/Teal's POV/

The stand arrow penetrated my heart and unbearable pain overtook me. I wanted to scream but my body wouldn't listen to me, my organs felt like they were bursting open starting from my heart, even my soul felt as if it 'REALLY' wanted to leave my body this time around.

My skin began to peel off, more like it fell off, it felt like someone took a dull knife, slicing off every piece of my skin little by little. The pain subsided suddenly freeing me from my ordeal.

I faced my eyes to look down…only to see my fucking body decaying on the ground. I looked at my hand which looked pale blue. A mostly golden hand covered mine.

Looking to my left to see staring at me with a worried look. It seems even her powers were barely keeping my soul intact, I think, it seems even she can't overcome the stand arrow's power directly.

Floating above my physical, almost completely decomposed, my current form which I speculate is my soul, began to change. It felt soothing unlike how my physical body felt when I stabbed myself with the arrow.

My body started to become white starting from my stomach, my chest gained a cross-like form which became pale blue. Spikes started protruding on my shoulders, my upper back just behind my shoulder blades gained larger ones than the rest. The side of my hips and thighs gained smaller horn-like spikes.

Under my knee gained a light blue colour stopping at my ankles. A ginormous extra horn grew on my head, a ring of bone-like horns surrounded my neck like a crown.

My Body/Soul began to vanish, before I completely disappeared I saw Giorna sprinting across the sandy beach as used all her power to reverse see the situation.

The next second I opened my eyes finding, myself in a sticky oval-shaped ball…my vision became obscure, my consciousness faded.

Waking again, the first thing I realised was my senses were all multiplied by an astounding amount. I could practically feel, hear smell…everything around me.

Spreading my senses to the maximum I perceived everything in the Present to the boundary of this infinitely expanding Universe. A huge golden city is what I reside in at this very moment. The golden floating city was flooded with winged

humanoid entities.

Tho I don't see that Tsundere Dragon, most likely hiding his presence Nah that makes no sense he likes to flaunt his power.

I punched forward, not with all my might. The last time I smashed someone to mush. *BOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMM*

"Dammit, how fucking strong am I?"

I scream in frustration, I walked out of the oval sized ball as slowly as possible….."A golden room….not even surprised anymore." turning around I saw a 2-meter white dotted and red coloured egg with one side of it with a smashed open.

"I came out an egg….like Koichi's Stand Echos."Having enough of gold I walked through what seemed to be a hallway slowly as possible to a flight of stairs leading down. Heading downstairs I didn't realise is that with every step I took I left abyssal footprints.

Reaching the ground floor I continued to search for the Tsun Tsun Dragon to no avail. Instead, I ventured outside of…what I learned is a castle…"Veldanava had nothing else to do." Feasting my eyes upon the golden city" I wanna destroy it!"

This time I spread my senses throughout the whole city, yet I felt no Multiverse level destroying Dragon at all. Heading back inside the castle, finding a couch I made a wish that I wanted to do for a while now.

Teal:I wish to own my original world and can Manipulate it to my desire.

Truth:Granted, 2 wishes deducted also look in your inventory. Bye hunny have a nice time~

Grunting in displeasure from the horny Goddess's reply, I looked at what appeared to be a small globe the size of a marble. Holding it in one hand I decided to check my inventory later.

I desired myself to appear in my two-story house on the planet. Opening my eyes I did a quick survey around the room. Walking out of the bedroom going downstairs. I touched my wife taking time to stop off here and our son Caleb who was sitting on her lap.

Teal:Yo baby bear~

I said hugging her tightly, the only thing I am happy about is my evolution allowed me full control senses so I could walk around normally but using my physical power-efficiently is gonna destroy way more than a galaxy.

So using minimal strength so she won't go *Splat* or something. Releasing the hug they both tilted their heads in confusion. I pushed my hand forward making an entire motorcycle appear then making it disappear in my dimension.

After explaining my situation, she thought I was making fun of her even when I pulled a fucking vehicle out of thin air. I eventually teleported us into space, it seems not only does this planet have space but a solar system, extra stuff tho those Gods are up to something. Showing them the planet from a bird's eye view. Caleb was floating like an idiot trying to eat space.....also we could breathe....sus.

I teleported to each planet in the entire solar system, temporal locked them so they won't age, die and explode or do anything that could harm the planet like that.

Also, I did some calculations and this Solar System works the same way as Earth's original (Don't forget he has an unbelievable amount of knowledge in his brain from roaming a bunch of different Jojo Universes and Timelines.)Explaining my journey after that wasn't the hard part. It was the aftermath.

I teleported us back into our home, only for my wife to get a shotgun....and ask where this Purple Dragon, Horny Goddess and Vanishing truck are...*Sigh*.

Stopping Time on her again I went into deep thought. I'm 100% sure she's going to try and kill Veldanava if she ever finds him also he technically kidnapped me.

On top of that, she's an airhead, yandere, tsundere, kundere combined. I would rather be as strong as EOS Rimuru before letting her run amok in the Tensura Universe than her having strength equal or close to mine.She might start killing every woman that looks at me.

