Intense Moment

The match continued with both Fred and Minino putting those horrible misses behind them.

West Ham United were the ones pushing the ball forward here as Sunblade sent the ball rolling to Filipe who immediately sent it flying over to Ray.

Ray brought the ball down with his chest and tried to get past Roland.

He quickly discovered that wasn't going to be easy for him as he immediately tried to escape him down the middle before firing the ball directly toward the goalpost.

The ball was sent flying directly toward Dave in the middle but it had quite the elevation to it.

The goalkeeper hit the ball up with both of his gloves and allowed it to come down calmly for him to catch it.

"Of course, that's not going to be a problem for Dave."

The match continued with Unique FC dominating the match in almost every aspect of it but West Ham United were still getting their chances in.

It was pretty hard for them to easily get past Unique FC's defense but they were still finding some way.