
40RG37 H0W 2 R1D3

The competition had began. 3 of the racers lost their chances to participate in. The results were more than obvious. Not for the audience, but for the racers themselves. One thing that comes first was the organization of the raly. The structure of the show; the trace; the people who's reviewing the results. Moreover, the actual need of assistance during the competition. Can you imagine how many of the supporters have to fix the cars' problems during the driving? A lot of people should've pause their gameplay because of all this. It was more than enough to see the previous stats. Interesting part of the relations between the racers and the producers had its origins in the mutual desire of showing up the savage combat, typical for high adrenaline type of events. The environmental scenario comfortable shows off the invented technology behind the differentials of the trace. When one day it's cool to drive on railroad against functional train, the next day the need of seeking adrenaline highly increase its volume. It's all about the proper structure of the difficulty of the traces. You can't expect fully demand audience if the next day you decide to drive in a straight line road with no obstacles at all. How about no-through driving roads? What will be next? Driving in the middle of nowhere? Where will be the limit of pushing the competitors over their maximum loading? What if you set the competitors under that pressure causing exhaustion that they couldn't made it up to semi-finals? What is it next?

The creation of an adventure is fine art that only the ones who does compete would like to complete. The producers got to know how to fulfill the racers' expectations, satisfying the audience's desire of evaluating its bloodpumping spectacle.

Producers try bringing back together people with the need of speed from 3 completely different sides of the coin. One is for those who like to feel it from the inside - the racers. Other belongs to those who like to see it from the outside - the direct audience. And the third part of the audience, who enjoy having both inside and outside sightseeing, is the non-presentable viewers. Complexity of that 2 in one as a whole - the non-direct viewers, such as TV or internet streaming platform users, are countless numbers.


In the meantime Oscha was thinking... how did she came to this. Fannington and Pam were curious about the same thing.

When you are willing to seek your deepest origins, probably you can search for a few potential versions of yourself and your inner possibility of being what you truly are in order to find some better "me" of your champion outlook that is came to be inside-out. Yep, this is a long way road where you start from a bottom line up to the top, then you stop when you reach it. And yet there is. The biggest question of your daily journey - where exactly are you standing while you are searching more about yourself? What are you doing when it's lost season? Who are you when you cross that bridge of thoughts? The bridge of prerogatives is a segment of "who am I" question when you are about to end this self-knowing journey.

One single truth you find about yourself: this is a constant. What is constant is that I'm going through all this and I am who I am, because of me... not being a constant. I'm constantly moving, that makes me a non-static object. I chose my path - my life on rolls. I'm rolling rolls. My life is changing constantly- everything can be happening when I'm living on cycles. This is my life-time journey and I'm happy about it.

This new "me" is this now "me", the way this now "me" is the tomorrow's "me".


Michaud, Delvan, Ann and Federikka are joining the room of thoughts:

And I continuously repeat this simple truth to myself everytime I go racing, and the result is that I'm ranked in the 3 of the frontage positions. I reach myself, because I am my own final goal. Being me means to be the best. If you step into my shoes, you'll know who am I. If you win you'll see what my life looks like most of the time. I'm fulfilling my dream of being me. The race is my stage, I'm the script-writer of my own scenario. I'm still at the college and I can proudly say that I've achieved more than some people would ever want in their whole lives. I don't believe I can be better version of myself, simply because this is the best of me. My only true desire is to see myself with the gold, pouring champagne, while seeing everyone's faces staring at me: "He won!" Then what? I'm their idol. I'm the one they would gladly see on every ad. They will change their vision of who they think they are only to live a life similar to mine. I'm the modern God or the winner who knows exactly what he's doing and everyone's maniacally want to follow his footsteps, only to seek the goal of following his footsteps. Isn't that magnificent, is it? I'm the one. I'm the one. I'm... I'm one. Do I know how much I want this? I've never believed in superior power, but I do believe that there's something inside me that can't be explained. Is it something that force me moving onto the next level. When you compete with people, you have to know that you are better than they are. You got to be completely sure that you are better prepared. When you underestimate your competitors - this is how you succeed. I won't be the emancipation of the equality. I won't be the equivalent of peacefulness. I'm here to be the best and this foolishness, name it this way, helps me moving forward.

Don't blame me I'm awesome, blame yourself you're not. I'm here for the win. I'm here because I want to prove you I'm better than you. Do you believe you are better than me?

I have a great idea: Why don't you show me that it's not worthy to be a winner.


