence, a snap could be heard resounding through the hall.

"ARRGH!" A scream of pain was all that could be heard in that moment.

Looking down, Mark saw what looked like an arm on the floor still grasping a spear in its hand. Not understanding what happened he turned to Riley, his best friend, only to see him grasping where his arm should have been.

"SOMEONE CALL AN AMBULANCE!" Someone in the crowd cried snapping Mark out of his stupor.

'What happened... Who did this... Why is my sword bloody...' These thoughts were racing through his head, while trying to think of what to do to help his best friend.

"SOMEONE SIEZE THAT BOY!" A man with red hair demanded, running up the arena steps toward Riley. "HE ATTACKED MY SON, AND CRIPPLED HIM FOR LIFE!"

The referee and a man from the crowd and tackled Mark to the ground, not letting him move a muscle. Still confused as to what was happening, he couldn't help but cry out for Riley.

"Riley, what happened?!" Tears flowing down Mark's face.

Screams echoed throughout the arena, tears flowed down many people's faces seeing one of the promising stars crippled for their life.

Mark was taken by the police and questioned about the events. They determined that the attack wasn't intentional, letting him go free, but with a group of officers watching him for the next month.

During that month, he didn't set foot in the arena, didn't touch his sword or even watch any of the martial arts tournaments. He sat in his room, only leaving to get food and go to the bathroom.

'What did I do... I didn't mean to... He'll forgive me... Right?'