Proper Power Shot

The match had just entered the fifty-eight minute now and so far there has been nothing from Unique FC.

They were slowly gaining control of the pitch just like they do in almost all of their matches but all that meant nothing when Spree City still had the lead.

They had to get that equalizer quickly because Spree City were slowly starting to switch to a more defensive style of play.

When the match entered the sixtieth minute without his team coming up with anything, Norman decided to make a couple of changes.

An attempt from Felix was sent flying over the bar from outside the box in the sixty-first minute and that was his cue to bring on the players he wanted to bring on.

The first substitution was bringing off Pirlo and replacing him with Merino because he was really needed down that right-wing so that Ferran could return to his position.

And then finally, for now, Frankie had to come on to replace Martinez.