Ch 1.So...I died...

(I'm bored so I decided for fun….die..also I'm on my phone so bad grammar)

/???? POV/

My name is Teal Silva, I am…or was 31 technically 32 years old, my birthday was supposed to be tomorrow, my friends…..or former friends use to call me Pucci or Puc for short. You should have guessed by now by the tags…..yes I died BUT unlike the typical darkness or according to the typical DENSE harem protagonist on this website the VOID.

Even so, I find myself like all those other main characters in front of an old guy with a long beard…. Oh I forgot to say I also resemble Pucci and ironically he is my favorite JOJO villain to exist, so if I do get wishes…..*Laugh like a creep* should know or at least have an idea of what my wishes are going to be related to.

(Dio was great but in my opinion, Funny Valentine and Pucci were better, even if Dio was the one to come up with or orchestrate the startup of TO HEAVEN plan Pucci finished it and he succeeded also Funny only lost because Araki pulled Tusk out of his fat juicy booty lol.)

Though he isn't saying anything….like at all so….while this awkward scene continues I will explain or give yall some background information on your Chad Main Character *Laughs like a Chad*(Author:Also the love interest is gonna be like 2 or 3 technically 1 person…'ll see")

[*Flashback no Jutsu*]

"What are you doing Caleb?"I spoke to my youngest son as he tried to eat his toy car like an idiot. As I stood up from the couch to take it from my troublemaking little monster, my wife Ghislaine Silva shouted

"Honey, can you bring Julie back home, she is at her friend Kaly's house!"I got up, took the toy car away from the little monster at the same time picking him up as well, and made my way towards the bedroom where my wife is.

As I entered I inquired further about my eldest daughter and 10 minutes later I was walking down the block towards Kaly's house. Ghisy couldn't pick her up due to work as she just left right after me. If you're wondering what she secret I don't wanna kill some stalkers or my wife might do it for me. As I come up to the front door of her home which wasn't that long of a walk and about to knock on the front door to pick up my 11-year-old daughter…..from her friend's two-story brick house...….a fucking semi-truck teleported…..well it came out of nowhere so I presumed it teleported and hit me, causing me to travel airborne for about 26 to 40 meters…..packs a punch huh is all I could think as I was in complete shock.

I landed, still in a somewhat shocked state, and was able to see the truck go through a golden portal of some kind which then disappeared as if it never was there. I lay there...motionless….as my senses started to fade a commotion was going on beside me, typical human…see a guy bloody and just got yeeted actress the road and the first thing they do is…fuckin record. Just before my vision was engulfed by darkness I saw my daughter...…a couple of feet away and closing, sprinting from across the road screaming towards me. I couldn't hear anything, as I thought that was the last time I would get to see my family before I died...CAP!

[*Flashback no Jutsu end*]

~Beginning of Teal's Pov*~

(I shall be using T for Teal.)

I was awoken by a blinding light that irritated me to no end. As I sit up I inspect my surroundings, a golden room with a set of tables and chairs I can't help but scowl at how fucking much it hurts my eyes.....too bright.

Teal:Yo bro this place is too bright it feels like I'm looking at the sun can you tone it down...…please.

?????:Oh and here I am wondering why you made that face after seeing me….but you couldn't even see me properly *Chuckles*.

After saying that the room changed in an instant, instead of a room that looked too bright… it's too dark *Sigh* Whatever, at least I'm not half-blind...though all I can see is this peculiar being in front of me. As I look at the being in front of me I observe her…I assume since IT looks feminine, had white hair going down her back, long legs going halfway lengthwise down the table that we are sitting by…..which I can somehow see even though it's completely dark.....*Sigh*...a face that could be compared to one of those generic jade beauties…I might sound sarcastic but it's true. A slender body is almost perfect… not my type also wasn't this guy…now a woman a man earlier…bro…sus.

Then I realized, I died….. It took a while to hit but the way I felt right now has been the most devastating I've ever experienced in my 32 years of life...tears ran down my face even though I got beaten black and blue raped even worse atrocities in my early life….It still doesn't hurt me more than leaving my family alone…in a shitty world where everyone is a hypocrite beyond even the fucking word hypocrite…..all I could say was"Fuck."

?????:Me...sure but your wife would be fuming if she found out tho.

I was startled as I looked up at the being whom I ignored this entire time, I tried to calm myself down but I couldn't as I thought back to my family, even if I left them enough money to live for generations…Ghisy would probably…kill someone by mistake which is troublesome, it might sound insane but..she almost did it multiple times. (Mushoku Tensei guys would understand.)I calmed myself down enough to talk properly, about to ask a question but was beaten to it.

?????:Truth, that is what I am called.

T:My name is Teal Silva, nice to meet you Truth, now can you explain what's going on here.

Truth:Well Mr.Teal, you have died and have been chosen by Lord Truck-Sama for reincarnation also once you become stronger you will be able to see your lovely family again…..even though you asked to copulate with me *Giggles*.

T:I already deduced I died but…..this Truck Sama guy..does..does he kill random kids then isekai them with wishes and if so how does this chosen thing work also that's kinda fucked up if that's true…..I think?

After we both skillfully dodged our last statements I found out whom I now know as Truth the Goddess I was speaking to, she explained the SYSTEM as she calls it. People of any race or form, even a fucking worm can get isekaied once you have enough Karma but…if you have too much you get into my situation, you get killed off because the system won't be able to calculate the amount of karma you have and you get wishes which I have 99 of…..basically my Karma was over 9000.

Though I shall save most of them for emergency purposes.After she explained all of this I thought about what I wanted to wish for a good 1 to 2 hours which she surprisingly stood there smiling at me…..creepy.I came up with a solid combo to head back home quickly...but as if she read my mind…she probably did huh….was shot down quickly.

"According to what you may take more than one wish so think wisely Mr.Teal." is what she said so I decided to go the safe route or what I would think is one.

T: My first wish, is to have all the abilities of the stand D4C, my second wish is to have all the abilities of the stand Made in Heaven, my third wish is to have no limit on what my body can do, basically I want infinite potential with no blockades in my progress in my training and my last wish, for now, is for time to stop in my original work, please.

I politely spoke calling out my wishes. Truth looked at me blankly as if she was a robot. This continued for a good minute just before I was about to speak she cut me off.

Truth:Your wishes have been granted, the number of wishes needed to grant these is overall 23, the list goes as D4C-7, Made in Heaven-10, Infinite potential-5 and Time stopped in your world-1, you may be wondering why it took so little for your last wish is mainly due to your world not sustaining any supernatural beings or powerful energy of some kind such as mana or raw Ki tho you do have life and death energy but it is weak.

T:I will trust your word, for the time being, now where am I heading.

Truth:You get to choose.

T:Really….well I want to reincarnate into the tensura verse at the beginning of the world creation, please.

I spoke politely once again, it was a habit from my past life even though I cursed a lot. Again she looked at me with a blank face lacking almost no emotion but this time it only took a few seconds and she spoke quickly as if she was in a Hurry.

Truth:Well I have work to do so I shall send you off, have a nice journey dear *Giggle*.

She said waving, not giving me a chance to speak or reply in any way or form. Before I could even speak I found my consciousness fading, my body ached, with every millisecond passing it become worse but I persevered...well-tried and lasted god damn long, as I closed my eyes…the last thing I think about…is an image of a family photo…*smile*.