Different From The Previous Seasons

Since Dave still had the problem of moving around freely, Mateo was the one who had to go get the drink, and after returning to the living room, he poured some for Clark and himself, Dave didn't want any.

"Okay," Mateo said before he sat on the couch beside Clark and picked up the remote control.

Dave had his gaze on the floor, and he kept it there for a while before he slowly turned to Clark who was sitting beside him.

"So, what is this big news that you have for me?" He asked.

"Yeah, about that," Clark said before he took a sip from his drink. "I have been getting a lot of calls since last week."

"A lot of calls?"

"Yeah." He replied with a nod before dropping the glass on the table.

"Calls about what?" The goalkeeper asked.

"Well, apparently, you've become a big-shot goalkeeper and a lot of clubs want you in their squad."

"And by a lot, you mean how many?" The goalkeeper asked.