Three of the potential leaders in the rally - Preston, Led and Zimayla couldn't had the chance of winning, simply because they wasn't there at the beginning of the season. What a shame!

Led got stucked at the police station giving explanations why he was breaking in the store, wanting to make a robbery. Everything was under control except the fact Led has no intentions to miss the competition, so he decided to try out the following options:

1. Finding the service team to confirm his alibi that he were there but they didn't.

2. Asking the receptionist at the store for confirmation of that he just wanted to ask the clients if they can give him a bici in exchange of 10 bucks. This was a deal, not a robbery.

3. Searching for the owner of the truck outside to bring some clarity of why he is parked for period that long without letting anyone park in there.

Here what's happened:

An angry female client from the market asked the information where her wallet was, because she thought she lost it at the store. The information's employees kindly declined her request for checking the cameras by that time, because of plenty of reasons. Then she saw Led. She heard how he was asking the whole hypermarket through the mic on speakers If someone is willing to give him a bici. She got angrier, so she called the cops complaining Led had a burglary, followed by the idea of making a robbery. The woman shared some information about how she felt discriminated when she saw a bandit whom ask is reviewed, but hers was not. The woman also shared that this is organisated crime and enrolls the hypermarket's employees in combination of external objects such as random clients (like Led). How terrible! Led had missed the raly, not because of the traffic, but because of misunderstood.


By the same time Preston and Lemon guy was appearing at the police station for something they didn't expected to be in charge. This unlucky situation happened during the LSDs. They were scratched some of the cars around them during the circuit rolls. Now they had to write explanations about this behavior. Plus, they had an absolute must to give a drug and alcohol test. Waiting for the results was also appearing in the special menu of musts. Lemon guy asked to know if Preston is willing to corrupt the system, but he demonstrated strongly disagreement, eventhough he was dying for this raly.


Zimayla faced troubles while driving and talking with some of her employees on the phone, so she now was presenting in jail. She skipped the arrest, because she refused to assist the authorities in finding what exactly was happening on that road. "Please, don't multitask unless you are not a pro!", were her first and last words at jail.


The teams were located at splitter areas where they can drive non-interrupted by external factors. The time had shown that when people are structured in teams before the event, they feel disfocused on the specific task they should do. The boy's team was separated by the girl's team, because of the same reason. It was affecting them somehow. But is it the best decision they could make? Actually they wouldn't feel it as an improvement, because in this way they lost their sense of competitiveness. On the other hand, competitive process XP shows that people in multiplexed societies achieve slightly better results compared to teams with similar possibilities and mutual goals. That's why they wouldn't stay that motivated to focus on this battling. In conclusion, the team who organized the event had more cons on its preductional scenario, compared to anyone else's, before this coordinational and logistic disaster. It wasn't a matter of predictions, some may say, it was a matter of proportional alocated duties in combination of irrational decisions, taken by the end of time, when there wasn't that much to change. This was only one of the many ralies they've been intended, so the main responsibility of today's rally has been given to those who arrange the schedules, depending on the work-load of the evolved ones. It's good when it looks good, and what is going to show you how good is, typically is what it sounds good. Yep, sometimes it's important to listen carefully while someone explains you about the rules of the competition, because your opponents is just staying here, waiting for you to fail somehow. The objective opinion didn't precise the opponent's reaction when the driver is slowing down the timescale on the rank list. It wasn't predictable who's going to replace or displace someone's spot on the rali. Still 1 thing was for sure - there weren't any losers out there. Every single player knows exactly what he is doing, especially when he is about to make a revolutionary impact on the road. Despite the fact there were a few whom only wish was to sabotage the representing of some of the competitors, their impact was insignificant, compared to the sport's spirit most of the players had. It is a show - there's got to be failures, there's got to be action. But in the end, the result always should be satisfying, especially for those who are taking the majority of places on this show map - the audience. Sometimes you take the opinion of the audience before you even have the time to take the racers' voices under consideration. This happens mainly because we're all living in a Kingdom of Democracy and Vox Populi rules the show-time production.

