Chapter 39. Are you a spy?

- Hello, there. We would like to ask you some questions. - Na Prawe smiled at the fourteen-year-old with his red hair gathered in a high ponytail. He was wearing a long earring in his ear. A wide flowered ribbon ran across his forehead, its long ends dangling below his waist. Around his neck a colourful scarf was wound around his uniform, the ends of which also hung loosely down.

- And if I answer incorrectly? - The odd man asked defiantly. - Go straight to the Discipline Department?

- No. - The survey team leader shook his head. - We just want answers. Innocent disciples and uncovered spies are not touched by the sect.

- Ah. - The teenager stretched out understandingly. - Come in.

The group entered the standard small house. The place looked inside like it's owner: motley carpets on the walls, an easel in the corner, paints, bottles and scrolls artistically scattered across the floor.

- Sorry, it's a bit untidy. - For a moment the proprietor was embarrassed, then immediately returned to a cheerful tone. - What are those questions?

- Tell me, do you intend to do harm to the sect? - Na Prawe made sure that the door was closed.

- Yes. - The teenager nodded eagerly.

- Were you born and brought up in the village of Red Feathers?

- No. In Black Oaks. - The owner flashed a smile.

- Are you a spy?

- Yes.

- Did your parents die in the fire?

- No. Still alive.

- Are you planning to steal the sect's treasure?

- Yes.

- You entered the sect when you were thirteen?

- No, eleven.

- Are you planning on stealing sect techniques?

- Yes.

- Are you going to participate in the intrigues of the sect?

- No.

- Interview's over. Thank you for your time.

- What? That's it? - The odd guy was surprised.

- Yes, that's it. - Confirmed Na Prawe. - Thank you for your cooperation. We are leaving.

A dozen yards away from such an unusual place, the leader looked questioningly at his masked companion.

- He lied. - Smirked the secret disciple. - To all questions.


- Hello, we'd like to ask you some questions.

- Huh? This is... - The unremarkable teenager hesitated. There was panic in his eyes.

- May we come in? - Na Prawe clarified.

- Yes. - He nodded. - You may go in. There isn't much room to sit down.

- We may stand. - The leader went inside, followed by the rest of the squad. The last one closed the door carefully behind him.

- Please try to answer directly yes or no, if possible. - Na Prawe smiled at him. - First question: were you born in the city of the Purple Moon?

- Yes. - The teenager nodded.

- Do you have a grudge against the sect?

- No. - He replied in a calmer tone.

- You're initially not from the Purple Moon City.

- Yes.

- Are you a spy?

- No, I'm not.

- Do you intend to steal techniques, treasure, or other sect property?

- No, I'm not.

- Thank you for your answers. Interview's over.

The defendant took a breath.

- I have a question. - Suddenly the disciple in the half mask spoke up.

- Yes? - Na Prawe was surprised. - What is it?

- Was it your joining the sect initiated by the elders or was it yours?

- Mine. - After hesitating teenager admitted. It was not a secret. - But the elders approved.

- Thank you. - Nodded the disciple.

- Now that we're done, we should go. - The leader headed for the exit, the Group followed him.

- Goodbye. - The inspector said goodbye. Closing the door, he took a breath.

- What was the point of that question? - Na Prawe stepped back and asked grudgingly. Previously the secret disciple had never interfered with the questioning process.

- The first answers were true. The last one before mine was a lie. - Slowly the masked disciple replied. - The penultimate one was generally true, but with a dash of doubt. It was as if he himself did not know whether he could be considered a spy. It seems to me that he had set himself some kind of goal that could be interpreted as espionage. That said, the elder families are not aware of it, and he assumes it won't do any harm to the sect. That said, he wants to steal something. It has to be low-level enough that it doesn't count as harm to the sect, and expensive enough that he can't get it by fair means. Simply put, either what he wants has limitations as a basic cultivation technique, or he doesn't have enough time to get what he wants in an honest way.

For example, if his relative is sick and the cure has to be obtained while the person is alive. I believe he is quite suitable for recruitment if offered what he wants at an affordable price. On credit or whatever.

Na Prawe nodded thoughtfully. There was nothing suspicious about their last suspect's past. But the Discipline Department disciples had noticed a strange reaction in him to certain words and phrases. Which led to today's visit.

- I think I can guess what he is interested in. - Nodded the leader. He sensed that this disciple was not put here for nothing. From just a few questions he understood the essence of the situation.


- Hello, we would like to ask you some questions.

- No questions! - With his nose up proudly, the teenager stood up in a pose. - Who do you think I am? I am Zyr Ock, disciple of Elder Ob Ed himself of the Golden Taurus faction. Are you saying you suspect me? Nonsense! I am an acknowledged genius with level five talent! A future support of the sect! What gives you the right to suspect me of anything?!

- Will you answer? - Na Prawe asked dryly.

- No! - Zyr Ock threw his head up proudly, his hair fluttering behind him as much as possible.

- I see. Farewell.

The group left the inhospitable courtyard.

- What do you think? - Na Prawe asked the mysterious one on the outskirts of the area.

- Ninety percent that he knows about lie detection techniques and has something to hide. Nine percent that the information being withheld is of a personal reason. One percent that it's just a dumb idiot who likes to show off on and off.


The unit returned to the Discipline Department towards evening. They made their way to the conference room by the entrance and found the Elder in charge waiting for them.

- Report. - The disguised Grand Elder demanded.

- We have interviewed eighteen men. - Na Prawe replied. - One declined to answer. Three were in closed training and we didn't bother them. The results of the survey are here.

A jade slip flew to the elder. He checked the contents and nodded his head in satisfaction.

- The result. - The elder shifted his gaze to the masked man.

- Seven spies out of eighteen interviewed. - The secret disciple responded. - Eleven common disciples. Of those, two are suitable for recruitment.

Another slip jabbed at the elder's hands.

- Good. - Elder smiled contentedly. - Call the three you missed for a separate interview, the Head of the Discipline Department knows how to contact me. About the spies and recruitment will also be decided by your Head. Mission accomplished. Mystery one comes with me, the rest are dismissed.

Finishing his speech, the Elder turned and walked out. Yee Rhys followed him. After walking a few corridors, they found themselves at the office of the Head of the Department. Quickly relaying the information, the Grand Elder left the Discipline Department building. Together with the young man, they flew a couple of kilometres and landed in a deserted clearing. After making sure that there were no witnesses, the Elder took out a jade of communication and sent a message.

A few seconds later a portal opened before them.