Chapter 2/ Part 2

Lines of Love; Part Two


Since last night I have been at her side praying and talking till my mouth went dry. Everything I could think of just didn't work but I couldn't quit trying so I bugged the doctors often but nothing surfaces. By morning Jordan said nothing has changed so they are expecting her to wake up today. I have had seven cups of coffee and have yet to sleep but it's fine because I'm gonna be here. Still early in the day, people started showing up one after another, cramming into the room. Dan held me tighter than ever I guess he knows the fear better than anyone here. He told me Cassie and Joy we're on the way probably be some time tonight. Joy was taking extra classes and attending many meetings with her mother's contacts to learn how to keep the one she loves alive. It's a dedication Astra and I share for each other.

After some time everyone started to leave so I walked them out just to grab another cup of coffee. Returning to the room seeing a stranger look at her was turning my stomach but turns out he was the brother. Now I'm sitting here with a stranger talking casually about her, he told me stories she never spoke of. But he couldn't help drinking from that flask I knew he was a drunk, I could smell it the moment I came back. But he seems calmer than earlier at least.

Gina; " Does it help.?"

Percy; " Help.?"

Gina; " The drinking, it has to if your drowning in it."

He didn't comment but it was a little unfair of me to say either way, so I asked for a taste of the flask. If it helps calm him perhaps I can regain myself just a little since coffee refuses to work. The taste is horrible but after a few drinks I could feel the effects hit me, it felt good. Percy and I even began talking more comfortably about things, I was able to pull things he was keeping close. I don't know if he's a bad person for all that he's told me but I know he cares and that's enough. That's when Joy and Cassie finally showed up I went to greet them but Joy had a cold look too her.

Gina; " Hey you guys finally made it."

Joy; " Are you drunk Gina?"

Gina; " No just a few sips since coffee isn't helping me stay calm.."

She quickly pushed past me and Cassie pulling Percy to the side so we couldn't hear, but I could see it. He was terrified of her and for good reason, that's when Cassie pulled her back before things escalated. I thought it would help if I took Joy outside to cool off and maybe learn why she's angry, Cait was angry as well and I don't know why.

Gina; " You okay.?... That was perhaps a little excessive don't you think.?"

Joy; " Far from it he has no business being here."

Gina; " He is her brother, shouldn't that be enough."

Joy; " Coming from a proper family you have no idea what it's like. Family is Family, not a light switch you choose to flip on or off when it's convenient. "

Her words had a venomous bite to them I know she wasn't angry at me, but it hurt being reminded. I know she went through a lot and I wasn't there to know the extent Joy has the most connection to Astra and how she feels. Perhaps that's why I'm envious of her.

Joy; "  I can smell the alcohol on you, don't let him influence you. He is good at destroying things."

With those words, she walked off but I was furious and on edge already. Was it so wrong to need something to keep me stable so I didn't lose my mind. But I didn't say anything I just bit my tongue feeling like a scolded puppy who doesn't know what she's done wrong. But I couldn't sit out here pouting so I headed back to the room. The silence was heavy and soon Joy and Cassie left, Percy left to be away from her. I guess I couldn't blame him Joy had a way to cut people to the core certainly. It was getting late so I had to go home since visiting hours were nearly over. Outside I spotted Percy in his car sleeping I believed so I tapped on the window to check on him.

Gina; " You alright Percy?"

Percy; " Yea I'm good, heading home?"

Gina; " Yea I am, have a good night."

Being in the empty home slowly made me stir crazy from pacing to cleaning I just couldn't turn off my brain. At some point, sleep must have claimed me because I had awakened on the kitchen floor. I decide to shower and get ready for the day since I needed to see if Astra had any changes. Just as I was changing I heard a knock on the door which surprised me since I wasn't expecting company. When I opened the door I was greeted by a strange man and woman.

Kathy; " Hello my name is Kathy and he is Greg, we are here to inspect the residence."

Gina; " I'm sorry, inspection for what?"

Kathy; " You put in papers to adopt Abigail, this is a surprise visit to make sure the house is suitable and speak with the parents."

I let them in and gave them the tour of our home, answering any questions I could. They seemed to like the room and decorations we have done so far, that's when they asked.

Greg; " And the other Parent is where?"

Gina; " Hospital, she was in an accident not long ago. Is that a problem?"

Greg; " We'll her past is a bit concerning to us, so we wanted to meet her before making a decision."

I just smiled at them as politely as I could until they left, of course, they wanna drag up the past. It was something we discussed and even talked about after putting those papers in. I didn't have much time to spare in this empty home so I rushed back to the hospital, praying she was awake finally.