Chapter Six/ Part Four

Lines of Love; Chapter 6/ Part Four


The look she wears after being in contact with her mother is unforgettable. The first time I saw it didn't feel real enough so I didn't acknowledge it but my heart did. And just like then my heart hurts seeing such an expression that even I can't wipe away. It sucks sitting on the sidelines while you suffer Astra but what can I do. Luckily we have Abigail to distract us from these things I'm sure she is still too young but that's for the best. We spent the day together doing things only families could which was enough to bring Astra back to me.  After we manage to settle Abigail down we are left to the silence enveloping us like poison. For us moments like this are fine because we still communicate at least, the moment she holds me is enough. I no longer choke on the silence because we are connected in many ways so when words fail us our bodies can make up for the lack of words.

When morning arrives it's hard to get up and leave this bed but it's even harder to stop staring at her face. Moments like this feel like a dream to me and that this hero who found me will disappear. Yet I know Astra won't leave and that this is a dream made real. We are bound to be together that's how I feel and I know we can become anything. That was my foundation to propose even if I feel it's a little selfish on the surface I know her heart's desires best. Just like she knows mine even if we do things that bring us pain we can see the truth beneath it, the reasons why we did such things.

" Stare at me any longer and I may turn to stone."

" Then I guess I'll play the chosen princess to break the spell."

" Oh, and what could a chosen princess do to break a spell that captures a hero."

Keeping a straight fave with her in moments like this is impossible but the cure has always been the same. The moment my lips fond hers it's like time froze just to give us an eternity in silence to embrace. Moments like this I feel we could easily forget the works around us, but our daughters a part of this now. We no longer have such freedoms I guess.

" Come on the true princess will have a fit if we don't get her pancakes, Astra"

" Yeah her perfect mother has spoiled her, whatever shall I do when I can't keep up with you hm?."

" Run Faster, Astra the track hero.."

With a final kiss, I finally got motivated to start our day with breakfast. When Astra asked if Abigail would want anything the first day she moved in I thought I would die. Those words had so much behind them I couldn't help but cry as I held her. Promising her that we would have breakfast as a family and dinner as a family. She could have asked us for anything but she wanted nothing more than family time over food.

" Smells good so where's the star of this tradition  I don't think I see her anywhere."

" Asleep waiting to be rescued from those evil clutches that hold her wrapped in sheets, remember.?"

" Those foul sheets never learn I see... Well, my work is never done, I shall free her once more... Oh and... Good morning Lovely."

I thought I was the sappy one but the way she can speak so well to my heart. The way her lips find mine sending a spark to my soul what else could I do but think this to be perfect. As if on cue I'm forced into a fit of giggles hearing them play so early in the morning. If my heart was missing its better half I would say that Astra fills that spot. But broken pieces can't fix themselves and without Abigail, I think we would be fumbling for answers. She's that red string of fate that threads itself into those jagged pieces pulling us together, the center of Astra and me.

" If you two don't stop playing around breakfast will get cold."

" Noooo... Not the pancakes, here I'm here."

" Good now where's the goofball of the-"

" I no not this goofball you speak of. I am the princesses hero"

" Yes yes and my beautiful soon-to-be wife who's about to waste my cooking..."

Moments like this are what we both love about our life going forward. Abigail brought us a new kind of happiness we can enjoy. Yet before my thoughts wander a knock pulls my attention away.

" I got it, you two eat."

How do you prepare for what's waiting on the outside of your home, the place you feel safest. The moment I opened the door I knew this wouldn't be good. Why is she hereafter everything she's done to Astra and yet for me to feel so angry right now. I'm supposed to be the calm one.

" Miss Evia...umm this is a surprise."

"Sorry for dropping in like this but... Is Astra here I -"

"Yes, she is... But I would prefer it if you leave, we are in the middle of having our family time... Plus all you do is hurt her and I would rather not let that happen today."

"I see... I mean understand but Astra and I should talk, this is gone on long enough... Please could you get her."

"Wait here..."

It's hard to agree to this but at the same time, I know how much Astra needs to overcome this. All I can do is pick her back up from dealing with these painful things. Whatever reason she's here for doesn't matter, I just want Astra to move on properly.