Preparing For Dynamo FC

Dynamo FC was a very tough team and having them as their next opponents meant that they had to take things seriously.

There was going to be no day off for them this time around as Norman instructed them after the match yesterday to appear at the stadium the next day for a recovery session and maybe after that, get some on-field practice in.

They were all required to show up at the stadium before 9:45 AM and that meant that Dave was going to be leaving the house earlier than usual today.

He got up as early as 5:30 AM to get his body warmed up for the day ahead of him and by 8:20 he was upstairs, getting ready to head out.

Meanwhile, Emma was downstairs checking his backpack to make sure that everything he needed was in there.

Once she was sure that everything was in there, she zipped up the bag and dropped it by her side on the couch before leaning back.