The primary range of results were settled. It was different outlook than the previous rally, but probably this made it so intense. The scene fans have overreacting in their way of commenting the event on the social media. This increased the index levels of the views, in result of all this, the show become extremely viewable. Is this the bitter choice of the public? All and all, this lead to memorable spectacle. For the first time, the public was occupied with voting system with the assistance of which, it would be possible to change the number of investments while betting. Cambling on sports was part of the national culture and cultural behavior affected the public choices that much, it were more than substational how to use your proper predictional preparation. The results got always in change, because of the voters who post their comments in real time. That spectacular presentation lead to one more reason of staying in front of their informational devices as addicted as bees on honey. And yet, the team FACTIRS was ready-steady for the eight round of the match. They were far from exhausted, eventhough they felt the end is near, so they prepared for the final moment of their showtime. Del was close to the Mich's score. Their difference was about a couple of nanoseconds. If we have to be exact, the result were something like that:

Mich - 8/10 | average 7.04 min/round

Del - 8/10 | average 7.09 min/round

Ann - 8/10 | average 7.10 min/round

Pam - 8/10 | average 7.27 min/round

Fan - 8/10 | average 7.43 min/round

Fed - 8/10 | average 7.59 min/round

Osc - 8/10 | average 8.11 min/round

The reason why miss Osc were more than a minute behind the leader on the raly was that she ran out of gasoline, because she was the only one who crashed and damaged the fuel tank. It costs her 30 secs to change the vehicle and 30 secs to drive it successfully. Fa and Fe just opposite in repetitive manner, so they've tracking themselves a very long period of time. It was an eager pursuit.

Ann and Pam were so close to each other, so Ann made a decision she should be the only one with 3ple letter name who should attend to the drag three. And so did she tricked her a several times, until Pam just gave up to combat with someone as loco as Pam.

Mich and Del are driving that close to each other that it's a contest battle. The result can't be assured by the voters.

The members of the crew have selected the gateways followed them to the finals. One step away from the messed circuit of Broonald's Fame. What was the Broonald's Fame? The edge of the dead ended trace where the 2 of the finalists memorise their riding by taking shots of their strange way of looking while cross it. The look on their faces usually shows how they feel on their final moments of racing. How'd they know if they become a winner? The win is drawn on their mimics. And this is what the Broonald's Fame was all about.

Who went there on their very last round is kept in secret, but all this will ends the moment when the organizer proclaim that there is a tombola that will decide if the winner is picked by chance or by facts. Well, this time the chance will hold all the aces. There were 10 on this tombola, eventhough they were only 7 of them on the show. No matter if the winner was driven faster or with better technique, the tombola will show who the winner is. Is this fair or it wasn't? This is not something that will be decided by the racers. The audience was shocked too. Some of the reaction you'll be able to hear after the show, because reporters and paparazzi weren't invited to it. What an unpleasant surprise! The racers start thinking this show new order as falshimento. This time the organizer went through the edge. The team who was responsible for the new order have crossed the thin red line that drops the last drop of water and all this was about to escalate in a negative way. This experiment was going to destroy the team FACTIRS and was settled in causing symbolic distrust in the way of scoring the results. It looked like the organizers want to write someone's specific name of those tickets. This doesn't looked like a competition anymore. This looked like an casino game. Would anyone stands against this new order? Well, this wasn't arranged to be changed on the last second. It was the final decision for today's show and it wasn't about to be discussed. It wasn't even a single-man-made decision, it was signed by the whole organizational team.

Prepare for a war between the organizers, the racers and the audience. Who's gonna win? Probably the organizers will manipulate the whole game and the scores will be violated: again by the organizers. What about the votes by the viewers? Millions of voting messages? A worldwide voting system, signed by the hand of the fan. So many people got involved into this, and for what? To let the champion be selected by chance. One thing was for sure - this show will popularize itself more than usual as a first option or the viewers will give up on watching it for the end of the eternal. Let's move on to the next section.

Everyone out there looks disappointed and the result of all this wasn't about to surprise anyone. The shock. The catastrophic atmosphere. The sadness. All that was threatened those of them who supported the wrong racer. And for the rest of them, who were in doubt if they supported the future winner, following by his own representation in this show, it was clear that frustration will double its influence on the air, the audience was breathing. How about the racers who wasn't even been intended? Surely they would decline their fictive win, because an self-respecting racer wouldn't accept to be mercied with the others' success. By the way, we have to mention the fact Preston didn't really wanted to ends like this, nor Zimayla or Led. This all was so messed up.


By the end of the show the 3 of them were invited to join the finals. When they were free to leave, they met themselves outside the police station and filled up with surprise, they shared their experience during the past few hours. Now the winner will be drawed by the machine, controlled by a human, I suppose. And the winner is... Who's gonna be the winner?

The winner is...

Marquiss Beezzeell



jokey spokey

Now the winner is...


The fate or the producers had picked Ann's ticket. Now she is the one who will change the future with the power of science.

... to be continued...