Chapter 1. Po Lay's fight with the Untouchable

Along one of the side alleys of the Seven Dreams sect a group of a ten teenagers walked proudly. Most were twelve or thirteen years old, with a couple of older kids, about seventeen, standing out among them. In charge of the parade was a pimply boy of twelve, who, apart from his cocky temper, stood out with an enormous amount of gold jewellery. The usual disciples scurried away at the sight of the rowdy gang.

- Who is this? - A stout boy of about sixteen asked a friend sitting nearby with interest. The two of them were nestled comfortably on the hillside with a picturesque view of the sect's beauty. Including the very road with the noisy company.

- This? - The second young man, who looked more like a scholar, paused from his notes and glanced in the direction indicated. - It is the newcomer. Po Lay, the eldest son of Po Lie, a wealthy merchant from the city of Lilac Lily. An ordinary spoiled brat. Even with all of his father's wealth, he had only achieved two wisps by his twelfth birthday. With his third highest talent, it's a shame.

- I see. - The first nodded, taking note of the information. - Oh look, something interesting coming up.

- What could be interesting? - Keeping his eyes on his notes, the scholar muttered.

- Untouchable. - The big man whispered enthusiastically.

- Untouchable? - He stepped away from his notebook and stared up the alley. A lone figure was indeed moving toward the group.

- This newcomer, he's only been here two days, hasn't he? - The first boy asked. - Now there will be a show.

- I guess you're right. - The scholar smiled as he saw the noisy company block the lone figure's way.

And the big guy had already pulled out a recording array disk.


Po Lay proudly marched through the sect at the head of his retinue. With his father's wealth, even here he could continue to live in luxury without denying himself anything. Although he had been sternly warned not to touch those with patrons, the boy took his orders half-heartedly. He had been warned about this all the time. For him the sect was only a temporary residence.

Cultivation? That's boring. Why sit around when you have money and good company? And cultivation isn't going anywhere. Eat a lot of pills and you'll be fine.

- Hey, boss, look. - One of the followers pointed forward.

A lone figure in a workman's uniform was walking towards them on the road. Considering that the usual disciples and workers shunned this company like the plague, this lone man stood out like a pine tree in the middle of nowhere. Naturally, the bored youths could not pass up such an opportunity.

Po Lay perked up. He was new here and had not yet memorised all the influential people who could not be touched. But how could an ordinary worker have influential patrons? Those with enough money and influence would easily get their protégé to at least the first wisp. Workers, on the other hand, are simply the commoners who have neither money nor techniques.

Sensing the mood of the leader, the group blocked the path of this vagabond. On closer inspection he was so filthy that his age could not even be ascertained. His clothes were worn and torn in places. His tangled hair was tied up in a rag. Walking foot by foot, oblivious to his surroundings. He looked like a homeless man who had been sleeping under a bush for the past week.

But it was the collar, with its chain hanging down to his bellybutton, that caught Po Lay's attention the most. Don't tell me that toy is already taken. He wondered who had put that collar on him and why. In any case, he should get one for himself.

Po Lay got in the way of the worker. He got to him. Stopped when he realized there was a man in front of him. Raised his cloudy eyes at the barrier. Then tried to go around him. But Po Lay took a step and blocked the road again. The group behind noisily supported the leader.

- Kneel before your father and bow to him three times. - Po Lay demanded proudly.

The worker looked at the bully, who was almost two heads below him.

- Get out of the way. - Demanded the tramp.

- What?! - Resented Po Lay, who had not expected such accusations from the battered worker. - Some mutt tells me, your father, what to do? I don't know whose dog you are, but I'll make you stop barking at people!

Po Lay's hand reached for the chain. But the man was quicker, sending the brute flying with a sharp right hook.

For a moment there was silence.

The next moment a hubbub filled the alley. The followers shouted loudly, some worrying about the leader, some accusing the worker. Witnesses were also clamouring. And most were cheering for the Untouchable. And only the worker stood silent.

- Untouchable? - One of the followers picked out a word out of the general noise. He had heard this name yesterday from his new friends. And in a moment he knew what would happen next.

- Beat him up! - Po Lay shouted, rising from the dust on the road. But he did not need to. A couple of youths were already running up to their attacker, eager to curry favor.

But he stepped sharply forward and sent the first of them flying. On the ground, the boy knocked down a couple more belligerent followers, and all three rolled to the ground. A second step and the second activist catches a powerful slap, flying off in the other direction.

- Don't touch him! - The most attentive follower yelled sharply. - He is Untouchable!

Unfortunately, no one listened to him.

The battle was escalating. With a concerted effort the insolent worker was felled and began to be beaten.

- What is going on here?

A loud voice made everyone freeze. An elder dressed in robes of the outer sect descended from the sky.

- Po Lay got into a fight with Untouchable. - Someone from the witnesses explained.

- The Untouchable? - The elder looked to the centre of the fight and found the battered body of a worker there. With a wave of the elder's hand the body soared upwards. After assuring himself that nothing irreparable had happened to the distressed worker, the elder relaxed perceptibly. - Does anyone have a recording?

Several of the witnesses nodded vigorously.

Po Lay sensed that something was wrong. It seemed to be the big shot's favourite dog.

The elder quickly reviewed the tape and made himself a copy. After which he headed towards the instigators of the brawl.

- We are patronized by Elder Su Har. - Immediately Po Lay announced. It usually worked flawlessly, but today it misfired.

- I will inform Elder Su of this. - The Elder said indifferently and with a wave of his sleeve lifted the entire group into the air. - All those involved in the brawl are sentenced to five days of roasting.

Then soared into the sky, taking the troublemakers with him.