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It took up to ten minutes for Emma to finish her interview with Mateo and by that time, Adolf and the rest of the team who were outside were in the locker room now, Norman was also in the locker room now.

"I guess I should start leaving now." She said slowly getting up from the bench. "Thanks, Mateo."

"No problem," Mateo said.

She slowly turned to leave and had almost run into Ferran who was heading toward Mateo at that time.

"Sorry." She said even though she didn't run into him.

"It's okay," Ferran said. "Emma Smith right? Mateo's big sister and Dave's girlfriend."

"Yeah, but I am here as a reporter, not his brother or his girlfriend." She said,

"I know, I'm…."

"I know who you are, what type of sports reporter would I be if I didn't know who you were?" She said. "You're Ferran Phil the midfield dynamo."

"Umm..yeah," Ferran said with a nod. "I heard about what happened to you last week. How's your shoulder?"

"It's okay, it's healing just fine." She said,