The Third Time's the Charm (New Story)

'Huh? What's going on?' I thought to myself as I opened my eyes.

The last thing I remember was me on my death bed, surrounded by life support machines.

I was in the hospital breathing my last breath. I had lived a long life, clawing my way to the top.

Not only did I manage to create a business empire spanning the entire planet.

I also had run the underworld with an iron fist. No one would dare to even think of trying to take me on.

Despite all the heinous things I committed, I was able to die with a smile on my face.

Reining in my track of thought, I performed a quick scan of my surroundings.

I was currently lying down in a luxurious bed that could easily fit five people with room to spare.

The entire room itself was large and decorated elaborately.

The style seemed to be eastern or eastern inspired.

The colour scheme of the room was red and black.

A chill went down my spine, and a thought flashed in my mind.

I swiftly got out of the bed and rushed towards the mirror in the room.

I couldn't help but gaze in the mirror with a look of utter disbelief on my face.

Whoever it was in the mirror, he looked a lot like I did when I was younger.

The most noticeable difference in appearance was the length of the hair.

The reflection showed a handsome man with long hair that reached past the man's back.

The hair was black, with various strands of violet going through it.

His eyes were blue like the ocean in paradise, clear and flawless like the noblest gem.

Taking off his shirt revealed large and perfect looking muscles.

From the looks of it, whoever this was, they trained as if there was no tomorrow.

"No, this doesn't make any sense. Why does this person look like I did when I was younger..." I murmured out loud once again.

'I must be dreaming...' Thinking this, I looked at my hands and tried counting my fingers.

"One, Two, Three, Four, Five." I counted out loud.

"One, Two, Three, Four, Five" I counted the fingers on my other hand before my heart dropped.

It didn't look like I was sleeping. "If I'm not dreaming, then what is going on?"

Rubbing the temple of my head, I said to myself, "I need to sit down."

I sat down on an extravagant chair facing a tea table and fell deep in thought.

"Red and black, eastern decorations..." I mumbled under my nose, recalling my surroundings.

Then it finally hit me, how could have I ever forgotten about this.

The life which ended in a hospital wasn't my first life.

From the looks of it, all signs pointed to the fact that I had reincarnated into my first life.

As I deliberated, my memories started flowing back into my head, and pieces of the puzzle started coming back.

In my first life, I belonged to the Immortal Asura clan.

I was Mars Asura, the son of the clan head and that was said to have monstrous cultivation talent.

Yet despite this, I lost the chance to succeed as the next clan head to a half brother.

In my past life, I lacked strength, and despite having fast cultivation speed and monstrous talent, my cultivation technique was severely lacking.

After searching for some time, I found an opportunity in the lower realm.

Deciding to chase after it, I made sure to make my fiancée aware.

Unfortunately for me, this was the worst action of my life.

Even though I was a legitimate child, my father, the family head, didn't care for me.

He cared more for my older half-brother, even giving him superior cultivation techniques.

Later on, in my life, I found out that the only reason he married my mother was due to her background and the fact that he got her pregnant.

If he hadn't gotten her accidentally pregnant, he would have never had to marry her.

He just wanted to play around with the peerless beauty and have her surrender her body to him for some mindless pleasure.

My father had always wanted to take the mother of his bastard son as his first wife, but I came and ruined these plans.

By the time he solidified his power in the clan, his first love had perished and left him with his children.

This left his heart stained with hatred and disdain for me. He knew he couldn't blame my mother, so he took it out on me by suppressing me.

Even though I had other half-siblings, which resulted in 13 sides for the clan head succession fight, I was still the only one he actively suppressed.

My fiancée had seen this fact, and like the venomous viper she was, she leeched onto him and helped my brother gain power in the clan.

She poisoned me as I went to the lower heavens making me almost perish with my life.

The heavens, however, had other plans.

I barely managed to find a demonic inheritance. A sinister book that looked to be bound by devilish flesh, as I touched it a terrifying power overtook my entire being.

Even now, I have no recollection of what happened afterwards.

Later on, I woke up covered in blood. To my side was the body of a young woman.

She was lying in a puddle of blood, a fluffy white tail that now was crimson could be seen coming from her behind with two fluffy, pointy ears sticking from her head.

I don't remember what happened but from the looks of it, I had somehow mercilessly slaughtered her.

At the time, I thought nothing of it, but this was the start of my downfall.

Slowly I clawed my way back up with my new demonic ability. Ruthlessly killing people and building up my might.

Eventually, I had the might to rival the heavens themselves but once again the heavens had something different planned.

Despite my strength, even I fell under the combined might of the 13 clans which had united to fight against the mighty Heavenly Demon of War.

While many died, I still eventually perished. I realized that I could only get so far on my own.

Right then I vowed to myself, that if I was ever reborn I'd become more cunning, using people for my benefit.

That's how in my second life I built up an empire that spanned both the business world as well as the underworld.

Through ruthlessness that I had learned in my first life and cunning that I mastered in my second life. I reached the pinnacle of both and was even able to die peacefully.

In this life, I had no cultivation to help me out at all only thing I could do was use my charm and intelligence to climb over others.

Who knows, maybe if I had done things this way in my first life, it could still be going on.




Having thought through all this, I couldn't help but smile. The heavens have given me a chance to re-live my first life and make up for my past mistakes.

The first step will be to gain some support and footing in the family. Until I become the family head, even my own home won't be safe without backing.

All the elders know my father's support for my eldest brother and his hatred for me, so I won't be able to find much support in the clan until I prove myself.

Even though the elders believe in the head's judgement, and are supporting my eldest brother, they still can change their minds.

At the end of the day, all they want is what's best for the clan.

Originally my mother pushed me to marry the first princess of the Poison clan.

But I can't allow that to happen. If I marry her I will surely die one day and I can't kill her that easily right now.

If I'm correct about the date she should already be my fiancée. Whenever I've already told her about the opportunity or not is another matter but I can't trust her no matter what.

At the same time, I can't allow her to know that I have figured it out or she and my brother might speed up the scheme to end my life.

She is responsible for my evening tea whenever she comes to visit. If she was to poison me anytime she would do it then.

"Ha, ha, ha" I couldn't help out but let out a laugh. She indeed was a shrewd and dangerous woman.

The poison most likely has a delayed effect, if she wanted to she could have used one that worked hours later and killed me in my sleep.

But instead, she used one that would weaken me days later. She timed it perfectly for an assassin squad to try and end my life.

She most likely poisoned me the night before my departure.

"How could I be such a fool?" I shook my head. I was said to be an intelligent and outstanding future powerhouse, yet I couldn't see through the schemes of a little girl like her...

I need to figure out a way to counteract the poison she uses, problem is I don't know what she will use to poison me and if she will use the same poison she had used in the past.

With this thought, I decided to go towards the grand library to seek the guidance of the Sage of the Immortal Asura clan...