Deadly Situation

As soon as the referee blew his whistle, Ahmed passed the ball to Seth who quickly rolled it back to one of the defenders before Fredinho could get to him.

"The sixth match of match day two has now kicked off," Jim said.

Frono FC were doing everything possible to make sure that they didn't lose the ball but they didn't seem too eager to attack so far in the game.

Frono FC were playing with the five-three-two formation and the two players they had up front were Seth and Darwin.

The right-back received the ball from the right midfield before quickly stretching it toward the left back who was making a run away from the box now.

Minino tried to bring him down and collect the ball with a quick slide, but he was quick enough to escape the slide and send the ball to one of the central midfielders who quickly sent the ball rolling toward Darwin.

"Over to Darwin.'