Chapter Five

Lines of Love; Chapter Five


"I waited so long to kiss you again but I had to make sure my mother was fine. I left you waiting for me so long but I knew you would be here because the same way I love you, I can see it in your eyes that you love me... When I kissed him I felt disgusted at myself for enjoying it the way I did, it could have been the influence. It could have been my loneliness blinding me but the truth is that his lips weren't yours, they didn't put me at ease and set my soul on autopilot. His skin wasn't as soft as yours nor did it give me the chills of anticipation of what you could do next... His scent didn't intoxicate me like yours, the moment I inhale is the moment I'm already on cloud nine because it's the most soothing scent I have ever had to fill me... No matter the person or the time, living or dead I wouldn't trade nor forget these things. Because nothing could replace or replicate them Astra... No matter how many times we have to assure the other that we are truly in love, we will because we are. My devotion to you is real and I regret what I did truly, but it never came close to your love...Let me show you the lines of love that outline us for the other to follow. Every scar, every line along our face, the lines on our hands, all of it each day is filled by the love we share."

I kissed her again but I wasn't in a rush because I saw her tears, she was still processing. She wanted to speak but we are long overdue for a connection like this, I need her to know this was real for me. I need her to know that even if she's afraid I'm here to prove those fears can't overtake this love. True to my word I shower her with love placing kisses along her jawline and cheek, ever so gently. Right now Astra is like porcelain that I must be careful with, even if she's to break I'll be here for it. I lace my fingers with hers and slowly guiding her back to the bedroom, I know this home of ours as I know her. Even if I can't see I know where we are going and how to get there, plus I can't pull myself away from her. My lips brush across her skin rewarding me with soft sounds of content, I want to once more fill these lines with my love. She won't ever forget that this is real for us and our family is real.

I take a path down her neck tracing ever more soft kisses across her tender skin. I can now feel her pulse moving rapidly like it wishes to break free of its bonds. The sign I have entranced her fully by my actions so I don't hurry nor do I miss the rhythm. My legs finally hit the bed which meant we arrived so I lay her down slowly not letting my lips part from her skin for long. This is a taste I have longed for most, a feeling I crave the most when her pulse is so excited. Once I lay her down I find her collarbone but this isn't a time for marking, so I kiss not bite, and my hands lacing with hers even more. Now I can bring her hands and mine above her head while I continue with a focused goal of tasting her exposed skin. I soon find myself once more capturing her lips soft and just like a puzzle our bodies become synced fitted so perfectly together.

The sounds she releases as I trace her with my lips, kissing every exposed part of her. I let one hand fall from holding hers dipping into my pants pocket, I wasn't expecting this to be how I did this. But I move to slip the ring on her finger as I whisper into her ear softly.

" Will you marry me, Astra.?"

She didn't respond right away between crying and giggling she founder way from under me. Now I was face to face with her as she was beaming with happiness.

" That's one hell of a proposal, Gina. You will make my heart explode at this rate."

" Well can't have that I still need an answer."

" Yes of course"

Perhaps I got carried away but I also got lost in how to apologize to her properly. But if I didn't do it now I would have lost my nerve later. I don't wanna wait any longer to show her further commitment from me.

" You know, Gina. I was able to ask that question because Joy showed me the meaning behind it..."

" You know I just proposed, don't go ruining it. Jesus such bad timing"

" I know but you needed to know, it was different than what you described. It felt like in another life maybe, you know. That's why I asked you because I wanted to know how it felt to kiss another."

" You don't have to explain, Astra... But I kind of figured it was her, it's normally her. Even though Cait was the one who I thought was closest to you... It's weird that after everything you told me, Joy was the one who's there most."

" Cait has never been the closest to me, but she's trying now. Joy has always had my interests in mind I guess, she knows what I'm dealing with it seems."

" Well that's fine I can understand that but... I'm easily jealous, and your mine. Don't make me wanna kick her ass more."

" Ha. Oh, you gonna fight over me, Gina?"

" I wouldn't fight over you.... I would tear everyone else down for you, make it known who you belong with... Call me crazy"

" I would rather call you mine."

God, she knew how to use words to hit me the hardest and that's one of the many reasons I love her. So I take her to bed once more, embracing her to the fullest. For tonight has been perfect and I dare not ask for more.