Quickly unstopping Time I patted both of them on the head, gave my wife a quick smooch who just sat there watching the, not Time Stopped TV...airhead and kundere...making my way down the block.....with a a group of people taking pictures of an…..empty area. Well both I and the Truck God teleported so yeah. I am

I looked through them and found my daughter, doing a full sprinting motion from across the road. Unstopping Time she came crashing into my chest, I gave her a light hug.

I had to console her way more than Ghisy and...Caleb is just too dumb so whatever. After explaining my entire ordeal she sat there and cried in my arms for a good 30 minutes, after we made our way through the city talking about random shit, mainly her about how terrified she was to lose me....seems I might have to erase some memories.

We also pulled some pranks, a good example, we made our way to the USA(Teleported) and pulled down Joe Bidens pants then teleported him in the middle of a basketball game held at Madison Square Gardens *Evil laughter* so when Time Stop goes back to normal..

"Kekekekeeke" we both laughed thinking about the moment. We also had some fun Reversing and Fast-forwarding time. Going into the Future....only to find out the guy you pulled a prank on becomes the President...

Teal:You wanna go now or wait with your mom till I finish building our paradise?

Julie:I wanna stay with mama, I would like you not to go but since your stopping time I wouldn't even notice, right papa?

She asked tilting her head cutely to the side looking up at me with stars in her eyes.*Falls on one knee clutching his heart*" Papa!!"Explaining I was fine just a cuteness overdose, I got up hugged her, Stopped Time and made my way back to Tensura.

Opening my eyes I was back on the same couch, the planet was in my hand as if nothing had happened. I spread my senses out covering the entire gold city...*Sigh*I left the...golden...castle and began walking towards the gate..... of the Castle automatically opened...sus... and I began to venture into the city.

*Timeskip no Jutsu*

To say the least, it was boring. All it had was Angels, they all looked the same. I made my way back to the castle, took a seat on a sofa and began sorting out my thoughts.

"I wasn't supposed to gain requiem is what I wanted to say but, I was supposed to??"Koichi was never supposed to gain a stand. Josuke healed him before he died, allowing him to survive and allowing him to unlock his potential as a Stand user.

The requiem arrow chooses who is worthy by examining how much will you put into something. Giorno's original will to defeat Diavalo was enough for him to be worthy.

I wanted to go home and meet my family. It seems my will was enough to be worthy as well also it seems I had to unlock my potential as a Requiem STANDO since I was like Koichi not fated to be, in my case a STANDO itself, due to Veldanava naming me I got the chance earlier.

*Timeskip no Jutsu*

Teal:So, I have another energy in my body other than magicules which I had from day one.*Sigh*{Status}


[NAME]:Teal Silva

[AGE]:24 Billion

[RACE]:Heavenly Spirit Requiem True Dragon(True Dragon, Highest Tier Spirit, Stand-(Holy corpse , Heaven Plan, Requiem Arrow.)






[Energy]-Nigh Infinite




Teal:All according to plan, kinda, I got some extra Skills as well...I think....wait.....WHY AM I 24 BILLION YEARS OLD!!!! long was I in that fucking egg.....

Looking at my status, I became bewildered. If skills exist it means Veldanava created or more like upgraded the Tensura world. Spreading out my sense again specifically looking for a world with Solar System destroying monsters.

Teal:I stayed in that egg for billions of years...!!

I shouted once again. Thinking back to my time in the JJBA Universe, I spent a lot of time there...but how did K end back up here. That Goddess said I had something in my inventory.

Clicking Inventory in my {Status} I pulled out a letter.

[Dear, Mr Teal Silva, Lord Semi Truck would like to apologise for your boons not functioning during your evolution trial. I would love to give you this in person, unfortunately, I have too many people to murder an isekai. I hope you can forgive me.

Deepest apologies,

Lord Semi Truck.]

Out of thin air, a blue box roughly two times my size height wise and 4 metres, with a red ribbon on the top appeared in front of me.

Expanding my senses through I can see anything basically Clairvoyance. What appeared in front of me was.., a fucking dinosaur. Taking off the ribbon all four sides of the box fell. In the centre stood a little velociraptor who looked up at me.


Ayo what the actual fuck!!I looked around then pointed my gaze forward at the menace in front of me. It ran circles around me, I just stood there. Picking it up I began patting it as it smuggled into my arms falling asleep.

Teal:*Sigh* I gotta sort out my shit. My powers aren't a problem right now, I have full control over it. My physical prowess tho.*Looks around seeing black feet like steps*I gotta get that under control. I sat back down on the chair contemplating my life choices. Using I rewatched everything Veldanava did while I was gone.

*Timeskip again lol*

Teal:So...he kept pumping Turn Null, Magicules and splashing his Dragon aura on me for 23 billion years talk about patience, He stopped pumping anymore recreating Tensura to have life, Velzard was born.

Velgryd then Veldora who hasn't changed at all...which means he most likely has already begun his relationship with Lucia. He just made that Promise with that idiot of a king Rudra Nam Ul Nasca.*Sigh*

(I have exams so I did this chapter quickly lol sorry for shitty grammar. Also, the reason he isn't bringing his family, is he's gonna build a Kingdom in Tensura mainly because it already has a built-in system to make things easier and I have something else set up for his homeworld...

Solo Leveling....*Laughs Evilly*)