Something Suspicious

There was an awkward moment of silence as the three ate their meals with Karen constantly turning her gaze toward Dave who had his gaze down on his food and it didn't look like he was going to raise it just like that.

Emma didn't notice the awkwardness in the air and thought they just wanted to enjoy their meal quietly.

Well, she wasn't going to let that silence last for long as she had a few things that she wanted to ask Dave.

"Umm…Dave, you forgot to tell me how the training went." Emma said before putting a stake in her mouth.

"Yeah, you usually ask before I do that," Dave said, slowly turning his gaze to her.

The reason why Dave had his gaze down was because he was directly facing Karen who was putting on a green dress that hugged her body and exposed her cleavages in a way that he found quite uncomfortable.

"Okay, so how was the training?" Emma asked with a smile.

"It was nice, really fun, like the best training session since this week." Dave declared.