Ch 3. Childish…..

/Veldanava's POV/

My name…..I never had one so I named myself, Star King Dragon, Veldenava the first True Dragon in existence….I think. The first time I gained consciousness I awoke in a dark place which I call the VOID. Later while I was tampering with my powers I found out it was also the end of space and time and my true home.

After my awakening, I was like a

child, curious, as a baby dragon should


I wandered around the void for an unknown amount of time, tinkering with dark energy, tho it did not harm me as if allowing me to control it, after an unknown amount of time I got the hang of getting used to the overwhelming and Infinite power that I hold…..well that's what my power felt like…..Hmph….anyways I gained the ability to control it efficiently.

Sooner rather than later boredom and loneliness took over my being, I was here alone no one to speak to, no sound, no light, nothing, so I used my power to create what I call universes. Each held an uncountable amount of worlds....well by normal standards…..but with my awesome power, I can do anything...WAHAHAHAHAH…*Cough* I mean….HMPH...

(Alright fine your strong, kinda, but STFU and keep narrating before I dropkick your family….)

O..Ok..sorry…*Ahem* in these worlds I created life to quench my boredom also when I created an abundance of Universes I fused them into a ball-like shape and created Multiverses."WAAHAHAHAHHAHHA I am invincible!" Well, I was happy.

I watched on as some of these worlds evolved, some of them even evolved to the point of having inhabitants. They were of different variants and races but the one that stood out the most was a race called humans. They had flaws an unbelievable amount in fact, at first it wouldn't seem that bad, as all races have their bad apples, but as time went on I regretted it, dearly.

Leaving them to do their bidding led to their downfall. Instead of taking care of working together they steal and murder each other while their so-called enemies reap the benefits. Even their enemies such as beast-men and lizardmen were leagues above them morally, even so, I left the natural order to prosper.

During this period I also set up a system, whose reincarnation souls to different worlds, filtering out the bad and good using a Karma system. There are the good ones whom I enjoy being observing and I wanted to give them a chance even if they will never remember their memories. Though all good things must come to an end, well for mortals at least.

Throughout time those same worlds died, not only because their lifespan was exhausted but because the civilizations inhabiting them…destroyed them. New ones were created by me to decrease my boredom to carry out my experiments, by the natural cause which seems to be some huge explosion that takes place in what mortals call outer space, nothing seemed to pique my interest during this time frame so I continued my experiments*Laughs like a Villian*.

[Timeskip no Jutsu!!]

Today...I don't know what day it is.....while I was doing my daily barrel rolls home thinking about creating another system, I felt a strong presence, one that could destroy the natural order of things. Even in these billions of years, I have lived I have `NEVER' felt an aura like this. Another problem or should I say flag. (I learned that from a Scientifically Advanced Civilization, a shame they doomed themself with some stupid rockets.)

It inhabits one planet that to this day has a 0% survival rate. It Ea made out of random debris from outer space that I fused, every time I tried to make like prosper not long later it extinguishes. Especially since there isn't a Sun or a normal Solar System for the planet to orbit.

My curiosity hit my peaked. I thought about transforming into my humanoid form, but I had a change of mind and stayed in my original glorious form….*Nods sagely*.

[Timeskip brought to you by Tsun Veldanava]

As I flew through the Universe towards my destination..taking my time….I felt uneasy…something I don't feel all that usual, so I used my Omniessence to find out where this feeling is coming from, after all, I am the strongest….Hmph…

I found out the reason why I had this feeling….0_0'… the being was going to instantly reset all my universes..."What!"I involuntarily screamed…that being not only has an insane amount of power

"I can't see through it at all!"

Yes the great me, the power I wholly trusted in, has lost but I WILL NEVER GIVE UP!!

(Yo I know you are Omnipotent and stuff….but the next time you break this wall…I'll kick your children when they are born, also stop making anime quotes gonna get me in trouble.)

Veldanava:*Le Gasp* Yo…you wouldn't dare…

Author:I fucking would so shut the fuck up and stop breaking the wall…..

Veldanava:Tch fine…...

As I entered the atmosphere of the planet the being whom I was searching for released a huge fluctuation of energy, it surged in an area about 125 km from my current position, I instantly teleported to its location.

I came face to face with a white and pink humanoid being…then it spoke..with a mask on...I know some worlds are having a pandemic as those humans say but…this one doesn't….ohhhh it probably isn't human…..maybe.While it stood there motionless, I began to examine it with my powers, a futile attempt on my part.

Maybe if I show it awesome, amazing,

unbeatable, unbelievable power just maybe it would let its guard down and I could scan him. Sounds like a plan.

????:Star King Dragon, Veldanava.

As soon as those words left its mouth I was gobsmacked, in my whole life I have never told anyone my name. I even made a rule that only someone who could take the full brunt of my power shall be bestowed on it.

|End of Veldanava's Pov|

~Beginning of Teal's Pov~

We had a staredown..well it was more or less both of us not knowing what to say…well for me at least, this weird dragon is looking at me like I'm some rare species. I agree tho*Giggles like a creep*I technically am an automatic stand, something that shouldn't exist in this universe at all. After calling out this 200-meter dragon's name he looked visibly shocked..well the fact his mouth is opening and closing like he's trying to suck the planet of all its oxygen says it all. His scales are purple as well….my favorite color there also shining somewhat in this dark world.

Teal:So what's up my dude?

He took a second but replied….now I know why Veldora turned out so prideful and annoying *Sigh*.

Veldanava:Hmph, It seems you know of my greatness, for I am Star King Dragon, Veldanava, creator of all and the very first True Dragon to Exist,*ROOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAARRR*!

As his roar resounded throughout the world allowing his aura to explode our entire surroundings began to tremble.

The world was beginning to die. When I awoke I kept feeling as if I was one with nature but I put it to the back of my mind, right now I realized why. A stand is the manifestation of someone's will, more or less a supernatural being, also known as a Spirit...I became a the Tensura Universe.

As I stood there in thought, Veldanava's roar became even louder. Looking at this idiot repeat what I already know...I couldn't help but think....the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, he did influence Veldora to an ungodly level,*Facepalm*.

Teal:You did or you're gonna keep making noise bro. By the way, my name is Teal….SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU OVERSIZED LIZARD!

Veldanava:*Sad dragon noises*…why are you so mean…Hmph...

Teal:Stop being a Tsundere bro. I'm sure you're millions of years old yet you're acting like a child.

I swear I saw an imaginary arrow pierce his heart.*Sigh* now he has this look as if somebody stole his most precious porn stash…..I walk up to him and began to pat his scales, each one at least half of my height, basically 0.5 meters per scale, he looked down at me and stretched his big ass claw. Most people would be freaking out, but just the fact he is the Big Brother of Veldora and for some reason, I don't feel even an ounce of killing intent on top of that he barely let lose his aura…..yeah….he had to learn how to be a Tsun from somebody.

Veldanava:W...What are you doing?

Teal:Calming you down, you're going to destroy this planet with just your aura and so far I haven't found anywhere to go, I can barely see jack shit as well. This planet is my home, you destroying it would cause a lot of problems also coming out of nowhere, and destroying my home is kinda rude don't ya think?

After I said that the aura he released disappeared instantly and the planet stopped shaking, he then looked towards me then pointed a claw at me touched my forehead, and spoke.

Words that made my whole being freeze.

Veldenava:From this day to the end of time your name shall be Teal Nava my sworn brother till the end of existence itself!!!

All I could do was swear in my mind as a brilliant blue light covered my already dark vision, entering a state of evolution…..