My Girlfriend's A Sports Reporter

The sun was blazing hot in the afternoon but Dave didn't seem to be bothered by it as he stood about six meters away from the goalpost in the lawn with five of his mini balls lined up right in front of him.

'Here we go, Catherine.'

He let out a deep sigh as he drew back a little before quickly stepping closer to kick the first ball in the row.

The ball flew straight toward the crossbar, Dave thought it was going to hit it until it zoomed past it and hit the flower behind.

'Yeah.' Dave replied before taking two steps backward.

He raced toward the next ball and shot it toward the top right-hand corner.

The ball flew toward the target and smashed on the crossbar before falling over.

"Yes!" He yelled with an elated voice.

The third had flown over without hitting the crossbar, and the fourth one had also flown over out of his lawn and had to go get it.