
"That was one long nose powdering session," Amaya said as Emma sat down on her seat.

"It's been almost thirty minutes since you left," Christina said. "What took you so long and where's Ferran?"

"He offered to show me around the house and I saw it as an opportunity to get some useful information for work," Emma said with a shrug.

"Taking the opportunity to work while at a party, that's nice," Amaya said before taking a sip from her drink.

Dave had returned to his teammates after returning to the room and after beating Adolf and Pirlo with the help of Merino with a four points margin, Mateo made his way to the goalkeeper.

"What was taking her long in there and where's Ferran?" The winger asked.

"Ferran offered to take her on a house tour," Dave replied.

"So, that's what took them so long in there," Mateo said. "Where's Ferran by the way?"

"He's coming."

It didn't take long before the door was pushed open for Ferran to make his way into the room holding his phone in his hand.