Ch 0.Auxiliary

{Teal's Stats






[Energy]-Nigh Infinite



Formerly owned by Enrico Pucci, Made in heaven is THE strongest stand in terms of ability shown in the JJBA franchise as of now. It is also the only stand to reach or acquire Heaven as of now, cannon at least. Made in Heaven is an extremely powerful close-range time controlling Stand. Although its physical abilities may not be remarkable, its control over time grants it an overwhelming speed advantage and even counters abilities that function with a time limit like Star Platinum's time stop.

However, its main interest for Pucci isn't its time power, but the ability to bring about a new universe with extraordinary properties.

Time Acceleration: Made in Heaven's power is to dramatically speed up the flow of time; achieved through its ability to control the gravitational forces of the earth, moon, and seemingly the entire universe (about aspects of Einstein's theory of relativity).

Upon activation, time will gradually flow faster and faster in the whole universe. However, Made in Heaven prevents any living being from catching up with the acceleration, except for its user, Enrico Pucci, and essentially God. The lag between people's perceptions and the actual flow of time causes everyone to see all non-biological events as being sped up, which is considered dangerous in case one is in a vehicle or remotely dangerous environments. People in a cold environment seem to freeze instantly, all phenomena like melting, flowing, drying, movements of objects will accelerate to the point people cannot react; the sun eventually seems to rotate at high speed in the sky, objects and corpses seem to decay in seconds, one can even witness the erosion of the water on rocks] Interestingly, Made in Heaven can accelerate otherworldly events like time stop, and reduces the window of action of its user.

Meanwhile, Pucci himself appears to possess extraordinary speed and reaction time, and effortlessly outspends any of his opponents, even Star Platinum. Because of it, he can freely approach and use Made in Heaven to inflict mortal wounds like slitting the throat. However he retains all of his human weaknesses: running or swimming around will tire him,[7] while being exposed to a hazardous environment like a room with a high concentration of oxygen will endanger him noticeably faster than his opponents.

Universal Reset: As time continues to accelerate, the universe will hit a "vanishing point", and a new universe will be created, where everything repeats itself, according to fate.

Every surviving organism is brought into the new world, positioned where it should be, according to a date chosen by Pucci. Anyone that is killed in the previous universe will not cease to exist, but simply be replaced by a similar substitute, though Pucci states that their souls and personalities will have been erased and that they will appear as completely different people.

Overall Power Ranked:A+

(Btw this stand has another form called Ultimate Requiem In Heaven or something like that Dio got it from Kars and him Fast forward the Universe 27 times in an INSTANT kinda)

D4C is among the most powerful Stands in existence (next to Enrico Pucci's Made in Heaven and Giorno Giovanna with his Gold Experience Requiem ). In his default form, he is a close-range Stand with above-average strength and speed. Though he continues to explore his full potential, Valentine is adept and creative with his powers.

Dimension Skipping: Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap allows different parallel worlds/dimensions to co-exist at the same time and/or in the same place. It also allows its user to visit these parallel worlds/dimensions and interact with them. Valentine travels by being locked between two objects, first shown by the use of a door against a wall. Liquid materials, such as water, count as objects, and even dust or steam. Valentine only needs a part of himself between two objects to jump between dimensions.

Valentine can also drag other people or items to other dimensions by forcing them between two objects. Valentine normally does the latter by slamming a door on them while they're leaning against a wall. However, since no two versions of the same person or thing can coexist in the same dimension, one of these will have to return to its dimension. If not, and if they get too close, both will collapse, splitting into Menger sponges before obliteration. This rule does not apply to Valentine himself. Diego Brando has shown that other people with the Stand user could drag people to other dimensions if he reuses the same objects that were used to drag them between dimensions.

