
Betting two hundred pounds was enough to get the players hyped up, and Norman liked that, but even after giving everyone three tries each, none of them were able to put the ball into the hole.

"Uhh, damn it." Dave damned after watching his third effort hit the crossbar before flying over the bar.

"Well, it looks like none of you will be getting that two hundred pounds, but you all did pretty well, good job," Norman remarked before slowly turning away from them.

"I really needed that money," Minino muttered with a sigh before getting up from the floor.

"Seriously, you really needed two hundred pounds?" Merino expressed with his gaze on the midfielder.

"I think want was the right word to use there," Gregory said.

"Shut up, you two, I know what I'm saying."

"Whatever you say," Merino muttered before slowly walking away from him.