If Valentine is injured, he can jump into another dimension and transfer his Stand to this world's Valentine. Said Valentine acquires the memory of the previous Valentine and becomes the 'Valentine Root' by now possessing the Stand, but his consciousness is still different from that of the previous owner. However, because each Funny Valentine is dedicated to collecting the Sacred Corpse Parts and have the same personality, the differences are imperceptible. Additionally, he can summon any number of his alternate selves to a target dimension to overcome his opponents. However, these Funny Valentines do not have their D4C, as this Stand is unique to the "Root World", the only universe where the Holy Corpse resides. (By far one of my favourites stands lol and yes this is copy and paste)

D4C Love Train:Misfortune Forwarding: In this form, Valentine recreates the birth of Jesus Christ and becomes effectively invincible as all misfortune is deflected by a field generated from Lucy's body, leaving only good fortune behind. He allows him to easily travel on the ground, which is shown when he chases Johnny and Gyro under train tracks, and through a grassy field. Due to Ticket to Ride's ability, objects from her continually approach her, including trees, signs, and even the oceans. These position changes seem to favour Valentine.

In addition to being invincible to attacks, while inside the gap in space, D4C can make even his most insignificant attacks fatal. Any injury will spread throughout the body and would eventually reach a vital point before causing any damage. A scratch or bite on the finger can turn into a scratch on the heart.

This ability can only be used up to a certain distance from Lucy, so if she moves, then he is forcibly pulled along with her. However, gravity is constant for Valentine when he travels between dimensions, making him a power capable of travelling with Valentine that can affect him within the gap. This prevents him from breaking into pieces and being scattered across the different worlds. This power over gravity appears to be used by Gyro and Johnny when used in the Super Gyro

Overall Rank:A++(This stand can make you INVINCIBLE because of the love train Pucci could try to hit the Mc but the universe itself will try to divert the punch or knives the only reason Valentine died was that TUSKA Act 4 already goes against concepts.}

(So stats work like this yeah:

F:You can do everything a mortal without powers or augmentation can do.

F+:Peak of Humanity example would be Natasha from Avengers.

F++:This is where we reach superhuman levels punching through drywall to yeeting a car.

F+++:Punching down houses like it's eating breakfast.

D: Hulk's level of strength-building smasher not comic Hulk btw.

D+:Could wipe out a block with a full-powered punch even if they have to use mana, once they could do that they are in this category.

D++:Small Village level.

D+++:Town level is Muzan with his demon arts level.

C:Large Town to Small City.

C+:Yujiro Hanma level if I remember correctly manga Hanma punches 6 megatons now imagine he added Chi and his Father used to call him second... So City levels no matter the size once it isn't a flipping continent.

C++:Small Continent level Bang Going ALL out from One Punch Man.

C+++:Tatsumaki going all out would most likely meet a continent into space.

B:Garou Awakened Monster forms is Small Star level.

B+:Yamamoto not even trying lol level wiping out Earth.

B++:Guy Crimson not going seriously so Solar System.

B+++:Guy crimson seriously using skills Like Wrathful Lucifer or whatever its name is without a doubt is Large solar system level to Small Galaxy.

A:Lina Inverse level Universe destroyer but her power isn't as potent as some others.

A+:Goku when he fought Beerus if I remember they said it was threatening to destroy the Universe from the shockwaves which means Beerus blocking a hit is making the attack less potent.

A++:Seiya Pegasus…..Yeah OP AF that's what this level is. If you don't know who Seiya is he could instantly go from one Universe to another, faster than Light by a huge amount as well adapt or makes it so whatever skill or move you use it's not going to work a second time and the fact he can resurrect himself...yeah a pain in the ass to fight.

A+++:Giorno Giovana, Causality Manipulation once you control a major concept and you can wield it to affect a Low Multiverse your in this level to High Multiverse example would be Dio Over Heaven.

EX:High Multiverse to Omniverse like Sai Akuto if you don't know who he is he wields a sword that can erase anything no matter the concept or how infinite it is.SO yeah broken af but to get into this level is when concepts don't affect you anymore.

Infinite:Now our mc has this as a stat, he isn't at this level yet but, because of two wishes.1 his infinite potential and 2 so imagine he trains but uses Time Acceleration on his body...….yip infinite evolution or a form of it basically and at some point he will become immune to concept manipulation of Time against him. Also if your wondering if he is human, no he is not humanity is overrated. A good representation of this level would be Stan Lee….The One Above All.

(These stats are overall power Levels but let's say somebody moves so fast they affect a universe like saint Seiya his Speed stat would be "A++" now you probably wondering wtf is those quotation marks, well it mean he has fully attained than rank, A good example would be Thanos. He can wipe out Half a Universe but not fully so he world be "A" rank)